08-20-2018, 04:15 AM
I'm not looking for the awesome OST with the various artists. I am looking for the impressive score to this classic film starring Michelle Pfeiffer. Does anyone have a rip or something of it? I really think LaLaLand or intrada should look into this one as there is quite a lot of score work that can be heard throughout the film. Hopefully someone can help.

08-20-2018, 07:21 PM
Are you sure it was ever released? I don't see any LP, CD, or cassette releases for it. Love David Byrne and The Talking Heads!

08-21-2018, 03:52 PM
Are you sure it was ever released? I don't see any LP, CD, or cassette releases for it. Love David Byrne and The Talking Heads!

I don't think it ever was released. I'm hoping someone has at least has a rip of it or something. I really think LaLaLand and Intrada need to release this as i know a lot of people who love the score in this film just as much as they love Talking Heads.

08-22-2018, 08:32 PM
The only to get a decent rip is if the Blu Ray has an isolated score. The only audio available for this film is an English 2.0 DTS-HD Master Audio track: You could still rip the audio track, but there would be dialogue and other noises along with the music. Good luck getting a studio to release a score for a 30-year-old film.