09-29-2018, 11:25 AM
Heads up for radio broadcast of Williams at the RAH on 26th October -

09-29-2018, 12:50 PM
lets hope someone rips it !!

09-29-2018, 03:23 PM
I and some others will be on it!
For sure

09-29-2018, 03:46 PM
How did I not know this was happening? And now it's sold out!!!!!!

09-30-2018, 01:27 AM
Reportedly, it sold out in a few hours in May, so it must be jonnyalucard's fault, for being four months too late. :)

I suppose resale prices will be ultra high, but don't worry, you shall be avenged. And, err... what a savings.

09-30-2018, 06:28 PM
I managed to bag two tickets back in May when they first went on sale. Secondary market tickets did appear at first, and at exuberant prices (Which is a disgrace)

Since then, (Perhaps due to the RHA's strict stance on re-sale of tickets), the sales of secondary tickets has gone very quiet (Even on UK Ebay), this is no-doubt due

to those that have been lucky enough to purchase tickets (They cost me an arm and leg for me and my wife) not wanting to part with them for any money.

I wouldn't sell mine. The Classic FM broadcast will be first class quality and easily available here in the UK. The U.S less so (In the USA William's concerts

are two-a-penny over there, with him conducting fairly often each year in the past) Other parts of Europe, I'm unsure of. Its not the BBC so Classic FM's reach will

sadly not be so broad. For those seeking an illegal recording. Fear not; some dozy wanker will be there with a dodgy tape recorder to nab a crappy recording of it. This will

include the sounds of ice creams being eaten, gin and champagne being swigged back, Doritos and peanuts munched and fat corporate twats in their �2,000 boxes


09-30-2018, 10:17 PM
While I'll hope somebody records it, I'll be there to see it live :D

10-01-2018, 11:00 AM
I'll be there alongside my husband :)

10-01-2018, 08:32 PM
Congratulations, lucky ones, the forums will have a great representation there. However, nobody said a word about doing that organic recording from the seats for the rest of us, which means we still count on our dear dozy wanker's tape. Thanks in advance, wherever you are.

The ClassicFM stream is restricted outside UK, and via other webs we get MP3 128 kbps. Is that the quality available for residents there? They offer also HQ for mobiles (no idea either about the specs):

10-02-2018, 09:58 AM
Can't wait.
So looking forward to someone grabbing this.
I've got tickets for it.
But have been in and out of hospital every two - three weeks since the Royal wedding vomiting from Duodenitis and a lovely hiatus-hernia...
I'm home now - but extremely sore from muscle pain.
I hope that I make it to the event.
Been looking forward to it since it was selling online.
They where indeed pricey.
But Williams and Albert are worth it.
fingers crossed that I make it there
It's mum and I - she also is a big JW fan.

10-02-2018, 11:25 AM
Can't wait.
So looking forward to someone grabbing this.
I've got tickets for it.
But have been in and out of hospital every two - three weeks since the Royal wedding vomiting from Duodenitis and a lovely hiatus-hernia...
I'm home now - but extremely sore from muscle pain.
I hope that I make it to the event.
Been looking forward to it since it was selling online.
They where indeed pricey.
But Williams and Albert are worth it.
fingers crossed that I make it there
It's mum and I - she also is a big JW fan.

Hiatus-hernia. Had one of those so I can sympathise. Was on omeprazole, lansoprasole, the lot. Hope you feel better soon and hope you manage to make it there.
Just wondering whether a DAB broadcast rip would be better than a web rip?

10-02-2018, 12:37 PM
DAB would probably sound better than webrip as it's direct.
Or a cable from sky into a optical receiver and hi-fi aux port.
I also have Cyclical vomiting syndrome which is a issue.
I'm also on omeprazole, lansoprasole. Which one did you end up on to help you out the most.
thank you Mr._Merrick.
The world needs more people who can be kind and think of others and their feelings as well as those who like to be kind and help out.
This page has brought joy to me knowing people will indeed be up for recording the performance that night.
Apparently tickets sold out in 30 minutes.
I'm looking forward to celebrity spotting as well that night.
Thank you everyone who'll help out for this recording.

