05-27-2018, 04:04 PM
I present a new mix of the rare score for "The Road to El Dorado", by John Powell and Hans Zimmer. What I mean by "new mix" is that this is all the material from the film we have at our disposal: I edited tracks together where I thought it was necessary and renamed the tracks. I mainly used the two different expanded scores available. This edition contains 22 tracks and a cover. We must all thank Forza for the work he did on the original tracks: it has been a joy to find them and I don't feel I gave his work enough (at all) credit! Thank you once again!

NOTE: This is meant to represent the film in the neatest way possible, with the inclusion of the songs written for the film and the two suites available ("Wonders of the New World" and "Cortez Cowboys"). I have decided to excise any and all alternate tracks, including "The Storm - Insert". Therefore, you won't be able to find them here.

Here is the tracklist:

1. El Dorado (1:37)
2. Spain, 1519 - Tullio & Miguel (3:58)
3. Bull Chase - Barrels (1:48)
4. Cortez (0:50)
5. The Brig - Altivo (3:00)
6. Horse Overboard - The Storm (2:29)
7. The Trail We Blaze (3:12)
8. Great Big Rock - Entering the City of Gold (3:35)
9. Stopping the Volcano (2:53)
10. Cheldorado (4:27)
11. It's Tough to Be a God (2:37)
12. To Shibalba - Cortez Lands (2:01)
13. Without Question (2:30)
14. The Ball Game (2:51)
15. No More Sacrifices (1:14)
16. The Jaguar Fight - I've Decided to Stay (3:07)
17. Friends Never Say Goodbye (3:04)
18. Saving El Dorado (5:58)
19. Someday Out of the Blue (Theme from "The Road to El Dorado") (4:48)
20. Without Question (End Credits) (4:47)
21. Wonders of the New World (Suite from "The Road to El Dorado") (5:56)
22. Cortez Cowboys (Suite) (2:27)

Total runtime: 69 minutes / 1 hour, 9 minutes

A lot of hard work as been going into this - out of the love for this movie and its score.

EDIT: First of all, I wanted to thank everyone who asked for the link! You fill my heart with joy!

FINAL EDIT - 25 / 06 / 2018:
Well, time for one last update! I have completed work on the edition, and it is ready to be shared, once again, in its neatest form ever.
I have balanced the volume's tracks, especially of some of the songs ("El Dorado" and "The Trail We Blaze" above all) and tried to give them the most balance possible. I re-edited "Saving El Dorado" and cleaned "Spain, 1519 - Tullio and Miguel", "Bull Chase - Barrels", "Cortez", "The Brig - Altivo" and "Horse Overboard - The Storm" of their horrible mastering errors. I thought about giving "Someday Out of the Blue" the trim to make it match with its film version, but ultimately decided not to since I considered it wouldn't jive with the listening experience (the hard cut without intro works for the song in the context of the cut to black of the film, less so in the context of the album; nonetheless, if demand happens to be high, I'll add the mix into the link). My objective was not to share the album in the best sound quality - because the files are only mp3 and have ever only been that - and because I'm no master of sound restoration. All things considered, I truly hope this album will make you as happy as it made me in the process of putting it together and as satisfied as it makes me to share it.

Finally, I would like to thank everyone who helped me in doing this, and all the authors of this fantastic film and score - the reason I entered this forum in the first place!

Do enjoy, and leave any feedback here in the threads to comment the release.

This is the link:!Hv5VzQzL!KVtryvOwNNziFv2Vug9-cQ


Lady Amalthea
05-27-2018, 04:52 PM
Link received. Rep added. Thanks again Cheldo! <3

05-27-2018, 05:18 PM
Awesome, thanks a lot. I appreciate the effort.

05-27-2018, 10:44 PM
would love a link thanks!

05-28-2018, 01:34 AM
Thank you for the link

05-28-2018, 08:17 PM
Thank you for the share!
I'll listen to this right now!

