07-29-2018, 07:54 PM
.MP3 VBR V-0 | 4"06'22

1:51] 1. Mark Griskey - Clash of Destiny
[4:16] 2. Gordy Haab and Wilbert Roget, II - The Republic Anthem
[3:30] 3. Wilbert Roget, II - Tython, the Wellspring
[3:13] 4. Lennie Moore, Mark Griskey and Wilbert Roget, II - The Jedi
[3:18] 5. Lennie Moore, Mark Griskey and Wilbert Roget, II - Knight and Consular
[5:35] 6. Wilbert Roget, II - The Temple
[1:08] 7. Wilbert Roget, II - Forging the Lightsaber
[2:14] 8. Gordy Haab and Mark Griskey - Ord Mantell, the Battlefield
[3:07] 9. Mark Griskey and Gordy Haab - The Trooper
[3:02] 10. Mark Griskey and Gordy Haab - The Smuggler
[3:45] 11. Mark Griskey and Gordy Haab - Havoc Squad
[5:44] 12. Mark Griskey and Gordy Haab - The ZR-57 Orbital Strike Bomb
[4:32] 13. Lennie Moore - Coruscant, the Capital
[4:23] 14. Lennie Moore - Leontyne Saresh
[4:01] 15. Lennie Moore - Corruption and Law
[5:15] 16. Mark Griskey and Gordy Haab - The Imperial March
[4:41] 17. Mark Griskey - Korriban, the Homeworld
[3:06] 18. Mark Griskey and Jesse Harlin - The Sith
[3:10] 19. Mark Griskey and Jesse Harlin - Warrior and Inquisitor
[4:52] 20. Mark Griskey - Heart of the Sith
[1:53] 21. Mark Griskey, Lennie Moore and Jesse Harlin - Rise of the Guardians
[3:37] 22. Gordy Haab - Nal Hutta, the Glorious Jewel
[3:00] 23. Mark Griskey - The Agent
[2:27] 24. Mark Griskey and Gordy Haab - The Bounty Hunter
[3:33] 25. Gordy Haab - Slave Revolution
[5:29] 26. Mark Griskey, Jesse Harlin and Gordy Haab - Dromund Kaas, the Seat of Power
[5:19] 27. Mark Griskey, Jesse Harlin and Gordy Haab - Kaas City
[1:57] 28. Mark Griskey and Jesse Harlin - Imperial Negotations
[2:47] 29. Lennie Moore - Lure of the Dark Side
[1:47] 30. Wilbert Roget, II - The Mask of Revan
[6:41] 31. Jesse Harlin and Wilbert Roget, II - Taris, the Plague
[4:22] 32. Jesse Harlin and Wilbert Roget, II - The Rakghouls
[1:57] 33. Lennie Moore and Jesse Harlin - Balmorra, the Forge
[2:06] 34. Lennie Moore and Jesse Harlin - Requiem
[2:10] 35. Lennie Moore and Jesse Harlin - Point of Resistance
[3:13] 36. Lennie Moore and Jesse Harlin - Operation Breaking Point
[2:01] 37. Lennie Moore and Jesse Harlin - The Imperial Occupation
[2:58] 38. Mark Griskey and Gordy Haab - Liberation of Balmorra
[5:04] 39. Wilbert Roget, II and Jesse Harlin - Nar Shadaa, the Playground
[4:09] 40. Wilbert Roget, II and Jesse Harlin - The Hutts
[2:04] 41. Mark Griskey - Traces of Revan
[1:53] 42. Mark Griskey, Wilbert Roget II, and Gordy Haab - Taking the Infinite Engine
[7:10] 43. Wilbert Roget, II and Jesse Harlin - Tatooine, the Desert Sands
[6:53] 44. Wilbert Roget, II and Jesse Harlin - Jawas
[2:43] 45. Wilbert Roget, II and Jesse Harlin - The Shock Drum
[2:00] 46. Gordy Haab and Mark Griskey - Cademimu
[1:58] 47. Lennie Moore - Alderaan, the Throne
[6:18] 48. Lennie Moore - Castle Organa
[2:15] 49. Lennie Moore - A Terrible War
[2:05] 50. Lennie Moore - House Rist
[3:46] 51. Mark Griskey and Gordy Haab - Jaesa Sees the Truth
[2:48] 52. Mark Griskey and Gordy Haab - Jedi Killer
[1:48] 53. Mark Griskey and Gordy Haab - The Death of Traitors
[4:11] 54. Wilbert Roget, II - Hoth, the Frozen Wastes
[3:22] 55. Wilbert Roget, II - Ship Graveyard
[4:30] 56. Wilbert Roget, II - Pirates
[2:27] 57. Mark Griskey and Gordy Haab - Diplomacy At Blaster Point
[3:33] 58. Wilbert Roget, II - Belsavis, the Ancient Prison
[2:15] 59. Wilbert Roget, II - Enemies of the State
[2:06] 60. Wilbert Roget, II - The Tomb
[3:47] 61. Wilbert Roget, II - The Dread Masters
[4:47] 62. Jesse Harlin and Mark Griskey - Voss, the Mystic Garden
[7:08] 63. Jesse Harlin and Mark Griskey - Black and White
[2:24] 64. Gordy Haab and Wilbert Roget, II - Corellia, the Shipyards
[1:52] 65. Gordy Haab and Wilbert Roget, II - Pockets of Resistance
[2:08] 66. Gordy Haab and Wilbert Roget, II - War Zone
[3:07] 67. Gordy Haab and Wilbert Roget, II - Fall of the Green Jedi
[2:17] 68. Gordy Haab and Wilbert Roget, II - The Children of the Emperor
[2:06] 69. Gordy Haab and Mark Griskey - Siege of Dormund Kaas
[2:51] 70. Mark Griskey and Wilbert Roget, II - Duel With the Emperor
[1:39] 71. Gordy Haab and Lennie Moore - The Fall of Darth Malgus
[4:53] 72. Mark Griskey, Wilbert Roget II, Gordy Haab and Lennie Moore - Three Themes Suite: Duel of Fates, The Mandalorian Blockade, and The Mask of Revan

