06-27-2018, 01:57 AM
Hi, all!

So first of all, I'd like to say that despite the appearance of this fairly unused account, I am not a new member. I used to post on the forum under the user name The Doctor, but in late 2014 I suffered some serious medical issues that landed me in hospital and then a secondary care unit for just shy of four months. After I left, I discovered I could no longer log into my original account. None of my passwords seemed to work, and I couldn't contact staff, so I ended up creating a new account for lurking purposes (I'll have to finish my Ranma project some day).

Well now I'm back to wanting to contribute to the community, and I thought I'd start by sharing the beginning of a project that I've started working on this week.

The purpose of this thread is to archive and share the contents of WhoMix (http://whomix.windbubbles.net/), a Doctor Who fan site dedicated to sharing fan-created remixes of the Doctor Who theme. The site launched a staggering 15 years ago, and while the content output has slowed down (there were no new remixes posted at all for a few years), the amount of remixes on the site are staggering. While going through the site, I noticed that some of the remixes were dead (ie: could no longer be played). It was with this in mind that I came to the realization that, as fantastic as WhoMix is, it is getting on in age. It might not always be around. So I've decided to dedicate the next little while downloading every remix still on the site for posterity. I thought sharing them here would help others who are equally in lust with the Doctor Who theme.

I'm going to break the site's contents into volumes, as well as create custom artwork and custom tags -- the remixes were not always well tagged before being uploaded, some having no tags at all. I've added track numbers, titles, artists names, the year they were released on WhoMix, and where possible I've added the artist's comments to the metadata of each file. It's all very nice and clean. Volume 1 -- The Wilderness Years -- consists of all the remixes uploaded in 2003 and 2004, prior to the relaunch of the show in 2005. The files are all in MP3 format, and the bitrates vary (they basically come in whatever format they were submitted to WhoMix in). I've just this morning finished working on it, so here it is.

As I collect the subsequent volumes, I'll update the thread. It's going to be quite a long project, I imagine. There are, after all, nearly 15 years worth of music to get through.

Hope you enjoy!

Title: WhoMix: Volume 1 - The Wilderness Years (2003 - 2004)
Artist: Various
Label: Fan Made Compilation
Date: 2018
Size: 112.7 MB
Encode: MP3 Various BitRate

01) mutagene - Downtempo (2:33)
02) Zinc Tuner - Dr. Who Theme (3:37)
03) mutagene - Lonely Trip (3:52)
04) Aborigen Celestial - Doctor Quien (1:47)
05) Blacker - Skaro or Bust (2:52)
06) dalsyn - Cheeky Electro (2:49)
07) mutagene - Planet of the Evil Dub (3:59)
08) Patrick Wade Runyan - Zer0sen Remix (3:19)
09) Stuart Humphryes - Geldomere Quote (2:10)
10) mutagene - Betafaithful (Build 40) (1:26)
11) Jeifer - Slow Metal (2:37)
12) This Strange Engine - This Strange Engine Remix (1:16)
13) Marinedalek - Wanderers in the 4th Dimension (2:12)
14) mutagene - Tripping the Vortex (1:34)
15) Marinedalek - Revenge of the Synthesizer (2:24)
16) Marinedalek - Synth Experience One (2:21)
17) Stuart Humphryes - Delia D's Cha-Cha-Cha (0:57)
18) mutagene - Matinee Intermission (3:58)
19) Marinedalek - Howells in the Night (2:45)
20) Dancing Rat - Russell Who...? (1:07)
21) Patrick Wade Runyan - Space Who (3:12)
22) Oddsprite - Ambient New Age (1:47)
23) James Dunbar - Argolis (2:22)
24) Transition - Transition Mix (2:29)
25) Dancing Rat - See It Doctor (3:19)
26) Wilx - Hollywood Mix (1:36)
27) Wilx - Creepy Mix (1:48)
28) Stuart Humphryes - Cavern Chant (Sacrificial Mix) (1:22)
29) Acid Wilhelm - Blue Whale Mix (1:06)
30) Acid Wilhelm - El Doctoro (1:46)
31) Kriminal - Alternative Time Mix (feat. Resonance) (5:04)
32) Oddsprite - Counterfeit Opening Titles (0:35)
33) Oddsprite - Counterfeit Closing Titles (1:16)
34) Tastier Salvador - Opening Theme Remix (0:46)
35) Tastier Salvador - Closing Theme Remix (1:13)
36) mutagene - Jesus Built my TARDIS (1:09)
37) FloorTen - Breakbeats in Time & Space (2:44)
38) FloorTen - Regeneration (0:55)
39) Jiggity - The Cursed Mix (3:48)
40) FloorTen - Mobius (1:32)
41) Oddsprite - Expectations (4:18)
42) Chris Rice - DR Who 2004 (2:03)
43) mutagene - Snakedance (4:04)
44) Dancing Rat - Numan Who (2:30)
45) Lee Giles - Whoverb (2:37)
46) Marinedalek - CS-80 Variation (1:36)
47) Marinedalek - Wanderers in the 5th Dimension (2:27)

Link: https://mega.nz/#!n04E2CrR!IVb5E9zNPISnXUq-v0PxckTWbzsyOconDHraRLElWQI
password: whoami?

06-27-2018, 04:19 AM
These are AMAZING. Thank you!

06-27-2018, 04:27 AM
Thank you

06-27-2018, 08:27 AM
Thank You!

06-28-2018, 02:52 AM
Link down already

06-28-2018, 05:12 AM
Huh. Gone. Is a re-up possible?

08-11-2018, 08:20 PM
Boy, that went down fast. I didn't expect it to go down at all, since it's a non-official release of fan mixes. I'm re-upping it at the moment, this time with a different name and password. I'll update the first post as soon as it's done. In the meantime, I'm also getting Vol. 2 finished up, I should upload that in a day or two.

If ever these links go down, shoot me a PM and let me know, and I'll get in and fix them as soon as I pop in on the forum.

---------- Post added at 02:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:06 PM ----------

Vol. 1 re-upped.