06-06-2018, 01:43 PM
This music comes from the 2nd M&M 8 CD, a mixed mode CD with animations on track 1 (hence the music starting at track 2). Mixed Mode Cds were popular in the mid to late ninties, providing consistent high quality music compared to midis whoses quality depended upon one's sound hardware. The only drawback was that a limited amount of music could be stored on 1 CD, and had to compete for space with the installation data. I don't own the game; I extracted the music from a Bin cue Iso I had downloaded. Sometimes 3rd party ISOs are dodgy (occasional pops, regular clicks, misaligned track boundaries), but I didn't notice any issue when I performed a few spot playback tests. I was unable to find descriptive names for the tracks.

Mediafire Link (168 MB) (http://www.mediafire.com/file/mcepv8na1r7q97c/M%2526M_VIII.rar/file)

I intend to upload some more music from mixed mode Cds in the next month. I have an extremely assymetic internet connection which greatly impeded my ability to share :(

06-14-2018, 01:25 AM
This music comes from the 2nd M&M 8 CD, a mixed mode CD with animations on track 1 (hence the music starting at track 2). Mixed Mode Cds were popular in the mid to late ninties, providing consistent high quality music compared to midis whoses quality depended upon one's sound hardware. The only drawback was that a limited amount of music could be stored on 1 CD, and had to compete for space with the installation data. I don't own the game; I extracted the music from a Bin cue Iso I had downloaded. Sometimes 3rd party ISOs are dodgy (occasional pops, regular clicks, misaligned track boundaries), but I didn't notice any issue when I performed a few spot playback tests. I was unable to find descriptive names for the tracks.

Mediafire Link (168 MB) (http://www.mediafire.com/file/mcepv8na1r7q97c/M%2526M_VIII.rar/file)

I intend to upload some more music from mixed mode Cds in the next month. I have an extremely assymetic internet connection which greatly impeded my ability to share :(

Thank you for this awesome score, Abramelin!

Was wondering if by any chance you had a cover for this score? I've had a search around the web and haven't come up with anything that isn't a low-rez (e.g. 200x200) cover or random screenshots.



09-13-2018, 08:34 PM
Big thanks!