New Skin
05-28-2018, 09:46 PM
Link received.
Thank you very much!

05-29-2018, 12:11 AM
I have been informed of other warbled tracks. Namely, the first five (after “El Dorado”) leading up to “The Trail We Blaze”. The ones after shouldn’t have a problem. I am again sorry for the discomfort. I nonetheless will get to work on those first tracks and hope to have the score album finished by next week. I won’t disappoint any of you fans and will do my best to give “The Road to El Dorado”’s score the best presentation possible… hopefully including a full cover (front-back-insert-inlay - that’s the next big plan after I have the score set actually ready).

Hang in there!


05-29-2018, 06:07 AM
hi. can I have a link please

05-29-2018, 06:30 AM
Link received. Rep added! :)

Mr. McCraig
05-29-2018, 08:47 PM
Many thanks for the link!

05-30-2018, 01:35 AM
I'm so excited for this. I've always loved the score in The Road to El Dorado!

05-30-2018, 01:41 AM
Sent a PM, thank you for the effort in making this. One of Hans' best, imo.

05-30-2018, 05:39 AM
Will wait for the new version, in the meantime thanks for the great work!

05-30-2018, 10:16 AM
thank you!!!!!!!!!!

05-30-2018, 02:48 PM
You're all welcome!

05-31-2018, 03:18 AM
Link received.
Thanks for the share…

05-31-2018, 08:32 AM
This sounds interesting, so... PM sent :)

05-31-2018, 01:39 PM
You are all welcome!

@alejandrodelcla Free you PM space.

05-31-2018, 01:57 PM
Link received, thank you!

06-03-2018, 12:43 PM
Link received and rep added. Thanks a lot again!

06-04-2018, 01:07 PM
link please!

06-09-2018, 01:25 AM
Link received, thanks a lot.

06-19-2018, 11:15 AM
Link received ! Fantastic! Thanks!

06-22-2018, 09:57 AM
I have added a valuable cover in the already existing links. Who wishes it, can download it singularly.

06-23-2018, 12:42 AM
Thank you very much!

06-23-2018, 12:47 PM
Having relistened to the whole album, it appears to be that the tracks with some warping problems are the following:
- Bull Chase - Barrels;
- Cortez;
- The Brig - Altivo and
- Horse Overboard - The Storm

Furthermore, I will be adjusting the volumes of the songs ("El Dorado", "The Trail We Blaze", "It's Tough to Be a God", "Without Question" and "Friends Never Say Goodbye") to make the album's volume coherent.

06-23-2018, 03:26 PM
please send me the link i would love to hear this thanx so much!!!! JOEY(VITAPULSE)

06-23-2018, 04:17 PM
I would love a link when you finish the second round of editing :)

Lady Amalthea
06-23-2018, 04:34 PM
Will this be the last edit or will there be more? Anyway, I'm looking forward to the finished version.

Thanks for everything Cheldo! :)

06-23-2018, 07:55 PM
No, unless new material comes out (which I doubt) this will be the last update!

I hope you will like it. I’m planning to work on it on the 26th.

06-26-2018, 12:25 PM
Is there someone having the lossless version of the tracks used here?

06-26-2018, 12:54 PM
I don't think a lossless version of the tracks exists, a part for "Someday Out of the Blue" and the other tracks present in the OST.

06-30-2018, 08:41 PM
Cool, thanks!

06-30-2018, 08:57 PM

09-04-2018, 08:02 AM
I feel I should get a little credit, at least for the Saving El Dorado cue. Worked really hard on that one ;)

09-04-2018, 08:46 AM
thanks for sharing

09-08-2018, 10:11 PM
Yes, absolutely. I can't say I forgot aout you, but in between other stuff... I definitely did. Congratulations for your work, it has been fantastic!

04-16-2019, 05:11 PM
Hi there! Would a re-up of this be possible please, the link appears to be dead. Thanks in advance!

06-17-2019, 09:40 PM
yes, a re-up would be awesome!