white noize ff7
04-28-2005, 08:20 PM
sneak attack + sheild. mega all.

04-29-2005, 05:26 AM
actually...this would be a great place for everyone to list some of the cool materia combos they have come up with...or stole from the strat guide...but its all good

Nanaki Muyo
04-29-2005, 07:44 PM
Command Counter-Double Cut (at the 4x-cut level). Everytime you get hit, you counter 4 times. Even better if paired with a mastered Cover materia and a few regular Counter's. I've used it extensively against Emerald Weapon in a fight using only physical attacks and no Underwater materia.

Top Cat
04-29-2005, 07:50 PM
sneak attack + sheild. mega all.
nice but an even better materia combo is my cock + your ass LOL

04-29-2005, 07:56 PM
materia more like ma-queer-ia LOL

white noize ff7
04-29-2005, 09:16 PM
nice but an even better materia combo is my cock + your ass LOL

ha ha ha ha HAAAAAA ha ha ha ha ha HAAAAAAAA ha ha ha ha ha ha

fascist socialist
04-30-2005, 01:12 AM
top-cat and duo stop spamming my lovely forum.


white noize ff7
04-30-2005, 06:16 PM

yes very, a bit old hat this one though.

04-30-2005, 06:22 PM
nice but an even better materia combo is my cock + your ass LOLNicely said.

04-30-2005, 09:08 PM
Come on guys stop spamming and u guys got sum nice materia combos in here.

05-01-2005, 12:51 AM
revive+final attack and mega all (i know about the pheonix because i use to use that one) and this one is more cost effective so instead of using 130??? mp u only use a little bit

white noize ff7
05-01-2005, 10:23 AM
Nicely said.

nicely said? that was the most lameoid put down i've ever had the mispleasure of hearing. spaker.

05-01-2005, 10:58 AM

white noize ff7
05-01-2005, 04:52 PM
damn right. suck my balls, bitch.

Top Cat
05-01-2005, 06:37 PM
nicely said? that was the most lameoid put down i've ever had the mispleasure of hearing. spaker.

white noize ff7
05-01-2005, 08:43 PM
i know i'm setting myself up here, but what obliviousness? oh God, that sounded worse than i thought it would...

Kitty Kyinsky
05-02-2005, 11:40 AM
Command Counter-Double Cut (at the 4x-cut level). Everytime you get hit, you counter 4 times. Even better if paired with a mastered Cover materia and a few regular Counter's. I've used it extensively against Emerald Weapon in a fight using only physical attacks and no Underwater materia.

Ooh, that's a nice one I hadn't heard before--if you did that with the Ultima Weapon equipped and Cloud at a high enough level, plus with more than one combo of the Counter-Double Cut, would it be possible to pull off Omnislash-like attacks anytime an enemy hits you?

As for the spammers... Is there no thread or board anywhere for yapping like that?

white noize ff7
05-02-2005, 02:39 PM
counter + Flash is a good one against normal enemies.

white noize ff7
05-02-2005, 07:11 PM
Ooh, that's a nice one I hadn't heard before--if you did that with the Ultima Weapon equipped and Cloud at a high enough level, plus with more than one combo of the Counter-Double Cut, would it be possible to pull off Omnislash-like attacks anytime an enemy hits you?

As for the spammers... Is there no thread or board anywhere for yapping like that?

you could have some top fun with counters if you have enough of them... like magic counters with every type of spell (on one person) and a mega all... it'd be a bit of an mp drain, but still worth it i think!!!

Nanaki Muyo
05-02-2005, 09:56 PM
would it be possible to pull off Omnislash-like attacks anytime an enemy hits you?

Yes, I believe it would. Invest enough time and patience into it and you could inflict some serious damage like that.

