Landlord of Sector 7
05-21-2005, 06:50 PM
Oh man I wanna play this game so badly, Battlefront was such a good game to start with and now they add jedis, vehicles (space battles look extremely pleasing) and a few more touchups to make this an extremely fun game.

Anyone else a big fan of this game? I know MMM is, and Raidenex is a given.


05-21-2005, 07:00 PM
Yes i loved the first game, can't wait till this comes out.

05-22-2005, 01:43 AM
Battlefront was a good diversion, but it definately needed some balancing work - it just didn't have the same 'feel' as Battlefield 1942, which is what it really needed.

I'm a bit concerned about including the Jedi - i've got a feeling it's going to through the balancing off. Either they'll be too powerful, so it will be nothing but Jedi v. Jedi, or they'll be too weak, so it doesn't catch the feel of the movie.

I'm not even sure if there is a middle ground =/

One thing that I am looking forward to is the release on the PSP - let another reason that I should get a PSP pretty damn soon.

05-22-2005, 02:37 AM
I am practically wetting myself with excitement for this game.

05-23-2005, 03:49 AM
I just bought the first Battle Front yesterday. I really enjoy the game and can't wait untill number 2 comes out.

05-24-2005, 01:35 AM
Battle Front was a good game before. Now there adding Jedi! Two words = Frekin' awsome.

05-24-2005, 05:25 AM
There may be game balancing issues with the inclusion of the Jedi. BUt what the hell, if they can balance it, it's going to be damn fun. Witht the inclusion of flying vehicles as well, it's going to be a real blast, just lke UT2004

Landlord of Sector 7
05-24-2005, 06:05 AM
I am practically wetting myself with excitement for this game.


Raidenex, the Jedi system in Battlefront 2 was done in a way to make it so that does NOT happen. The Jedi ARE powerful, but you are only allowed to be a jedi for a certain amount of time. There will be a lightsaber display on the bottom of the screen and the blade will start to diminish signifying that your time is running out. However, to stay as a jedi longer, you can complete objectives that help your team.

It went SOMETHING close to that, a good idea from what I can tell.

05-26-2005, 03:53 PM

Raidenex, the Jedi system in Battlefront 2 was done in a way to make it so that does NOT happen. The Jedi ARE powerful, but you are only allowed to be a jedi for a certain amount of time. There will be a lightsaber display on the bottom of the screen and the blade will start to diminish signifying that your time is running out. However, to stay as a jedi longer, you can complete objectives that help your team.

It went SOMETHING close to that, a good idea from what I can tell.

Which leads me to my other problem - Star Wars games should be immersive. Turning uber-Jedi for moments is just...weird.

Nonetheless, i'm looking forward to the new maps.

05-26-2005, 09:08 PM
It's gonna be completely GREAT. I don't know much about it if anyone could give me info about it i would be very greatful. The first one was good but after a while the maps got a bit samey and they should have put in more battle systems e.g. TDM or CTF. But the 2nd one should be GREAT. New maps and space battles i heard!! The jedi thing shall be even cooler.

06-02-2005, 01:29 PM
i never bought battlefront 1 as i completed it with a rental and didn't think there was much else to do. i enjoyed it so much i was going to buy it until i saw a preview for battlefront 2.
the jedis will be cool if they feel right to play as, but the think really getting me wet is the prospect of mission objectives and the DEATHSTAR being a playable level.

06-02-2005, 08:42 PM
Its possible that they might even have a bonus level where you fight only as Jedi. Remember the huge Jedi fight in Episode 2?

06-02-2005, 10:22 PM
Yes, because they'd advertise a feature that's only available on one level. Great idea there champ.