05-11-2005, 04:11 AM
Has anyone ever heard of this anime? I just saw a commercial about on cartoon network, and it looks pretty cool sofar. I just want to get more info on the story, and what u thought of it.

05-11-2005, 04:14 AM
The very concept of a hip-hop samurai show turns me off. It seems to be another example of a show drawing attention from a gimmick rather than actual quality.

05-11-2005, 04:20 AM
Its about hip-hop?

05-14-2005, 03:14 AM
dunno, but ima give it a chance.

05-14-2005, 03:49 AM
Is it about hip-hop? I just thought that was their advertisment gimmick.

I'll probably check it out regardless.

05-14-2005, 04:45 AM
It is. Well, not about hip hop, but it is a sort of theme, I think. My roommate was all hyped up about watching it, until I made a comment about the rap in the commercial, and after I told him that he said the same thing you did and then lost interest completely.

The very concept of a hip-hop samurai show turns me off. It seems to be another example of a show drawing attention from a gimmick rather than actual quality.

That's a bit much, I think. It's just a theme. Marketing is it's own beast and every series has to have something to sell itself with, so it makes sense for them to point out what is unique about it, and the only way a show will sell itself on quality is by actually being worth watching. You can't put that in an advertisement until the show gets some sort of critical recognition, or by saying "these guys that made one popular series are making this one... so it should be just as good!"... in the case of Champloo, "these guys" would be the director of Cowboy Bebop and I don't remember if they mentioned that in the commercials.

All of that said, I probably won't watch it unless it happens to be on in the rare instance that I find myself flipping channels.

05-14-2005, 08:23 AM
Samurai Champloo was made by the same guys who did Cowboy Bebop... I think that should go to make people re-think thier views on the quality of it. Bebop got well known for it's story and characters as well as the music that enhanced the scene, played to emotions, or described the feel of a place. I haven't actually seen Samurai Champloo yet, but I don't think it's a "hip hop samurai show." I think they just use music to enhance scenes the way they did in Bebop, but chose to go with hip hop music instead of something more traditional. Cartoon Network, I believe, simply used a hip hop song to advertise the show with. Most of Cartoon Network's commercials (or at least the ones on Adult Swim) hardly ever captures the whole entire feel of a show. They just do enough to get people to notice/watch/talk about it, which obviously worked in this case...

05-14-2005, 09:07 AM
There's also a beatboxing samurai that shows up. The hip hop thing isn't just for the soundtrack.

05-14-2005, 07:19 PM
A really good samurai anime both comedy and action really good I rate it an 8

05-15-2005, 06:54 PM
A really good samurai anime both comedy and action really good I rate it an 8

You couldent have said it better. I saw it this weekend, and it was pretty good. That Metroplis movie was a real waste of my time though...

05-15-2005, 07:16 PM
That Metroplis movie was a real waste of my time though...

Buh-bye, credibility.

05-15-2005, 07:26 PM
Buh-bye, credibility.


05-15-2005, 09:30 PM
Just saw the first ep... must admit, the fight scenes are good, but transitions = bad

05-16-2005, 03:55 AM
Hmmm...Well, I don't have much to say about it, thought the animation does look alot like Cowboy Bebop, and the music is a LITTLE okay, thought I don't really care for hip-hop much. I might stick around and watch it, just to give the show a chance, and since I have been waiting around to watch some new anime. But I find the concept of the story to be a little...werid. Why would Foo (the girl who hangs out with Gen and what's his name) be so interested in finding a samurai who smells like sunflowers? That somewhat sets me off. ~_~

I thought that Metroplis movie was preety good (animation, and character designs that is). ^_^

05-16-2005, 06:00 AM
Just saw the first ep... must admit, the fight scenes are good, but transitions = bad
it gets better at the show progress. Anyways they did a pretty good at the voice actors, But I still prefer the original jap

05-17-2005, 02:22 AM
Yeah, I'm stickin around for a bit and checkin it out.

05-17-2005, 09:57 AM
Yeah for Sayu, the 2 guys with Foo are Jin and Mugen, Jin the serious kendo samurai, and mugen the crazy flipping around samurai. I have seen both series and they are really quite good. Its very refreshing to get the cultural relations in it as well. There are episodes about japan's early development of baseball, graffiti and christianity. It may seem like and odd couple between ye olde japan and hip hop but once it gets into the story you see it come together really well. And before you ask i do hate most hip hop but this series aint about *hoes and shit* it takes the beats from this style of music and implements it well into the fight scenes expecially. I also have the soundtrack for it and i have to say it has made me just a little more accepting of hip hop.

