01-26-2018, 02:14 PM
Can anybody provide me with a DVD or Blu-Ray channel rip for IT (2017)? There's a few interesting alternates in the film that I'd like to edit in to mycopy of the soundtrack. Thanks.

09-16-2019, 05:42 PM
yes would be lovely to get these alternates i am not familiar with a dvd Blu-ray channel rip, can someone please explain how that works and how to get that. there are a few alternates in cues such as: Georgie meet Pennywise, Egg Boy, Shape Shifter, And Tunnel titles for example with the choir of children and the part where Georgie dies the end of the buildup is quiet and then a creepy clown song plays softly in the horrific score when Georgie gets his arm bitten of, however in the movie that is never heard. even the recording sessions don't have the alternates that i thought i would get, but it was just the same score with more cues and split into more parts. thanks in advance!