02-11-2002, 09:58 PM
I've made my last save down at the Meeting Point on Disc 3 in the Maku Pit place, I've beaten the game and loved it all but now I want to go back and finish what I haven't done. I can't get out! Everywhere I go leads me back to the meeting point, is it possible to leave? This is really getting annoying.

02-11-2002, 10:05 PM
It is possaible, when you leave that place, you reach the left path if i am not mistaken, just go up that big winding path and you come to where you had to choose Left or Right, Go back up and you should be fine.

02-11-2002, 10:12 PM
Meeting point.. hmm you need to go back into the area which is all ashy coloured and backtrack til you get to the part where previously you had to split your party into groups, then you can continue up. The only point i can think of where there is no way back is if you saved on the stepping stones leading to jenova synthesis

02-11-2002, 10:14 PM
I've gotten to the Choice of Left or Right with the 3 exits but where do you go "back up" see I beat the game and left it at that save like 9 months ago and I can't remember jack about this cavern or how I got down here

02-11-2002, 10:18 PM
ok, there is an area where you are able to go up, you will see a rock pole(cant explain) to your north. You climb to that surface and you see another, do the same thing. (press your Select Button, it will show a green arrow, click X on it and you will start to climb.)

02-11-2002, 10:40 PM
Yea i understand where you are now, all you do is go to the top of the screen and you can climb up the walls, there are 2 walls to climb

02-11-2002, 10:45 PM
That is exactly what i was talking about, if you press your Select Button, it will show a green arrow, click X on it and you will start to climb. it is eaiser to see.

02-11-2002, 10:48 PM
Thanks guys, I've done it now, you've saved the life of my Playstation controller!

02-11-2002, 10:55 PM
lol... no problem, more than happy to help...

02-11-2002, 10:55 PM
no problem! unfortunately for me my old duel shock controller lost the use of its right direction so i had to get a new one :P

02-11-2002, 11:05 PM
that sucks i know, i had a cheap one and all i did was accidentally drop and it broke in half. LOL

02-11-2002, 11:10 PM
Lol, now that really does suck, my one was always pressing right so when i played a game like tekken my character always walked back or forward ><

02-11-2002, 11:13 PM
now that has to suck really bad.... i feel bad for you, well i am just glad that i helped out, i hated it when something like that happened to me.

02-12-2002, 03:35 PM
Zack and Mannerboy~Sven, can you two please stop chatting in threads? This thread isn't the only one I spotted you two chatting in. If you really need to interact that badly, use PMs, hmmkay?