10-11-2018, 03:47 PM
My best wishes about those troubles, aseef. I hope both of you will enjoy the concert.

Concerning Classic FM digital radio bitrate (, it's 128 kbps, the same as online MP3 and Freeview digital terrestrial TV, although the original DAB standard uses the less efficient MP2 codec (newer DAB+ would highly improve it with HE-AAC v2). In satellite they have 192 kbps "MPG Joint (", and I didn't find what codec it is, but MP2 has been widely used also for satellite.

Aside from the HD stream for mobiles, we have two easy options from their Icecast server in this page (, that unlike the official web, is not restricted geographically.

There are two sections for Classic FM, one for the small HE-AAC at 48 kbps and another for MP3 at 128 kbps. Each has two playlist formats: M3U, containing just the stream url, and XSPF, an xml with the url, the current piece, bitrate and number of listeners. Use those links directly or with the context menu / Save link as..., appending ".txt" to the filename to open them with the text editor and then give the stream url to a download manager (add the right file extension, .mp3 or .aac) or media player.

10-20-2018, 09:50 PM
Just wanted to give the potential recorders a heads-up: TuneIn sounds better for online listening than the actual Classic FM website, which suffers from horrible volume correction on my end. Hope someone can record more than 128kbps.

10-22-2018, 08:22 PM
AAC copy sounds great in VLC.
If someone can grab Williams in AAC that would be great

10-22-2018, 08:48 PM
There are posts dating back to 2016 that say the Classic FM app (iOS or Android) has the HD option (if you can call it that, it’s just a marginally higher bitrate than the paltry standard broadcast). Is this still the case in 2018?

I’m recording on my TV box but hopefully the app as well.

This could all be irrelevant if my “alternative source” goes to plan.

10-23-2018, 08:49 AM
Hello there,
From my side, I will record trough my iPad app (to Audacity).

I can't manage to get Jdownloader2 working.

By the way Hello Kooke! ;-)

10-23-2018, 10:20 PM
Welcome back, aescalle. I knew you would show up for the operation; and congratulations on the new Dracula release by VS. Finally you can rest in peace! :D

bollemanneke: you're not alone in complaining about the volume correction. It would be great for us that they disabled it for this occasion, although I understand how it's useful for the typical radio listening in noisy environments. The player of the official website uses the regular AAC stream, and actually connects us to the official MP3 stream (the browser addon Video DownloadHelper / Details will show it). Is it possible that you switched just in time to a passage where the problem was not so obvious? I downloaded a fragment of both in parallel and didn't notice differences of volume limiting or compression between them, only that MP3 was half a dB quieter overall.

The mobile "HD" stream is still AAC 192 kbps, which compared to AAC/48kbps or MP3/128kbps is a welcome improvement, even though they keep the cut-off at 15 kHz. It looks like all the variants are encoded from the same volume-corrected and lowpass'ed source, and this is far from optimal, but that's what's available. Now, it would be surprising that nobody was interested in marketing the professional recording of an event where two legendary names of orchestral music meet again after 20 years. In 2017 we had Keith Lockhart and BBC Concert Orchestra at the same venue and they had a luxurious coverage by BBC, and I hope something good will come up in the future. The members attending the concert may tell us if there are cameras and microphones that hint a release someday. Meanwhile, I'm crossing fingers and toes for that alternate source, mr_merrick.

Classic FM announced the broadcast will last three hours, from 7 to 10 PM of Friday 26th (London time, UTC+1), so we can expect a complete concert with a long intermission for John's break, and lots of filler stuff. I'd suggest those who will record it and might experience any cut in the audio (I've been told about occasional troubles of this kind), to not delete the files until a continuous version is shared.

And a cool idea just landed on my brain: why don't we meet at the forum chatroom ( for the concert? Maybe some of the attendants can pop in for a while too!

