04-15-2018, 03:55 AM

In Praise of the Yimeng
A Modern Revolutionary Ballet

Prologue: Dark clouds cover the mountain village. We are sent to drive off the wolves.
[1] - [2] It is autumn 1947. In the Yimeng mountain region, an armed working-team is sent to the mountains and the villagers gather to see off their relatives. Amid gunfire and smoke, the peasant woman Ying bids her husband, the leader of the team, farewell. Steadfast in the battle, they must triumph in victory. The returning battalion comes back to the village, as ferocious as tigers or wolves.

Scene 1: Milk is better than spring water. The army and the people are joined in a common cause.
[3] - [12] Ying finds the wounded leader Fang, while she is picking wild plants in the valley. She bandages his wounds with her apron. Half conscious Fang asks for water, but she has nothing to give him but the milk from her breast.

Scene 2: In the dark night the stove burns fiercely and passion and friendship run deep.
[13] - [19] The stars flicker in the sky. In her house Ying lights the stove to make chicken broth for her wounded comrade, hoping that he will soon recover. The bright fire in the stove represents Ying's burning heart.
Ying is not afraid of the enemy spies and tactfully sends them away, before hurrying to the mountain to tend the wounded comrade.

Scene 3: Looking after the wounded comrade with difficulty, but fighting the enemy with courage.
[20] - [22] Fang holds the bowl of chicken broth and is deeply moved. This is not chicken broth but the heart showing the affection of Ying for the people's army.
Suddenly shots are heard. In their search for the wounded man the returning battalion ascends the mountain, holding torches. Ying distracts them by drawing attention to herself.

Scene 4: Sacrificing oneself to save one's family and joining together to beat the returning battalion.
[23] - [24] Ying brings the enemy back to the village, where they threaten the villagers, ordering them to hand over the wounded man. In desperation they snatch Ying's baby and are ready to throw it on the fire. Fang steps forward to stop them, and his shout of warning frightens the bandits.
The returning battalion is about to lead Fang away, but the villagers form a wall, holding hands. The enemy threatens to shoot, but the villagers stand firm. All of a sudden shouts and shots are heard all around. The armed working team returns in the nick of time and the bandits, surprised, try to escape.
Red flags fly on the peaks of Yimeng Mountain. Everywhere in the valley songs in praise of heroes are sung. Milk of the people and the hot blood of warriors, army and people are as one. Joining in the fight they go ever forward.


04-15-2018, 04:30 PM

04-30-2018, 07:00 PM