05-04-2005, 02:57 AM
if you put 15 mastered counters on cloud...and 1 mastered cover, you would pull off an omnislash everytime a enemy makes a melee attack actually! :D

white noize ff7
05-05-2005, 11:14 AM
if you put 15 mastered counters on cloud...and 1 mastered cover, you would pull off an omnislash everytime a enemy makes a melee attack actually! :D

right, everyone stock up on elixers, we're off to see some magic pots!

05-13-2005, 08:41 PM
materia more like ma-queer-ia LOL
WOW, your stupid...... pardon me while I insult you.

That post is written by something so confused, it doesn't know whether to scratch its watch or wind its ass. In future, kindly proofread your posts before assaulting unsuspecting readers of this message board with a litany of misspellings, egregious grammatical errors, and other verbal atrocities.

I suppose I should have some sympathy for your handicap. You are obviously paralyzed from the neck up. You wouldn't know Up from Down if you had three guesses. A long period of non-posting would be most welcome on your part. To quote Martin Luther King, Jr.: "Nothing in the world is more dangerous than a sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."

You are about as entertaining as a child's inflatable punching toy. You bop it, it springs back, you bop it again and you forget it ever existed. It slowly deflates in an unused corner, then one day you throw it away. Genius does what it must, talent does what it can, and you had best do what you're told, you dyslexic lobotomy patient. Maybe you wouldn't be such a Jerk-In-The-Box if you weren't afflicted with mental retardation; if your weren't so fat that when God said "Let there be Light", he told you to move your fat ass out of the way, or if you didn't have a face so ugly that your mom had to get well-and-truly drunk before she could breast feed you.

In closing, I offer these heartfelt words: Go suck on a frozen pineapple, asshole.

white noize ff7
05-13-2005, 09:26 PM
WOW, your stupid...... pardon me while I insult you.

That post is written by something so confused, it doesn't know whether to scratch its watch or wind its ass. In future, kindly proofread your posts before assaulting unsuspecting readers of this message board with a litany of misspellings, egregious grammatical errors, and other verbal atrocities.

I suppose I should have some sympathy for your handicap. You are obviously paralyzed from the neck up. You wouldn't know Up from Down if you had three guesses. A long period of non-posting would be most welcome on your part. To quote Martin Luther King, Jr.: "Nothing in the world is more dangerous than a sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."

You are about as entertaining as a child's inflatable punching toy. You bop it, it springs back, you bop it again and you forget it ever existed. It slowly deflates in an unused corner, then one day you throw it away. Genius does what it must, talent does what it can, and you had best do what you're told, you dyslexic lobotomy patient. Maybe you wouldn't be such a Jerk-In-The-Box if you weren't afflicted with mental retardation; if your weren't so fat that when God said "Let there be Light", he told you to move your fat ass out of the way, or if you didn't have a face so ugly that your mom had to get well-and-truly drunk before she could breast feed you.

In closing, I offer these heartfelt words: Go suck on a frozen pineapple, asshole.
LOLOLOLOL, now that is an insult. made my day, brilliant!

05-14-2005, 10:49 PM
Unit x9 I Bow down in your grace,everybody note his title i guess duo jumped in the fireplace.Just so that i'm contributing try the old classic Quadra magic-Ultima then have the other 3 people mimic.(also works in FFVI with the Xbox and GoGo)

05-14-2005, 10:55 PM
WOW, your stupid...... pardon me while I insult you.

That post is written by something so confused, it doesn't know whether to scratch its watch or wind its ass. In future, kindly proofread your posts before assaulting unsuspecting readers of this message board with a litany of misspellings, egregious grammatical errors, and other verbal atrocities.

I suppose I should have some sympathy for your handicap. You are obviously paralyzed from the neck up. You wouldn't know Up from Down if you had three guesses. A long period of non-posting would be most welcome on your part. To quote Martin Luther King, Jr.: "Nothing in the world is more dangerous than a sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."

