04-30-2005, 04:45 AM
First, let me guide your attention to my first post on this topic:
Thread 16849

Next let me say this:
In order to keep my dignity and pride I am re-opening this topic because I found what I was talking about while surfing. Check it out it was posted at a different website.

Final Fantasy X - The Holy Castle's cameo
After Alexander's (way too) brief appearance in FFIX, I was hoping that everybody's favorite giant robot castle would get a little more screen-time in FFX. As disappointed fanboys such as myself soon found out however, he obviously didn't.
But the creators of the game clearly couldn't bring themselves to completely leave out the loyal summon that has appeared in every FF game since FFVI... so they granted him (it?) a clever little cameo:
Just play the game until you open up Djose Temple.
Now walk back from the temple entrance to the exit that leads to the bridge, but don't leave the screen.
from here you should get a good look at the temple, even through the flying boulders.
Notice anything familiar? Djose Temple IS Alexander! No way that's just a coincidence. The head, the leg-towers, the shoulder...thingies. It's him alright.

Alexander is obviousy in X-2 if hes in X but I have yet to see him in XI.

04-30-2005, 05:45 AM
I really liked Alaxander so I tried this as soon as I saw this and yes you are right!

04-30-2005, 08:27 AM
i haven't played the older ff games like ff5,ff6. i have only recently picked up ff7, but i have played ff8. So does this Alexander look anything like the one in ff8 or does he look different?

i thought this was only a rumour think i'l go check this thing out soon anyways thanks for the info.

05-04-2005, 11:40 PM
Mwoooooohahahaha I knew I wasn't insane. I also found something something very interesting in FFVII. I'll post it in those boards under "Cloud, the insane bilboard"