06-21-2018, 12:22 AM
I just received my copy of Arrow - season 3 (Blake Neely) and for some reason the last track on CD 1 was just silence! :O
Must be something wrong with my CD...

Is anyone able to help me with this short but nice cue in either FLAC or Apple LOSSLESS? :)

06-21-2018, 02:00 AM
Yeah, that was a known fault with some of the early prints.

Anyways, Bart Oss posted it on a thread years ago. It seems to be gone, but here you go:

Arrow - Season 3: To A Better Place (https://mega.nz/#!xR92gS4R!Qy0EzcsRDIuaSNl4d_kPKSyMDTGcyqQ8mQ6inTxVBVI)
PSSW: arrow-s03

06-21-2018, 06:02 PM
Awesome!! Thanx a lot for helping me out with this!! :D

LLL will send me a new copy but at least now I dont have to wait to have it! :)