05-16-2005, 03:53 AM
hey guys, so ive never really played a ff game before. i played a tad of ff7 and got into it and have since borrowed ff7, ff8, and ff9 from a friend. i heard that ff8 is more fun than 7 so i threw that in when i got home... and lets just say that i was blown away by the complexity. and im not even sure if i like how weird it is. i know this all could just be the big learning curve so maybe all of yall could give me a lil advice on which one to play first? i want to play one that i will have the most fun on. the kind of rpg games i usually play are fallout, diablo, i really enjoyed crono trigger. stuff like that. well thanks for ur help.

the guy watching you
05-16-2005, 04:15 AM
we cant really tell you which game youll find the funnest...evry1 has their own personal favorite...so your just gonna have to play all the games to pick a favorite

and if it matters i personally prefer 8 or 10

05-16-2005, 04:24 AM
we cant really tell you which game youll find the funnest...evry1 has their own personal favorite...so your just gonna have to play all the games to pick a favorite

and if it matters i personally prefer 8 or 10

yeah i know what u mean. im askin for which ppl think is the easiest to get into though. i realize im indemidated by the ff8 format a lil. but im hoping that once i put in some time i will accept it. i put in ff9 and was utterly sickened. the child-like graphics put me off. i dont think i will put it back in. since i played ff7 to the golden saucer part i think im going to play ff8, or at least attempt to play. with my luck, watch an ap student with street smarts not be able to figure out a freakin game.

the guy watching you
05-16-2005, 04:44 AM
if your asking for the easiest game then its ff8 or ff7 however if your more into the graphics of games then i suggest playing the games in this order:ff7,ff8,ff9...sure the graphics may look funny but its teh story that matters right?

05-17-2005, 12:19 AM
Well ffvii isn't too easy...
if it's your first game, it'll be hard figuring out what materia combos are good, because there is a lack of jobs.
I'd say to start with either VIII or X.
IX if you love an excellent storyline and great music.

05-17-2005, 03:11 AM
thanks for all yall's advice. i ended up puttin a couple hours into viii only to decide that i didnt like the junction system. and i already played about 1/3 of ffvii, which honestly.. i didnt think was difficult in the least. so i went to blockbuster and rented x. which i must admit i pretty much love. im pretty sure its gonna be my favorite. nyway i put a few hours into that and i will see where that leads me.

05-17-2005, 11:35 AM
ffx would be the easiest to start off with but if your gonna play it first and then ff7 or ff8 it might be hard to get used to the graphics..
it took me a while to figure out the juntion system in ff8 and i thought that the materia system in ff7 was easier, but i prefer ff8s storyline