05-21-2005, 02:50 PM
Hey, just thought I would ask what sort of anime you have that no one else might?

This comes about as i downloaded Xenosaga the anime and Gilgamesh. Both ones I downloaded simply cos i wanted a change. :D

Just any really that you think are cool and a little comment about them would be nice.

05-21-2005, 04:00 PM
I see just about everything that's released domestically, so I don't have much sense of perspective regarding what's mainstream. However, there are a few things I could name that probably fit the bill.

I just recently picked up the Iczer-One dvd, which I've been waiting for a long time. It's pretty much the original OVA series. Aside from that, I'm a very big fan of Captain Harlock, which was never a big name over here, but is well-known in other places.

05-21-2005, 05:25 PM
By 'unknown/non-mainstream', I'd assume you mean anime which isn't shown on G4/Cartoon Network, or a Miyazaki film that hasn't been butchered by those Disney hacks....

I'm a huge fan of Kosuke Fujishima's Oh, My Goddess!, (the OVA, the recent movie, the brand new TV series and the chibi spin-off Adventures of the Mini-Goddesses, as well as the continuing manga), but I don't think that counts as an 'unknown anime'...

One of my favourites animes which isn't really well-known (even though it's been brought out by Sony), is Katsushiro Otomo's Memories anthology. Consisting of three amazing short anime films - Magnetic Rose, Stink Bomb and Cannon Fodder, this is anime as an artform. No question about it. And, to Sony's credit, it is NOT dubbed. It's presented entirelly in it's original Japanese version (with English subtitles), as English dubbing would have spoilt the effect.

Rin Taro's recent remake of Osamu Tezuka's Metropolis is also brilliant, and another one of my favourites.

05-21-2005, 05:32 PM
Rin Taro's recent remake of Osamu Tezuka's Metropolis is also brilliant, and another one of my favourites.

To clarify this a bit, Tezuka's Metropolis manga (which the film directed by Rintaro was adapted from) was not a completely original work. It was loosely based on Fritz Lang's 1927 film, whose name it shares.

05-22-2005, 02:10 AM
Yeah, to Prak, i have seen Captain Herlock around, whats it like?

Also most of the anime i have besides the dvds are fansubbed non licensed anime ripped from TV in Japan. Some of them are really quite good but i doubt would ever reach western shores. There is even one called (note: not sure of exact name) Tennis Master something. It's an anime based on a japanese kids adventures in tennis. Amazing as it is, it's really a good anime. :P

05-22-2005, 02:18 AM
I have Hana Yori Dango. It's quite an anime for people 18 and above but I watch it. It's quite an unknown anime. It has a complete series DVD that's only sold in Canada in Crystal Mall.

05-22-2005, 05:15 PM
An anime called Bobo Bo- Bo Bo- Bobo. Yes, that's its name.

I think it might be slightly more mainstream because last I heard some overseas license people are going to do a hackjob on it.... er, mean dub it. Heh, it's really, really hard to even begin to imagine it in English. Oh well. Not like I'm going to have to suffer the dub, either way.

05-22-2005, 05:24 PM
You know, not all dubs are bad. No one thought Kare Kano could be done well in english, but it turned out really well, so I don't see why this one can't be just as good.

The Ricky
05-23-2005, 05:29 AM
Fist of The North Star. I wish I could buy the whole damn series. But the movie is good enough, and the voice acting is pretty good for 80 dub.

05-23-2005, 12:40 PM
Fist of The North Star is still a mainstream anime. I'm talking about the ones not even licensed yet.

05-23-2005, 01:39 PM
There is even one called (note: not sure of exact name) Tennis Master something. It's an anime based on a japanese kids adventures in tennis. Amazing as it is, it's really a good anime. :P

Tennis no oujisama(prince of tennis)... unless there's some other popular tennis series out there now. Anyways, it's published in the US by Viz and is therefore "mainstream" or something. I get it... but I have a weakness for semi-ridiculous sports manga. As far as those kinds of comics go, it's pretty straight forward.
And I don't keep up anymore, but as near as I can tell, fansubs are on par in mainstream popularity as series that are licensed.