You are about as entertaining as a child's inflatable punching toy. You bop it, it springs back, you bop it again and you forget it ever existed. It slowly deflates in an unused corner, then one day you throw it away. Genius does what it must, talent does what it can, and you had best do what you're told, you dyslexic lobotomy patient. Maybe you wouldn't be such a Jerk-In-The-Box if you weren't afflicted with mental retardation; if your weren't so fat that when God said "Let there be Light", he told you to move your fat ass out of the way, or if you didn't have a face so ugly that your mom had to get well-and-truly drunk before she could breast feed you.

In closing, I offer these heartfelt words: Go suck on a frozen pineapple, asshole.

Way to go. Seriously. It takes a true genius to quote a bunch of insults you found online. [/mockery]

05-17-2005, 09:02 PM
Way to go. Seriously. It takes a true genius to quote a bunch of insults you found online. [/mockery]

I have noticed that most of the words you have used were monosyllabic.....if anybody can translate gibberish please do so since I am utterly confused by the crap you flung onto the screen.

It would benefit the world greatly if you overdosed or slit your wrists. Then again the only people who would morn for you are the poor bastards in hell that would be forced to put up with your ignorance for eternity. I am sure you are too idiotic to read any of this since your I.Q. is approximately equal to that of a jar of mayonnaise. Thank you for killing at least three of my brain cells, since you have killed all of yours�. I really should not be so harsh, since bacteria has more culture than you.

Here is a free lesson in Japanese.
Baka yameteyo!
English Translation:
Don't act stupid! (To a Female)

05-17-2005, 11:55 PM
Oh no! I'm being flamed by Google! :laugh:

05-18-2005, 05:29 AM
:confused: since when was this an insult thread???? :confused:

05-18-2005, 12:09 PM
Oh no! I'm being flamed by Google! :laugh:ecksdee

05-18-2005, 01:03 PM
WOW, your stupid...... pardon me while I insult you.

That post is written by something so confused, it doesn't know whether to scratch its watch or wind its ass. In future, kindly proofread your posts before assaulting unsuspecting readers of this message board with a litany of misspellings, egregious grammatical errors, and other verbal atrocities.

I suppose I should have some sympathy for your handicap. You are obviously paralyzed from the neck up. You wouldn't know Up from Down if you had three guesses. A long period of non-posting would be most welcome on your part. To quote Martin Luther King, Jr.: "Nothing in the world is more dangerous than a sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."

You are about as entertaining as a child's inflatable punching toy. You bop it, it springs back, you bop it again and you forget it ever existed. It slowly deflates in an unused corner, then one day you throw it away. Genius does what it must, talent does what it can, and you had best do what you're told, you dyslexic lobotomy patient. Maybe you wouldn't be such a Jerk-In-The-Box if you weren't afflicted with mental retardation; if your weren't so fat that when God said "Let there be Light", he told you to move your fat ass out of the way, or if you didn't have a face so ugly that your mom had to get well-and-truly drunk before she could breast feed you.

In closing, I offer these heartfelt words: Go suck on a frozen pineapple, asshole.
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!! Holy Sh!t, That was so good, I have never heard a retaliation that could even compare to this insult!!! You nailed that b!tch with elegance!!! Nice!
I think W-Summon works well with Knights of the round Materia. It even gives you time to get a snack. LOL

05-18-2005, 01:11 PM
I have noticed that most of the words you have used were monosyllabic.....if anybody can translate gibberish please do so since I am utterly confused by the crap you flung onto the screen.

It would benefit the world greatly if you overdosed or slit your wrists. Then again the only people who would morn for you are the poor bastards in hell that would be forced to put up with your ignorance for eternity. I am sure you are too idiotic to read any of this since your I.Q. is approximately equal to that of a jar of mayonnaise. Thank you for killing at least three of my brain cells, since you have killed all of yours�. I really should not be so harsh, since bacteria has more culture than you.

Here is a free lesson in Japanese.
Baka yameteyo!
English Translation:
Don't act stupid! (To a Female)

Well then im gonna say

Baka yameteyo to you and also dont be a twat as well!!

