Abraham Link
03-09-2018, 03:11 PM
DARK SOULS Trilogy Ultimate Collection
This collection includes all soundtracks in all three games at 320kb/s mp3 quality with proper endings. Long gone are the days of lame fadeouts. Note that for many tracks I had to make endings on my own with varying degrees of success, but I believe it ended up better than I expected when I initially started making this collection back when I knew jackshit about editing music.

Special thanks to Infernus Animonitas for providing the OST collections that I used as a basis for this collection, and huge thanks for igor.kovalsky for making the Dark Souls 3 collection that inspired me to learn audacity after having been disappointed by the initial Dark Souls 3 soundtrack release. He basically introduced me to the world of OST collecting perfectionism lol. He also initially publicized my collection on his posts albeit I have improved said collections since then but the links still lead to the same MEGA folders. Also thanks to Hikaru III for providing the Dark Souls 3 album release which contained nearly all of DS3's tracks with their full length and endings.

Please do keep in mind that despite those ending being technically "fanmade", the rest of the tracks are all unedited and kept faithful to how they were released. There are also many tracks that have endings in of themselves which I maintained within the collection and did not attempt to replicate or anything like that. It's only the tracks that lack proper endings that I touched on and kept revisiting and improving almost as a hobby for the past year or so. Now I feel confident in sharing them, so without further adieu.


Download link (https://mega.nz/#F!fkowQaja!Z_B039ECGRyK3kw3oMWNSw)


Download link (https://mega.nz/#F!6pxGhYZT!b9m5GbzmViJK752XVTFnog)


Download link (https://mega.nz/#F!b05A0QjJ!v9Tj9oZWk8YbXa4uxEMRFQ)

Notes on each game's collection can be found inside their links. I didn't zip them since they've been like this on my MEGA folder forever so no trouble there. Everything is tagged appropriately (Although the composers of some of the unreleased tracks remain unknown unfortunately so I tagged them with what I thought is likely) and in addition to that the tracks have a 1280x1280 cover for each album. I hope everyone enjoys this collection (at least until the trilogy set soundtrack comes out which might contain proper endings for every track at which case this collection becomes irrelevant lol)

03-09-2018, 05:39 PM
Long gone are the days of LAME

03-10-2018, 04:07 PM

03-10-2018, 08:52 PM
This is some great stuff. Thank you my friend.

Abraham Link
03-10-2018, 09:58 PM
You're welcome! Sorry for being so late with this, I kept revisiting some tracks multiple times to improve them till I was satisfied with them. I figured I should upload this collection now because the Trilogy Collection is going to come out with Dark Souls Remastered and it has all three soundtracks, so if it has endings for everything my collection will become irrelevant :^) the chances of that happening aren't low because Bandai Namco are the ones who handle the soundtracks poorly more often than not, and whenever a special edition is released in Japan (in which From handles the publishing there) then chances are they include as much as they can (which has happened before for DS2 and 3) so they might go a step further for this collection but idk.

Infernus Animositas
03-11-2018, 05:34 PM
I appreciate the mention, great work! :)

03-11-2018, 11:03 PM
Thank you for your effort, sir.

03-12-2018, 04:25 AM
Great work, now I can die like a hollow.

03-12-2018, 05:09 AM
Excellent work. Thanks.

03-13-2018, 07:51 AM
*drops carving* THANK YOU.

03-17-2018, 06:24 PM
I appreciate your effort, for I'm a guy who likes things done properly too!

03-17-2018, 06:26 PM
Thanks, but the Dark Souls 1 link is dead.

03-20-2018, 01:11 PM
I greatly appreciate your commitment especially for complete soundtrack to my favoritue DS2 with all ambients and theme :***
Btw why didn't you put all the unused soundtracks for dark souls 3? Maybe unused but some are really nice

Abraham Link
03-25-2018, 11:43 PM
I plan to after I get rips of Dark Souls 2's alpha version's music. So far I was able to discover that some of Dark Souls 3's cut soundtracks are meant to be phases of the same track for two cases so I plan to include those in both a full state and as individual tracks. Dark Souls 1 doesn't seem to have anything unused unfortunately, and I doubt the Remastered alpha is gonna change that (though who knows about the final game's files). I also have Bloodborne's alpha songs in addition to that though as well as Demon's Souls character creation theme with a proper ending so look forward to those.

---------- Post added at 05:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:43 PM ----------

Sorry, had to add an altered version of Kalameet's track where I changed the ending cuz I wasn't satisfied with how I made it the first time around. Link is fixed now.

07-24-2018, 11:21 PM

09-01-2018, 02:15 AM
thanks alot.

09-02-2018, 06:29 PM
Absolutely gorgeous, thank you!

10-07-2018, 12:57 AM

02-09-2019, 02:01 PM
Abraham Link : thank you my friend =) I see that there is some track that has changed, the release of the album DARK SOULS TRILOGY BOX has new track ??? =)

Abraham Link
02-17-2019, 01:02 PM
Yup, mainly in DS1 and DS3. The track "Overture" is a trailer music for DS1 that has been used before to advertise the original release of the game but only made its way into a disc now so the trilogy box is the only place you're ever gonna find it. It also included a shorter version of the track "The Chosen Undead" which is instead simply called "DARK SOULS" and I opted to not include it since it leaves out a lot of the track. Lastly, the track "A Moment's Peace" got released with the collection as well which is the track that plays in the character creator and character select menu when loading your character (they might as well have made it play in the main menu as well but they don't for some reason).

Sadly, Dark Souls 2's main menu theme wasn't released though so we're stuck with gamerip quality for that one just like The Chosen Undead theme or whatever you wanna call it. I do know for a fact that Suenaga is the one who composed it though even if it doesn't have release info, and that's because I asked Yuka Kitamura on twitter and she answered on the matter.

As for Dark Souls 3, the track "For the Dark Soul" was included this time which is the track that plays in the "Transitory Lands" PS4 theme. Unpacking the theme's package file would've been a pain so I'm glad that wasn't required lol.

02-17-2019, 02:52 PM
thank you!

03-03-2019, 07:16 PM
Thanks a lot.