03-17-2018, 01:34 PM
I know the Blu-Ray is out there already, but if anybody has it, can they rip the Centre channel(s), please?

tehƧP@ƦKly�ANK� -Ⅲ�
03-17-2018, 07:52 PM
The digital download has the isolate score.

the bluray does not.

I imagine the digital format has a much lower quality than anything can ever conceive.
None of the current rips exemplify the lossless quality it holds itself against.

a FLAC rip is pure bullshit.
There currently is no decoder that can accurately rip to a lossless intermediate. And if it did, why would most share in lossless Apple???
Lossy AAC is enough. That's what it was designed for in the first place.

Just wait for some kind sole to use the most recent FFMPEG version to copy the audio to a new stream.
FFMPEG can do that losslessly, Audacity can't. Even the devs said so.

03-17-2018, 08:00 PM
Ummm... not sure exactly what that has to do with my request. I already have the isolated track. I'm not after the isolated score. I'm after dialogue and sound effects.

03-18-2018, 03:30 AM
I think I get what you want to do: Sync the isolated score to the center channel audio so it essentially makes the film's score the primary audio while still being able to hear the dialogue and such. Might even be able to get creative and make the space battle sequences music-only, having it carry the story.

Just a guess is all.

I'm sure the audio can surface or a torrent will have to do.

03-18-2018, 06:28 PM
Well, it certainly wouldn't hurt to know what piece pertains to which scene exactly without having to wait for the film to become available in my region (I haven't seen any official announcements but I strongly suspect it will be about two weeks after the US release). On top of that, the sound effects would prove most useful for a non-music project (For instance, Phasma's gun, an SE-44C, is never fired in TFA andI don't want to resort to using the new Battlefront games for that sound, for instance)