07-11-2018, 05:36 AM
Soundtrack from the MMO/virtual world Clone Wars Adventures that ran from 2010 to 2014. Disc 1 has all 62 music tracks I could find in the game files and disc 2 has some extra stuff I've found around the internet over the years plus some little suites I made.



1. Clone Wars Adventures Main Title
2. Intro 1
3. Intro 4
4. Jedi Temple 1
5. Jedi Temple 2
6. Jedi Temple 3
7. Jedi Temple 4
8. Jedi Temple 5
9. Edit 0903
10. Battle Of Teth Medium Win Sting
11. Battle Of Teth Edit
12. B'omarr Monastery Edit Loop
13. B'omarr Monastery Lose Sting
14. Escape From Monastery Lose Sting
15. Courtyard Fight Loop 1
16. Mission Brief 1
17. Mission Brief 3
18. Crystal Attunement Medium loop
19. Crystal Attunement Win Sting
20. Crystal Attunement Medium Lose Sting
21. Crystal Attunement Hard Lose Sting
22. Droid Programming Hard Loop
23. Droid Programming Medium Win Sting
24. Droid Programming Hard Lose Sting
25. Force Perception Hard Lose Sting
26. Fleet Commander Lose Sting
27. Infiltration Medium Win Sting
28. Crisis Ziro Easy End Sting
29. Crisis Ziro Hard End Sting
30. Lightsaber Duel Loop 1
31. Lightsaber Duel Loop 3
32. Mine Buster Easy Lose Sting
33. Republic Defender Intro 5
34. Republic Defender Intro 9
35. Republic Defender Loop 2
36. Republic Defender Loop 6
37. Republic Defender Loop 9
38. General Loathsom Battle Strategy Loop
39. Republic Defender End 5
40. Republic Gunship loop 1
41. Saber Strike Easy Win Sting
42. Saber Strike Medium Win Sting
43. Speeder Bike Racing Loop 1
44. Speeder Bike Racing Loop 2
45. Starfighter Loop 1
46. Starfighter Loop 4
47. Starfighter Loop 11
48. Starfighter Boss Loop 1
49. Starfighter Boss Loop 2
50. Galactic Forces Win Sting
51. Carlac Loop
52. Card Assault Main Loop
53. Card Assault Game Loop
54. Card Assault Tournament Loop
55. Clone Wars End Credits/Mission Complete Sting
56. Jabba's Chamber Dance Loop (Source)
57. DJ Steel Drums Loop (Source)
58. DJ Strings Loop (Source)
59. DJ Synth Stab 4 (Source)
60. DJ Zils Loop (Source)
61. Lounge Loop (Muffled) (Source)
62. Ziro's Nightclub Band Loop (Source)


1. Clone Wars Adventures End Credits
2. Bunker Usk Loop
3. Card Assault Suite
4. Lightsaber Duel Suite
5. Republic Defender Suite
6. Seeder Bike Racing Suite
7. Starfighter Suite
8. Jedi Temple Suite
9. Lounge Loop (Source)
10. Officers Club Loop (Source)
11. Party Data Card (Source)

07-14-2018, 07:11 PM
neat thanks

07-20-2018, 03:10 AM