08-15-2018, 04:27 AM
Was wondering if anyone has the redbook audio for Sierras' classic game 'Load Runner: The Legend Returns', in lossless since it's from the CD.

I know galbadia hotel had a really lossy version, and I'd take a less lossy version if no lossless is available (just please not another copy of the GH version, already have that one :) )

Thanks in advance!

08-18-2018, 07:15 AM
These were converted to WAV from the Redbook audio files from an iso of the CD. Unfortunately I wasn't able to dig up any data inside the massive binary file for song titles (if they even exist) and freedb didn't recognize the music either. Spek recognized the files at 22kHz so they should be lossless.!J59RkZjK!lKd0hMvRVzS5uVTAC5BZQApMQ2hZJFGm2LwE-m2EIsQ

Edit: Well, after doing a little digging, I found an archive site for Sierra that actually has the music and the titles, however the music in their player sounds very 8/16 bit-ish, whereas the music on the game disc is much higher fidelity. You may be able to cross reference the songs though. They list 22 tracks, so I think the extras I found were maybe just short stingers.

08-18-2018, 11:13 PM
Wow! Did not expect it to be found that fast, thank you OrophinCalmcacil! I'm cursed with being able to tell the difference between lossless and lossy audio (most of the time), and this sounds great.

The galbadia hotel version is the same number of tracks and the same length, so track names should just a copy&paste job. The extra tracks are for cinematics, really brief ones between the levels (that might have been a CD exclusive, since from what I remember (and my memory is fuzzy so don't quote me on this :) ) the 3.5" floppy version of the game didn't have cinematics. If sierrachest is missing those tracks AND sounds 8/16 bit-ish, they've likely got the diskette version.)