05-27-2018, 08:09 PM
Download link:

All of the music extracted from the .mus files located in the GameCube ISO for HP2. Composed by Jeremy Soule. For tracks with loop points, I have let the loop play twice, and once the loop starts for the 3rd time, I start fading the track out.


Nearly all of the music was recorded by entering the appropriate room and recording the sound from my Wii:

•Capture sound into my M-Audio M-Track MKII.
•Removed the 15.6kHz whine from my CRT in Izotope RX
•Izotope RX Instant replace tool to repair some unsmooth joining of ASF blocks (which occurs due to oddities with the .mus format).
•Correct stereo balance

No limiting/compression was applied.

All unused music and the house points theme (which never plays in full) was extracted digitally as follows:

•Split .mus files into ASF blocks with this tool:
•Bulk changed all of the extensions from .ASF to .mus for correct playback
•Converted .mus to WAV using vgmstream for foobar2000.

The hardware appears to decode the files differently. The GameCube DSP seems to enhance the treble in the files (almost all stored at 22k). Hardware decoded tracks sound warmer and fuller compared to digitally extracted versions. The DSP can (and probably is) applying various effects, though I could not replicate them here. Hence I recorded most of the music the hard and patient way. Replacing .mus files in the ISO does not seem to work; the .mpf files are probably instruction files for loop points etc. If someone can provide more information on this, I might be able to create a better rip in the future.

This soundtrack is complete as far as music goes. I did not extract the sound effects due to trouble with .SDT files - these appear to be audio archives. Some play via vgmstream, some don't.

Lastly, some tracks reappear in later games (POA or GOF) at a higher sample rate. Where this was the case, I have used the higher quality versions.

Recommended listening:

Diagon Alley
Dumbledore's Office
The Library
The Whomping Willow (Parts 2/3)
Title Theme + alt version 1

Much of the soundtrack comprises what I consider Jeremy Soule's best work. This game has the best music of anything I've played. Even the very ambient tracks are able to hold my full attention. The game itself is highly atmospheric and generally considered the highlight of the HP game series, so I equally suggest you play the game (it's not long).

In the future, I may upload FLAC OSTs for other games in this series, since all other rips appear to be MP3 only, usually with dead download links as well.

05-27-2018, 08:25 PM
Thank you very much and awesome work behind.

05-27-2018, 09:25 PM
wow ! I wanted to do this for YEARS! Thank you thread rated rep added!

05-29-2018, 07:33 PM
Interesting! I wonder why they're not numbered... Oh well, thank you anyways!

05-30-2018, 02:23 AM
Numbered? As in track numbers? It never crossed my mind to be honest.

05-30-2018, 03:08 PM
Thanks man!

06-01-2018, 06:54 PM
Numbered? As in track numbers? It never crossed my mind to be honest.

Yeah exactly! Maybe it's just me, but any soundtrack with track names and no order seems weird. Specially with game soundtracks, I love to see some narrative logic reflecting the game being put into that. Not a big deal though.

On a side note, the Basilisk battle theme is sweet!

06-05-2018, 04:31 PM