Anyways...Hidamari no Ki( "tree in the sun") was shown out in California on one of the local asian stations. Probably the best thing I can think of that I've seen that qualifies as an unknown since it apparently was never copied and put up for torrents, and I think it was shown only in Hawaii and California(maybe NY?) with subtitles. Based on a story by Osamu Tezuka regarding the life of one of his ancestors(a doctor) in the Meiji era and a young samurai. They're friends(though their stories are somewhat seperate) and get caught up in the events that effected change in japan- Tezuka's ancestor in the introduction of western medicine to japan, and the samurai in the military conflict...struggling with tradition and loyalty to the shogun or moving along with the west, etc... but since it's based on real people, it takes a sort of "these events happened at this time" approach, as opposed to a more conventional plot based approach.Skipping months and years on whims basically.

It was a good series though. I was glad that when the station decided to show an anime(they mostly have dramas and news/variety shows) that they chose something like that... though realistically I don't believe they or any similar stations can get their hands on popular series. They also show chibimaruko chan, which is excellent, but there are no subs. However, the movie was fansubbed and you can find that online at... the places where fansubbed movies are =\

05-23-2005, 02:22 PM
You know, not all dubs are bad. No one thought Kare Kano could be done well in english, but it turned out really well, so I don't see why this one can't be just as good.
*shrugs* This one might turn out okay, but there's a lot of puns that just scream "something will get lost in the translation." A lot of the jokes make fun of the Japanese language and culture. Sure, the English version might be funny, too, but I can only imagine that some jokes will have to be re-tailored for a Western audience.

I guess that's a whole other issue in itself.

If my friends in the US say it turned out fine, I'll give it a look. Otherwise, I'll stick with the Japanese version.

05-24-2005, 01:41 AM
fansubs are on par in mainstream popularity as series that are licensed.

Fansubs on the whole could be considered mainstream because they could sub anything, but im refering to anime still only shown in Japan not licensed in a western country, i may have not been specific enough in the original post. Even if its licensed in Japan would not make it mainstream here. When i talk of mainstream I am mostly speaking of anime you could walk to the store to buy.

05-24-2005, 01:47 AM
Yeah, I meant licensed in not japan. I think that if we're posting unknown anime, being available through fansub of an unlicensed series alone isn't enough of a criteria to call it that is all. Because a lot of people watch a lot of fansubbed anime. The people that do watch it probably watch it more licensed anime, since it's free.

And I guess Dunbine counts as a licensed show that isn't getting as much attention as it should =\

The Ricky
05-25-2005, 01:26 AM
Fist of The North Star is still a mainstream anime. I'm talking about the ones not even licensed yet.

Which means I'd have to watch them in Japanese WITHOUT subtitles, which means what the fuck is the point???

05-25-2005, 01:28 AM
Does the Ace Combat series count? I happen to watch alot of animes based on video games.

06-02-2005, 07:20 AM
I'm pretty sure you heard of this now but the tital itself seems like no one would watch it. It's called "Read or Die" or RoD somthing like that. What the funknation is that? I tried watching it but it didn't grab my intrest.

06-02-2005, 11:08 PM
Are you kidding? The moment I heard the title a few years back, I couldn't get my hands on it fast enough. Also, since it plays on G4TV, I'd say it counts as mainstream.

06-24-2005, 04:14 PM
I recently watched Beck and thought that was really good. I hope it gets licensed, though it may pose problems with the dubbing.

I too loved Memories, thought it was great and I was able to convince my friend to watch it even though it was in japanese and he only watches dubs. Hopefully he will change his mind now.

Prince of Tennis, Hikaru no Go, Hunter X Hunter, there are many that I like that aren't licensed yet.:D

06-24-2005, 04:27 PM
Im downloading one now called 'Gilgamesh'. I dont have a clue what its about but i have almost done downloading it. Im hoping for some sort of medievil demon one, like Berserk, but who knows what mysterious contents it holds.