Also the samurai who smells like sunflowers turns out to have more of a philosophical basis behind his name :P

sorry if there are spelling mistakes in there, i am tired :O

05-18-2005, 11:26 PM
I have seen the entire first session and I must say it is an excellent anime
it is not passed on or centered around hip hop
its just an intro song
but anyone who really wants to enjoy it should download the episodes from some manga kids because the version they are going to show on CArtoon network has
lame-o translations

05-18-2005, 11:36 PM
Or buy the fucking dvds and listen to the japanese audio track. Downloading licensed anime is very bad, so don't do it or I'll track you down, peel the layers of skin off your back one by one, and jam icepicks between the vertebrae of your exposed spine. Or not. But buy them anyway.

05-19-2005, 02:17 AM
Or buy the fucking dvds and listen to the japanese audio track. Downloading licensed anime is very bad, so don't do it or I'll track you down, peel the layers of skin off your back one by one, and jam icepicks between the vertebrae of your exposed spine. Or not. But buy them anyway.

Sure, whatever....

05-19-2005, 04:37 AM
for GarnetCarbuncle: The animes soundtrack is very heavily influenced on hip hop but the anime itself is not about hip hop 100% of the time but it has a lot of things it the anime relating to popular american culture and how it affected Japan. This includes hip hop.

i downloaded an unlicensed fansubbed version of the first two series from japanese tv, long before it was snatched up by a license. :P

05-26-2005, 08:32 PM
Has anyone ever heard of this anime? I just saw a commercial about on cartoon network, and it looks pretty cool sofar. I just want to get more info on the story, and what u thought of it.
i only have 6 words for that show ''i think it is the shit!''

06-01-2005, 02:41 AM
i watched the first 2 episodes andi missed the third,i like it ^_^.

06-02-2005, 12:35 AM
Yeah, it pretty cool.

06-05-2005, 01:19 PM

Lady Malaika
06-22-2005, 10:27 AM
I've seen the first season as well 1-17, my friend downloaded all the episodes and burnt it on a disk.

the second season should be 18-26, because I read all the summaries for the second season (I know I just spoiled myself, but so what I'm going to forget anyways)

but samurai champloo is a REALLY good anime

oh and her name is Fuu not Foo. and yes, Jin and Mugen. lol.

06-27-2005, 01:49 AM
Ive been watching Samurai Champloo so far and its a good anime. I mean, maybe the without all the dj-scratches when they curse it can do without, but all in all the plot moves smoothly and the animation is fantastic.

Its also comical, and has action, and plot. Its good, not mindless.

matt damon
06-27-2005, 02:18 AM
i think it's funny how they put the little scratches when they curse. isn't the guy who does the voice of the flipping samurai the same as the guy who does spike from cowboy bebop?

06-27-2005, 08:41 AM
i think it's funny how they put the little scratches when they curse. isn't the guy who does the voice of the flipping samurai the same as the guy who does spike from cowboy bebop?
Yeah Mugen is played by the same Voice Actor as Spike. The pick pocket from episode 6 (I think) is play by the same VA as Vash the Stampede

matt damon
06-27-2005, 09:00 AM
really? i love trigun and vash.

06-27-2005, 06:12 PM
Yeah Mugen is played by the same Voice Actor as Spike. The pick pocket from episode 6 (I think) is play by the same VA as Vash the Stampede

Which I dont like at all, because then my mind wanders and thinks its Spike whos talking. The japanese version of the show sounds better in all respects

07-08-2005, 07:22 AM
Or buy the fucking dvds and listen to the japanese audio track. Downloading licensed anime is very bad, so don't do it or I'll track you down, peel the layers of skin off your back one by one, and jam icepicks between the vertebrae of your exposed spine. Or not. But buy them anyway.

Awe! That's some good old Assyrian style torture right there.

Ya! Samurai Camploo is da bomb! And it's kinda cool that they had the guy who did the voice for Spike act the voice for Mugen. It's been very fun so far, and I honestly don't get why the ratings numbers got progressively lower each week at Cartoon Network. It's really a good show.

