02-07-2018, 03:27 AM
https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5311d009e4b08cb688151314/55952740e4b0aec55299d110/5632a982e4b09e3788216e4c/1508515996415/Kill_Bill_Vol_1_Soundtrack_Kill_Bill_Volume_1_Orig inal_So-6181.jpg

Movies: Karate Bull Fighter (Opening) / Kill Bill Vol. 1 (Scene)
Bitrate: 96 Kbps (from a low quality DVDRip)
Download: MEGA (https://mega.nz/#!fwtUTB5A!eqMc9hxYzxVoJ-4z82BK5yKBgIzp2_UuIH1cImhzXik)

I intend on making a lossless rip of this BGM (from the actual DVD so you'll have to be patient) but for the time being I'll post this as is. I know, the bitrate is pretty crappy but at least it's something.