05-03-2005, 08:02 AM
A White Mage studies healing magic, and things, a black mage is the elements, but what is a red mage???

05-03-2005, 08:06 AM


05-03-2005, 08:11 AM
u win

05-03-2005, 08:13 AM
a communist mage

05-03-2005, 09:15 AM
A White Mage studies healing magic, and things, a black mage is the elements, but what is a red mage???

a communist mage
Interesting you should say that...

05-03-2005, 09:19 AM
um... ok, but why the "duh"? they dont have redmages in ten

Nanaki Muyo
05-03-2005, 09:35 AM
No, but they do in quite a few other Final Fantasies.

Siren's Song
05-03-2005, 01:27 PM
um... ok, but why the "duh"? they dont have redmages in tenSo play some of the other games.

05-03-2005, 10:05 PM
Agreed. Wow, a communist mage. How humorously strange.

05-04-2005, 12:52 AM
another thought: since a red mage studies both black and white magic, shouldnt it be more of a grey mage, where does the red come from?

haryuu no
05-04-2005, 01:39 AM
A Red Mage can use both black and white magics. Unlike most mages, they can use swords. It also takes them longer to learn spells. Red Mages were in FFXI, FFI, and they were also in FFIX, but they were not playable characters.You could often see them walking around in Lindblum and Treno

Nanaki Muyo
05-04-2005, 03:57 AM
They were also in FFV. They could only learn lower level magic, but they had the awesome ability, X-Magic.

05-04-2005, 06:29 PM
They were also in FFIIIj as well, not to mention as NPCs in FFIX (and were all Burmecians for some strange reason). As later FF games allow characters to cast different types of magic, the Job became redundant (as did White Mage, Black Mage, Blue Mage, Time Mage, Summoner and other less-known Mage jobs like Geomancer and Calculator), although there has been a resurgance with the Job system lately, so I guess the Red Mage is gaining in popularity.

And, as a last word, the Red Mage has the coolest hat in the history of RPGs... ;)

The Sage
05-05-2005, 09:17 PM
maybe in the ffIX gaia only burmencians could cross over

05-08-2005, 12:53 AM
And, as a last word, the Red Mage has the coolest hat in the history of RPGs... ;)
Would I ever wear a non-cool hat? Just ye look at my avatar.

05-08-2005, 01:18 AM
they can use both white and black magic. idiot.

blue mages..........white, black, special.

blue mages are only in final fantasy 5 (the one with exdeath i think)

lol griff yeah...where the fuck did red mage come from?

yeah really griff where did "Red" come from? (where on earth did blue come from then)

05-10-2005, 11:36 AM
The Red Mage is the jack of all trades. He can use White Magic Abilities, Black Magic Abilities, even has his own abilities. Aside from the magic portion, he also can use weapons that White and Black cannot use. In most Final Fantasy games, he can only use low level magic but can use melee attacks really well.

So for the most part, the Red Mage is a diverse class in Final Fantasy.

Kitty Kyinsky
05-10-2005, 12:39 PM
blue mages are only in final fantasy 5 (the one with exdeath i think)

Hmmm... Blue mages, yeah, but there is the occaisional character who uses blue magic--Quistis in FFVIII... Quina in FFIX...