This is a complete soundtrack I have been wanting to do ever since The Old Republic came out in 2011. The music was everything I wanted in a score - orchestral, symphonic, lush, dramatic, dominant with chorus and strong themes that stuck with you. It paid tribute to John Williams without being beholden to him. I fell in love with it the moment I played the Open Beta.

So, why did it take so long? Because I thought organizing the music would be impossible. The sound files was twelve hours in size. John Williams' music and the score from the first two KOTOR games were included, and sometimes I just could not tell any of them apart. The amount of files was so immense, I saw an task of cyclopean proportions. I didn't think anyone could go through it and make sense of it.

Twcool (Thread 185816) proved me wrong. Unbeknownst to me, the man had started back in 2015 to release the music with organized file names divided by planets, class themes, cantina and main menu playlist. He allowed me to have something of a fighting chance in putting together a complete soundtrack.

The rip has it's issues, owing to the music being composed for an MMO. The themes had to be short and sweet, which worked great for the game, but would provide a terrible listening experience. Sometimes a cue would be 2 minutes long, but often times they were less than a minute. I decided I would not title each track individually, but would mix them together into suites. I would not take them out of the context they were composed in - you won't see music from Tython mixed up with Korriban - but otherwise I made suites out of music that I thought worked well together. I think this resulted in a much better listening experience. It feels like a complete album, almost as if this is how the composers wanted it.

I will be honest, the composer credits are all a shot in the dark. The albums did a poor job of crediting who did what, and the riped files had no ID3 tags whatsoever. I did what investigating I could, and took alot of guesses. I am probably wrong on a fair amount of them, but I think I got 60% of them right.

Enjoy this. I put a hell lot of work into this. It was something I have wanted for a long, long time. I think it was worth the wait.

07-29-2018, 08:40 PM

07-29-2018, 09:21 PM



07-29-2018, 10:53 PM
Thank you for sharing! Amazing work going through all the files from the gamerip and arranging them :)

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
07-29-2018, 11:35 PM
Thanks a lot for the hard work!