05-18-2005, 01:27 PM
I have noticed that most of the words you have used were monosyllabic.....if anybody can translate gibberish please do so since I am utterly confused by the crap you flung onto the screen.

It would benefit the world greatly if you overdosed or slit your wrists. Then again the only people who would morn for you are the poor bastards in hell that would be forced to put up with your ignorance for eternity. I am sure you are too idiotic to read any of this since your I.Q. is approximately equal to that of a jar of mayonnaise. Thank you for killing at least three of my brain cells, since you have killed all of yours�. I really should not be so harsh, since bacteria has more culture than you.

Here is a free lesson in Japanese.
Baka yameteyo!
English Translation:
Don't act stupid! (To a Female)

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! I'm in awe from the devastation of your insults! You use such omnipotent abuse. I have considerable admiration of you for your exquisite use of vocabulary! Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! Please, never insult me. I don't think I'd ever recover.

05-18-2005, 01:38 PM
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! I'm in awe from the devastation of your insults! You use such omnipotent abuse. I have considerable admiration of you for your exquisite use of vocabulary! Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! Please, never insult me. I don't think I'd ever recover.

Wow you are easily convinced by google insults then.

That guy aint got enough brains to come up with that.

Im surprised his brains let him search google.

05-19-2005, 03:49 AM
Wow you are easily convinced by google insults then.

That guy aint got enough brains to come up with that.

Im surprised his brains let him search google.

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! Jander, Jander, Jander. Mabye your right, I honestly couldn't say, truth be told, I really don't give two $h!ts where he got his ideas or quotes. The way I see it, 'Duo' was being a D!ck and 'Unit.x9' ripped into her! I am a simple minded adolescent who's easily amused. I think 'Duo' was expecting a retaliation from a 'FF fanatic', and Unit probably played right into the palm of her hands, exactly as 'Duo' had anticipated! however, I just found it to be a good laugh!

Question: I don't understand, Are there sites dedicated especially to Quotes and Insults? Or are you not being literal?

Cid Highwind
05-19-2005, 04:03 AM
I have a good one

Master command + mega all
Master Magic + mega all
Master summon + W-summon

sorry for and thing missed spelled was in rush

05-19-2005, 08:36 PM
I find it mildly insulting that you think I would use google to insult others when your own stupidity is enough to insult yourself alone. I didn't believe that it is possible to become dumber that George W. Bush but, once again, I seem to be mistaken.

I find your blatant lack of inelegance frightening to the point that i would like to call the friendly people in the white coats to give you a nice home somewhere far, far away. Then again you probably just escaped and had time to type that babble before the tranquilizer dart hit you.

If you don't believe that I type these insults to you then come to Iowa so I may taunt you in person. The problem is, you don't want to deal with the fact I am more inelegant than you so you pick up your copies of Comeback for the Retarded and try to blame it on something to make feel secure in your own little world. I find it a little oxymoronic that someone with the inelegance of Pinky's uses Brain as his avatar.

Kisama=Kisama is essentially a derogatory version of 'you', but is more commonly translated as 'bastard.'

05-19-2005, 09:31 PM
14 post and your messing with prak....good luck,neways i've played the game a few times through but havent used a materia called masar magic did it slip my mind or is it just misspelt.

Word of the day
Oxymoronic O_0

05-19-2005, 10:16 PM
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! Jander, Jander, Jander. Mabye your right, I honestly couldn't say, truth be told, I really don't give two $h!ts where he got his ideas or quotes. The way I see it, 'Duo' was being a D!ck and 'Unit.x9' ripped into her! I am a simple minded adolescent who's easily amused. I think 'Duo' was expecting a retaliation from a 'FF fanatic', and Unit probably played right into the palm of her hands, exactly as 'Duo' had anticipated! however, I just found it to be a good laugh!

