07-13-2018, 09:16 AM
I was unsure where to put this. Music for Tabletop RPGs doesn't seem to get posted very often, but putting it under Movie OSTs would've seemed out of place.

Description by the artist:

Ralf Kurtsiefer has been drawn to fantasy music since five years. Through films, audiobooks,roleplays... His enchanting sounds take the listener on a journey into the world of imagination. Meanwhile he convinced well-known publishers and authors of his musical talent. A true highlight was the Radio Rivendell award as �Best Independent Artist� in the year 2013. His journey started with the soundtrack of �Leuenklinge�, with �MusicaMyrana� and ��therkl�nge� from Space 1889 and won�t end yet. Further projects will come. Let him surprise you and follow the Orkpack on the facinating tour through the worlds. 5 worlds: Past, present or future � music is boundless.

The Orkpack has its pockets full of magical sounds, that will take you to Aventurien, Myranor, Caera, Lorakis, well even to Mars! You can not only encounter lizards in a wild jungle. You can also revel in a tavern, dance at court, listen to the prophecy of a true Sphinx, or loose your way in the deep dark forest. Take care in the garden of evil and flee with the airship! So shall you escape the darkness and enjoy the hustle and bustle. Lean back, close your eyes. Your journey begins here and now�

Mediainfo: (FLAC)

Fantasy Ambience\01 - Jungle Combat
02:28 | 748 kbps

Fantasy Ambience\02 - Clockwork
02:14 | 716 kbps

Fantasy Ambience\03 - Lizards
03:02 | 747 kbps

Fantasy Ambience\04 - Conclusion
04:06 | 631 kbps

Fantasy Ambience\05 - Tavern
02:56 | 790 kbps

Fantasy Ambience\06 - At The Court
02:26 | 716 kbps

Fantasy Ambience\07 - Temple
02:21 | 625 kbps

Fantasy Ambience\08 - Fantasy
02:31 | 550 kbps

Fantasy Ambience\09 - Leaving Splittermond
02:40 | 564 kbps

Fantasy Ambience\10 - The White Town
01:16 | 722 kbps

Fantasy Ambience\11 - Prophecy Of The Sphinx
02:40 | 743 kbps

Fantasy Ambience\12 - Fighting Pack
02:27 | 853 kbps

Fantasy Ambience\13 - Hometown
03:32 | 786 kbps

Fantasy Ambience\14 - Arabian Sounds
01:48 | 822 kbps

Fantasy Ambience\15 - Day Of Thunder
03:36 | 840 kbps

Fantasy Ambience\16 - In The Deep Dark Forest
04:00 | 638 kbps

Fantasy Ambience\17 - Deliverance
03:45 | 754 kbps

Fantasy Ambience\18 - Garden Of Evil
02:19 | 630 kbps

Fantasy Ambience\19 - Cave Of The Black Pleasure
01:53 | 811 kbps

Fantasy Ambience\20 - It Changes
02:16 | 836 kbps

Fantasy Ambience\21 - A Place Of Calm And Peace
02:18 | 609 kbps

Fantasy Ambience\22 - Ride With The Airship
03:28 | 653 kbps

Fantasy Ambience\23 - Summerfeast
02:06 | 861 kbps

Fantasy Ambience\24 - Winter
02:42 | 807 kbps

Fantasy Ambience\25 - Wasteland
03:17 | 797 kbps

Fantasy Ambience\26 - Hynrur
03:42 | 567 kbps

Fantasy Ambience\27 - Dark
03:55 | 799 kbps

Fantasy Ambience\28 - The Hustle And Bustle
02:33 | 714 kbps

sorry for the hassle, but over at Reddit's megalinks we always encoded our links, so that a crawler from the copyright mafia couldn't automatically take down hundreds of open links. apologies for the slight inconvenience:

BASE 64 encrypted link & key: (version 2.0 :) )

1.) go to

2.) copy & paste the code from below into the decoder, click decode

FLAC (400MB)


MP3 (100MB)

aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56LyNGIWlPaGdBU3dUIXlDUEltYlF6dl JiUkZia3c0OXYwY0E=

07-14-2018, 12:42 PM
File not available... :( Would you mind reuploading?

07-15-2018, 09:04 AM
sent you the full unencoded links via pm, they do still work, but maybe i was unclear in the instructions... you have to decode the link, decode the key, put them together, and then add https://mega in front of the entire string

07-15-2018, 06:52 PM
Ty for the upload. Do you by any chance have a high resolution album art?

07-19-2018, 12:31 AM
i no longer have the physical copy, gifted it to a friend who hosts tabletop sessions. sorry, mate...

07-19-2018, 03:57 PM
TzuTzuTree, would it be possible for you to send me a PM with the direct link for the album? I'm not having much luck decoding the key and getting it to work. I'm not really sure why that is but I'm really interested in listening to it. Thank you.

07-24-2018, 06:40 AM
Man, I'm aware of your concern about the "mafia" but trying to decode this is ridiculous. Can anyone post the link?

07-24-2018, 11:38 AM
For those who struggle - :D

Or if you'd like to run it locally (Python 3 required):


from base64 import b64decode

url = r'https://mega'
link = b'Lm56LyNGIUdQWkhWQ0xD'
key = b'IWJBSjM0S0xHN21OYlFuS0Q1VGdiVmc='

link_decoded = b64decode(link)
key_decoded = b64decode(key)

url += (link_decoded + key_decoded).decode('utf-8')

07-24-2018, 07:18 PM
sorry guys, i hadn't anticipated that it would be this much of a trouble for some of you. browsing and being active in some of the very public and gigantic sharing platforms (before it shut down, reddit's megalinks forum had >100K users) instilled a great need for encrypting openly shared links, as they would frequently and automatically be taken down. (and i do feel a bit vindicated, as many of the older links in this forum are offline)

so, if you're still interested, two easy steps:

- go to this link:

- paste the code from below, and click decode




aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56LyNGIWlPaGdBU3dUIXlDUEltYlF6dl JiUkZia3c0OXYwY0E=

or feel free to pm me, though my answer might take a fortnite or two

and again, apologies for the inconvenience

07-25-2018, 10:18 PM
Didn't know /r/megalinks was shut down (for 2 months already!). Well, what could you expect from a centralized western platform though.

07-27-2018, 09:17 AM
We migrated to a different forum,

it wasn't just the case, though, of r/megalinks simply getting too big. there was a piece of legislation passed in the US which made the propietor of a website (at least partially) culpable for its hosted content. reddit got cold feet and implemented changes towards other subreddits that actually went further than legislated. megalinks then pulled the plug while they still could go gracefully, so to speak - meaning, without the sub being banned and deleted. now its archive is still up, and every active member had time to migrate over to the new forum. (naturally only a small percentage did, and it might take a year or two till it reaches proper flow again)

08-04-2018, 01:48 AM
Thanks for the share!