socks are kiff
02-11-2002, 03:23 PM
...ruining blue earth. basically, it's "final fantasy tactics" and "tactics ogre", with some new features added. it's a TOUGH game though. one thing different from FFT and TO is that when your characters die, they're gone forever. no phoenix downs to revive them. that makes the loss of even one character HURT.

anyone else played this game? i only picked it up the other day and just started playing, so any tips from vets would be appreciated. thanks.

02-11-2002, 06:52 PM
...ruining blue earth. basically, it's "final fantasy tactics" and "tactics ogre", with some new features added.

Not entirely true, Hoshigami has no job system and you deity affects stats as well as the weapon you can use. Hoshigami should be considered like Final Fantasy Tactics only in the fact that it is Strategy RPG.

it's a TOUGH game though. one thing different from FFT and TO is that when your characters die, they're gone forever. no phoenix downs to revive them. that makes the loss of even one character HURT.

Actually I've heard that in one of the later chapters there is a coin that fixes this problem. Of course I've never seen it because I haven't got that far.

Non-spoiler Advice:

1. There is one part where you have a choice of "Send a messenger" or "something else" choose "Send a Messenger" if you want the good ending.

2.Also save before any battle where you can save otherwise your control and Playstation might be the subject of some very intense abuse.

3. Save ever time before you mess with coins and seal then if it comes out right save again. Getting 2 coins right, then a third one messes up is very annoying and expensive to replace.

4. Sessions are the best way to kill a character yours or the enemies. Get attacked in session wait and damage is doubled (maybe 1.5, but I'll say doubled).

socks are kiff
02-11-2002, 08:31 PM
i'll remember that. "send a messenger"...

the part that REALLY ticked me off was yesterday when i was levelling up my characters in the "tower of trials". i got all the way to floor 8 and then lost 3 major characters. i won the battle but lost the characters, and i wasn't starting over with 3 new characters, so i quit. 2 hours wasted.

only later did i find out that you can save, but only every 5 levels.