Question: I don't understand, Are there sites dedicated especially to Quotes and Insults? Or are you not being literal?

You really are simple minded aint ya. Well there are sites which are dedicated to insults yes. Sad as it is its true.

He may of played right in to her hands but you acted like a dick by finding such a pathetic post even remotly funny

05-19-2005, 10:29 PM
You call it pathetic, but can you do better?

05-20-2005, 05:42 AM
You really are simple minded aint ya. Well there are sites which are dedicated to insults yes. Sad as it is its true.

He may of played right in to her hands but you acted like a dick by finding such a pathetic post even remotly funny

Ah ha ha ha! Yeah, you could see it that way, but then again, mabye you're just a narrow minded pessimist who can't take a joke! I'm not a 'dick' cause I can! Simple minded yes, mabye that's why I call myself 'Dark Cloud' because I'm not too bright. I think you need to lighten up! You should go and get laid or something. Sorry, that was a bit harsh, but it was just a joke, do you get it? Do you? I hope I didn't confuse you lady...wait...are you a lady? Sorry, I seem to be a little 'Jander' confused! Ah ha ha ha. Jander, Gender, do you get it?That was a joke too! Look, I know Ignorance is bliss, but having a sense of humour isn't such a bad thing! Try a bit of lateral thinking once in a while, it doesn't hurt to laugh! It's alot better then getting all worked up over nothing. =)

Hey 'Shadow Lurker', It was a spelling error, 'Cid' meant Master Materia.

05-23-2005, 08:24 PM
Dark cloud has a point. You need to lighten up a lot, even thought your brain hasn't fully developed yet. I am sure you can understand what is happening. It is true there are insult web sites, but don't assume that someone uses one. I am sure if you reversed your rectal head inversions you would be a nice guy. In short don't jump on the band wagon because someone might push you off. It is the little things in life that matter. Just because I only have 15 or so posts here don't, assume that this is the only forum I post on. I have accounts on many forums that I have over 10,000 posts, and I am also a moderator of another forum so I have exp.

05-23-2005, 08:39 PM
Ah ha ha ha! Yeah, you could see it that way, but then again, mabye you're just a narrow minded pessimist who can't take a joke! I'm not a 'dick' cause I can! Simple minded yes, mabye I that's why I call myself 'Dark Cloud' because I'm not too bright. I think you need to lighten up! You should go and get laid or something. Sorry, that was a bit harsh, but it was just a joke, do you get it? Do you? I hope I didn't confuse you lady...wait...are you a lady? Sorry, I seem to be a little 'Jander' confused! Ah ha ha ha. Jander, Gender, do you get it?That was a joke too! Look, I know Ignorance is bliss, but having a sense of humour isn't such a bad thing! Try a bit of lateral thinking once in a while, it doesn't hurt to laugh! It's alot better then getting all worked up over nothing. =)

Hey 'Shadow Lurker', It was a spelling error, 'Cid' meant Master Meteria.

Heh I have a sense of humour thanks its just a bit more cynical and black than your crappy little jokes are. Also gender, Jander not funny.

Maybe you need to get laided so you dont have as much time to come up with such shitty insults and jokes.

Also if you are going to correct a spelling mistake make sure your own is ok. Its materia not Meteria

Dark cloud has a point. You need to lighten up a lot, even thought your brain hasn't fully developed yet. I am sure you can understand what is happening. It is true there are insult web sites, but don't assume that someone uses one. I am sure if you reversed your rectal head inversions you would be a nice guy. In short don't jump on the band wagon because someone might push you off. It is the little things in life that matter. Just because I only have 15 or so posts here don't, assume that this is the only forum I post on. I have accounts on many forums that I have over 10,000 posts, and I am also a moderator of another forum so I have exp.

I need to lighten up. Dont assume to tell me what to do. I need to do a lot of things lightening up isnt one of them. Also my brain is fully devoloped thanks when it comes to jokes. That was simply not funny.