07-30-2018, 12:21 AM
You sweet, beautiful, wonderful and amazing human.

There is no hand-shake, high-five, or hug big enough right now to deserve you.

This is a great and beautiful and amazing thing you have done, and I am gobsmacked.

Thank you so very much for your time and effort in putting this together! This is a masterpiece!



07-30-2018, 11:08 AM
Thank you

07-30-2018, 12:28 PM
Thank you very much!

07-30-2018, 04:17 PM
Many thanks!!

07-30-2018, 04:24 PM
What a pleasant surprise! Thank you! :)

07-30-2018, 06:10 PM
Impressive, most impressive.

This is something i have been waiting for.. well since i started playing the game at launch. Sure there where a few releases here and there but i always felt the game was constantly evolving and new music was added. Now seems like a better time to do something like this. Not saying the game is dead but i have personally moved on to other things.

One question comes to mind. What game patches are included in this? Is it just the base game or does it include any of the expansions and content recently released? Perhaps no new music was included in the recent content? Judging by the titles it all points to the "base" game.

In any way, huge thanks for spending your time compiling this.

07-30-2018, 09:16 PM
Impressive, most impressive.

This is something i have been waiting for.. well since i started playing the game at launch. Sure there where a few releases here and there but i always felt the game was constantly evolving and new music was added. Now seems like a better time to do something like this. Not saying the game is dead but i have personally moved on to other things.

One question comes to mind. What game patches are included in this? Is it just the base game or does it include any of the expansions and content recently released? Perhaps no new music was included in the recent content? Judging by the titles it all points to the "base" game.

In any way, huge thanks for spending your time compiling this.

This is just the base game.

I am trying to work on the patches.

07-30-2018, 10:27 PM
Thanks you!

07-31-2018, 01:07 AM
What software were you using to assemble all these tracks, @DoubleHex? I'm massively interested in learning how to do work such as this myself, and would love to know what tools you employed to get the job done!



07-31-2018, 03:21 AM
What software were you using to assemble all these tracks, @DoubleHex? I'm massively interested in learning how to do work such as this myself, and would love to know what tools you employed to get the job done!



Adobe Audition CC 2015. I discovered the Multitrack tool, and I have gone MAD WITH POWER.

07-31-2018, 03:42 AM
The Force is with you. Thanks so much for this!

08-02-2018, 12:42 AM
I am happy to see someone get a good use out of my game rip. I wanted my files to be organized for such an event as this. I myself have actually thought of putting some of the planet themes together. In fact, I had already starting working on that, but just for my personal use... I was making boss fight mixes. Using their battle barks and inserting them into the music that plays during their encounters.

Anyway, for people asking about the music from the 2.x, 3.x, 4.x and 5.x... check out my post: Thread 185816

08-02-2018, 12:47 AM
Adobe Audition CC 2015. I discovered the Multitrack tool, and I have gone MAD WITH POWER.


You win all the things!

08-02-2018, 10:23 AM
Sweet! Thank you!!!!

08-06-2018, 07:26 PM
Thanks so much to @twcool for all your rip and to @Doublehex for the mind-bogglingly tricky re-editing job.

The answer to this is probably super obvious, but I'm going to run the risk of looking silly and ask anyway: does this rip incorporate the music released on the collectors edition CD? I assume its incorporated into your collection, but just edited differently?

08-07-2018, 02:22 AM
Thanks so much to @twcool for all your rip and to @Doublehex for the mind-bogglingly tricky re-editing job.

The answer to this is probably super obvious, but I'm going to run the risk of looking silly and ask anyway: does this rip incorporate the music released on the collectors edition CD? I assume its incorporated into your collection, but just edited differently?

Yes. This has everything (well, not everything everything. I left out some super minor 1 minute cues that just would have muddled up the release). It is indeed, a complete soundtrack. The four hour runtime doesn't come from nothing!

08-07-2018, 09:15 AM
Thank you!

08-08-2018, 05:39 PM
Big thanks!