Just saw, via jwfan, the programme at RAH website (

Excerpts from Close Encounters of the Third Kind
Three Selections from Harry Potter

- Hedwig�s Theme
- Fawkes the Phoenix
- Harry�s Wondrous World
End Titles from Dracula
Adventures on Earth from E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial

~ Interval ~

Superman March
A Child�s Tale: Suite from The BFG
Theme from Jurassic Park
Theme from Schindler�s List (Carmine Lauri, soloist)
Three Selections from Star Wars

- The Imperial March

followed by the European premiere of
- Han Solo & the Princess
- Throne Room & Finale

There are 6 "european" pieces out of 13: 3 Potter, Dracula, BFG, Schindler's List.

10-23-2018, 10:51 PM
I just compared again, I think TuneIn is louder and has slightly less correction... I do know, however, that if you listen on a normal radio in the UK, the correction is not nearly as bad as it is on my computer.

10-24-2018, 12:02 AM
Yes, my first thought was to choose that one (the spectrogram of the MP3 looks nicer than the cool and small HE-AAC 48kbps). Then I thought I'd try to grab both. The mobile stream is also a target, but I can't promise anything right now.

What you mention about the FM broadcast having less correction is interesting. If there were lives at stake we could hire an expert to use it as a volume guidance to adjust the digital one. Phone recordings could do too. :)

I did a playlist with the pieces of the programme from other concerts and, if played non-stop, it would be around 1h 17 mins. And we don't know anything about encores, but I'm sure our fellow shriners will do their best to have them.

10-24-2018, 12:19 PM
Just had word that "unfortunately John Williams had to cancel his participation in the concerts with the Vienna Philharmonic scheduled for Saturday 3 November 2018, 3.30 pm and Sunday, 4 November 2018, 11.00 am due to health reasons."
Hopefully he's OK to carry out the RAH gig.

All the best John

Cheers, Paul

10-24-2018, 01:45 PM
Just had word that "unfortunately John Williams had to cancel his participation in the concerts with the Vienna Philharmonic scheduled for Saturday 3 November 2018, 3.30 pm and Sunday, 4 November 2018, 11.00 am due to health reasons."
Hopefully he's OK to carry out the RAH gig.

All the best John

Cheers, Paul

Unfortunately he has pulled out of London too. Hope he makes a swift recovery.

10-24-2018, 01:47 PM
Yes, my first thought was to choose that one (the spectrogram of the MP3 looks nicer than the cool and small HE-AAC 48kbps). Then I thought I'd try to grab both. The mobile stream is also a target, but I can't promise anything right now.

What you mention about the FM broadcast having less correction is interesting. If there were lives at stake we could hire an expert to use it as a volume guidance to adjust the digital one. Phone recordings could do too. :)

I did a playlist with the pieces of the programme from other concerts and, if played non-stop, it would be around 1h 17 mins. And we don't know anything about encores, but I'm sure our fellow shriners will do their best to have them.

I will record from my side on my computers:

1- The mobile stream (iPdad) => To Audacity => Export in Wave format
2- The Classic FM broadcast stream (From the web) => To Audacity => Export in Wave format

Like this we will get from me two recording sources (If my internet connection is working well...).

If someone has others advices, it will be welcome and be appreciated. ;-)

10-24-2018, 03:08 PM
Unfortunately he has pulled out of London too. Hope he makes a swift recovery.

I wanna cryyyy !

Wishing John Williams a good Recovery

10-24-2018, 04:00 PM
Don't care about recording it now.

10-24-2018, 04:46 PM
It seems his problem, while preventing him to conduct, is a known issue and they are quite confident that his health will improve. Good news, while that means he's well enough to be as disappointed as anyone.

So I hereby request LSO to prepare a couple of Williams favorite cues for him to conduct privately when he gets well, and regardless doctors' orders! It's a pity that he didn't even rehearsed with them, as the first session was scheluded for yesterday.

Best wishes for the sad fans too.

10-24-2018, 04:51 PM