Now I never got hung up on the girl wanting those two unlikely companions to help her find the Sunflower Samurai. I figured simply that the Sunflower Samurai was some dear relation to Fuu, and she saw in those two the kind of strength she needed to find her way safely to the places where she would search. Plus as you can see, those two drifters don't seem to have anything better to do anyways.

07-08-2005, 10:56 AM
I'd also like to say that Steven Blum is the most overused english voice actor ever. Even more so than Tony Jay. It's no surprise at all that he'd be voicing the lead character, since he does on most other shows out there, it seems. :(

07-09-2005, 09:11 AM
you should wait till episode 23 when they play base ball

Height Tumbler
07-25-2005, 05:31 PM
Okay so I have watched almost all the episodes they have shown on Cartoon Network. So this is how Samuria Champloo pretty much goes.

Main Characters
Fuu-girl looking for the samuria who smells of sunflowers
Mugen- hardcore samuria
Jinn- reckless dude, he kinda break dance fights.

This is what happened in the first episode and it will kinda give you a picture of what the show is like.


Fuu is a waitress at this resturant and Jinn comes in looking for food. He doesn't have money to pay of it (like always later on in the show) but Fuu says something about giving him food if he can make these really annoying guys go away. So Jinn picks a fight in this little resturant thingy and some dude gets killed (I guess he is important) but for some reason Mugen comes in -and again I don't remember-. Okay Mugen and Jinn start to fight and the resturant catches on fire and they both pass out. When they wake up the police are there and they get taken under arrest. They are sentenced to a public execution. Fuu goes looking for them. She finds where they are being held and tells them that she will get them out if they help here look for the samuria who smells of sunflowers. They don't take her seriously but on their execution day she goes and buys theses bombs. She sneaks onto the wall are right when they are going to chop Jinn and Mugens head off Jinn does this spin kick on the ground and hits the guy with the sword. Then this huge fight breaks out. Fuu throws the bombs and helps them escape. They start to go their opposite ways but Fuu reminds them of the promise. Mugen and Jinn take off running but she catches them and pretty much the rest of the episodes are about them looking for the samuria who smells of sunflowers.

Sorry people that was a really long explanation and it wasn't that good.....but you guys get the general picuture. Right??? I don't know but I think you guys would like it, because the fight scenes are way cool especially the music they play. It is kinda a scratch/hip hop thing, and in alot of the episodes some crazy shit happens to them.

07-26-2005, 05:12 AM
Well... you got Mugen and Jinn mixed up on your initial character list. Mugen's the break dance fighter.

Height Tumbler
07-26-2005, 05:55 AM
opps. Sorry I was typing it really fast and I always get those two mixed up. :-(

07-27-2005, 04:38 AM
And that's actully easy to do when strictly looking at Episode One.

07-27-2005, 01:17 PM
I really never want to see the English translation - I really don't think that Jinn speaking English would sound right =/

The series is incredibly awesome...it was just a good ride. It had all the character interaction of Rurouni Kenshin without the meandering. Unfortunately that means it, like most good anime, was over far too quickly.

matt damon
07-31-2005, 02:56 AM
I'd also like to say that Steven Blum is the most overused english voice actor ever. Even more so than Tony Jay. It's no surprise at all that he'd be voicing the lead character, since he does on most other shows out there, it seems. :(
what about tara strong? i love tara strong, but it seems like everywhere i turn, her voice is there......I WANT TO MEET HER!!!!!

grn apple tree
08-18-2005, 05:22 AM
you should wait till episode 23 when they play base ball
that was rofl and awesome. i watched the whole series and it was better than i expected it to be. although it confused me as to why mugen was breakdancing/ fighting/ capoeria (spelling?), people beatboxing and those twins tagging. i didn't understand that at all...

Final Fantasy girl
08-18-2005, 10:57 PM
I really like it. ^^ At first i didn't think it would be good cause of the hip-hop thing, But my friend said just check it out and well, i was wrong; I really enjoyed it.

08-22-2005, 09:16 AM
9/10 one of my alltime fav anime ^^

08-22-2005, 09:22 AM
wow samurai champloo is a great anime. one of the best i have seen that includes samurais. The fighting is good the only down part is they did the same plot in like 5~7 eps.

08-26-2005, 07:16 AM
That's 'cause almost every episode has the same sort of conflict... My favorite so far was the one where Jinn and Fuu get crucified, and everyone else in the region gets stoned when the multi thousand acre marijuana field goes up in flames.