05-11-2005, 08:05 PM
i know its sad but ne 1 played 'em

05-12-2005, 01:04 AM
I have one of them for Playstation2. I never really got into it, though

05-12-2005, 08:59 PM
They're not at all good. There really boring and i don't know why anyone would waste money on them

05-12-2005, 09:24 PM
i played the first one on snes. I liked it.

05-12-2005, 09:51 PM
u played the 1 on ps1

05-12-2005, 10:13 PM
uh no... i played the 1 on snes.

05-12-2005, 10:34 PM
On gamecube i had "Harvist moon: a wonderfull life" (if thats what is was called, i cant remember too well, i think im right...)
And well.... i thought it was a great game. Nice to play y'know when you want to let off steam or just relax. Fun to play with no anger. Well not much anger.... those bloody crops...

05-12-2005, 10:37 PM
Heh i got the one for the GC it is a very simple game but it is good if you want a good laugh.

05-12-2005, 11:00 PM
i got that one aswell