05-03-2018, 04:28 AM
Hey there fellow shriner, I'm back with another rip, yet the only problem is that its not complete. Famous "God of War" [not the 2018 game] composer Gerard Marino does a amazing job composing the music for the sequel to 2010's "Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions" called Edge of Time which features the amazing voice talent's of Neil Patrick Harris and 90's Spidey himself Christopher Daniel Barns as the 2099 Spider-Man. I've been searching for any rips of the game and seems like there are none so I went ahead to try ripping it myself. I may have found the files yet its under a file name called ".dat". I've had no luck with the ripping programs I have but I have reason to believe it contains the music cues because the file name is called stream.dat which I suspect contains audio files ranging from the voice overs, sfx and finally the music from the game. If someone can help me with unlocking the files that would be fantastic.

2nd Link (

05-03-2018, 09:25 AM
thanks! the .rar archive seems to be damaged, broken. I downloaded it several times, different browsers. please re-up, thanks!

05-03-2018, 09:47 AM
Thank you. Completely forgotten about that game.
By the way, do you have any plans on finishing your "James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing" Music Rip?

05-03-2018, 05:12 PM
I'm definitely planning on finishing it yes, sometime during the summer. As for the file, it shouldn't be broken, but I'll just change it to a zip file and see if that makes a difference.

05-04-2018, 04:40 PM
lien upload please !

05-05-2018, 03:01 AM
Once the files are found and converted I'll definitely be doing so.

06-28-2018, 08:56 PM
Hello IM24CTU,

I actually have ripped the Xbox 360 version of Spider-Man: Edge Of Time. It's the best quality source for this game soundtrack. There are some problems remaining: Streams.dat doesn't store the original names of the tracks so the files I extracted have names like 001 002 003 etc but it's working by segments. You'll need to join each segments to make the music you want. It's not in order so you have to do it by ear. I did it for Spider-Man: Web of Shadows but for this game, is there a possibility for you to do it? I can send you the FLAC files.

Best regards,

06-30-2018, 04:26 AM
Thanks dude, I sent a message to your inbox now.