03-13-2018, 10:52 AM
i wish i could do this myself lol requesting new musics thx

03-14-2018, 04:24 PM
Was there any new music that played? The modified dates of my music files didn't change with the latest patch.

03-21-2018, 08:24 PM
All the new music since 4.2 has been in the game since that patch update.

The music used for Little Ladies Day is on the Before Meteor soundtrack ("Decisions" and "Siren Song").

The other "new" music would be the Pa-Paya remix and the Eureka: Anemos themes. I've uploaded those here: https://mega.nz/#!7dYzhaSR!Cs67kHgkqpz6CXHvrCUQfewxrrb2mmj3TKtRy0nS3B0

I'm not sure if the "full" Eureka theme plays in the game? The Eureka music file is a multi-track .ogg, with three layers, but I can only remember hearing two of the layers play at the same time at most. I included all three layers in one track for completion's sake anyways.