Woo hoo your a mod with 10,000 oh wow. I am a mod on one forum an admin on another and have over a 1000 posts on about 3 forums. Big deal. Im not trying to show off with it.

05-23-2005, 08:56 PM
Being the bastard I like to be I'll have to say something about you, Jander.

Who the hell are you to point out grammatical errors? Look at your posts. For crying out loud, your ava title is a typo.


Whoo-hoo a 1000 posts

05-24-2005, 12:37 AM
Being the bastard I like to be I'll have to say something about you, Jander.

Who the hell are you to point out grammatical errors? Look at your posts. For crying out loud, your ava title is a typo.

Ha ha ha ha. NIce call. Hey Jander, you've proved me right, you should've seen it coming. You are a PESSIMIST!!!!! They were jokes, NOT insults.

Hey Jander, come on. If you think everyone's jokes are so sh!t, lets hear what you've got! The only thing even remotly funny about you is your stupidity! Oh wait, Your avatar! You're Avatar cracks me up! I look at it after reading your complaints, and that facial expression fits perfectly!

Hex Omega
05-24-2005, 01:14 AM
nice one dark cloud.that jander is one cynical cunt

05-24-2005, 01:19 AM
nice one dark cloud.that jander is one cynical cunt

Heh aint it the truth

Hex Omega
05-24-2005, 01:23 AM
poor bastard

05-24-2005, 01:24 AM
Heh aint it the truth
LOL. That's more like it! =)

Hex Omega
05-24-2005, 01:11 PM
enough flaming now.no need for it

05-25-2005, 08:24 PM
LOL, Darkcloud short, simple and to the point. Nice yet so true.

05-25-2005, 09:20 PM
enough flaming now.no need for it

Thats fucking rich coming from you. But whatever

05-25-2005, 09:28 PM
Your ava is still a typo hahaha

05-27-2005, 10:57 AM
Knights of round + hp absorb then mime

bang your dead O:]

06-03-2005, 11:39 AM
I think the war is officially over so here's another one I think works well.

Hades and Added Effect

Like I said, I THINK. It's been a long time since I played!

special chocobo
06-10-2005, 11:01 PM
Cover, Counter Attack, Counter Attack, [command] counter+ 4x cut

Covers your charaters and immediately counters three times,
finishing with 4x cut.

This always comes in handy. =)

06-11-2005, 06:51 PM
KOTR+ HP ABSORB, SpamHead had it right, then use mimic with the other chars, not only do you get massive Damage and healing (mimics dont get the healing though), but you have some free time on your hands to say, make a sandwich, go to the bathroom, go on vacation, etc etc.

06-11-2005, 09:56 PM
yea that is a good one

06-11-2005, 10:30 PM
Counter Attack x8

Basically if you are attacked, they get pounded with up to 79992 HP worth of damage. Not bad.

Hex Omega
06-12-2005, 01:01 AM
aye that was useful against WEAPON.

06-12-2005, 11:04 AM
I didnt actually use that against any of the weapons. I just relied on Final Attack=Phoenix on that. I am sure it is though.

Sephiroth Sonic
06-12-2005, 11:12 AM
Yeah when fighting Emerald Weapon i just bashed it with my 2 set of mastered KorR, I didn't rely on materia really, and killed it very fast, just have 2 mastered sets of Pheonix + Final Attack and you are practically invincable. :)


Hex Omega
06-12-2005, 12:33 PM
well i had 12 counter attack materias equipped on Yuffie.9999x12= god knows but a lot of damage

06-24-2005, 03:05 AM
The problem is, you don't want to deal with the fact I am more inelegant than you

To be honest i dont see whats so insulting about not being inelegant.

if you want that "insult" to cut deeper than a playing card then perhaps you should have used the word "intelligent" maybe im missing the point and if i am feel free to flame me

but you just seem to be lashing out for no reason