05-03-2005, 07:56 PM
Okay, what I am on about is the thousands of crappy sites that are supposedly "dedicated" to Final Fantasy. I see far too many on the web (jesus, look at most people's sigs on this site) that are ************.com forums. they get 20 people to join spam the same crap about who is your favourite Final Fantasy character and then get abandoned.

Yes, i admit to joining a couple when friends have asked me to, but if you are a true Final Fantasy fan, make a decent site (like FFShrine) and as some of you are aware, I own a Final Fantasy website which I am putting the effort into, without wasting webspace like the others.

Just wanted to know how other people feel about this. And if you are going to spam here about something stupid, then go away...:)

05-04-2005, 12:46 AM
I think it's entertaining because they almost always advertise their shit forums, opening the way for us to spam them to hell and piss off the poor sap who was foolish enough to post the link.

05-04-2005, 04:02 AM
It doesn't piss me off --- I'm long past being pissed off by something like that. If they wanna do that, it's just so much whatever for me.

05-04-2005, 04:01 PM
I think it's entertaining because they almost always advertise their shit forums, opening the way for us to spam them to hell and piss off the poor sap who was foolish enough to post the link.

Which I know you do often :)