04-26-2005, 07:08 PM
hiya! okay this is a live fansub so anyone can join,what you do is start a story to do with the ff8 characters but it can be anywhere (but has to be related to ff) also characters form other ff can be in it aswell,kay so some starts the story say what character you are and other will join in!
(nothing rude and don't spam!... lol i'm warning you!!!) =)

04-26-2005, 07:15 PM
very funny... =)

04-26-2005, 10:12 PM
ok sounds fun how about this?

It was a sunny morning in balamb garden and the orphanage gang
had just woken up from yesterdays wild party they held for saving the world and defeating sorceress Ultimecia.

Squall was sleeping alongside Rinoa in his bed (both wearing pajamas of course you pervs!:mad: ) when suddenly rinoa bumbed
Squall of the bed causing him to land face first in the laundry hamper. :D

i hope it wasen't too long, please mind my grammer or spelling,
english is not my main language.

04-26-2005, 10:41 PM
I'm not sure if this is allowed, but if you're going to include characters from all FFs, then it seems like it should be in General Final Fantasy. I'll punt it over there, but I'm not sure if it'll stay open...

04-27-2005, 05:29 PM
remember though,you have to leave your story open so people will carry it this. *squalls gets up from hamper rubbing head "what the fuck! rinoa wanna be careful!" starts to get dressed*.
don't make it rude though!!! =)

04-29-2005, 01:34 PM
(ok ill join)
suddenly selphie comes running in
squall: *squeels*
selphie: oh sorry but theres trouble in garden! come quickly
squall: im on my way
Rinoa: zzzzzzzzzzz

04-29-2005, 01:38 PM
*selphie and squall walk down garden hallway,turns to selphie* so whats up?

04-29-2005, 01:57 PM
(can you use characters from other ffs?)

04-29-2005, 01:58 PM
(any characters you want!) =)

04-29-2005, 02:02 PM
Seplhie: some strnage looking people with a huge airship (the highwind) have landed and are crashing the garden!
Cloud: muahahaa....this my garden now!!

(soory i cant think of anything)

04-29-2005, 02:13 PM
(its okay..this might sound stupid but is all i could think of...sorry)
*squall pulls out gun blade*
squall:what the fuck!?
*edea walks up towards cloud,kisses him on cheek.*
edea:Hahahahahahahaha...well done cloud!!!
cloud:*grins* now what?
edea:we take out the seeds one by one! WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA*evil laugh*
cloud:*pulls buster sword out* hehehe...LETS GET THIS PARTY STARTED!!!!
*cloud & edea evil laugh*

04-29-2005, 11:08 PM
lol, i'll join(sorry, can't think of anything...)
squall: matron! i thought you've changed already!!!
selphie: i'll go call the others!*runs away*
edea: squall, squall, squall.....
squall: no shit, man, ultimecia's controlling you again!!!
rinoa*still sleepy and still in pjs and joins squall*: what the hell's all this, squall?
squall:go back to my room, rinoa. (to cloud) you'll never win to me, you have big sword, and it'll be hard for you to swing it.

04-29-2005, 11:13 PM
*rinoa changes out of pjs....some how...)
rinoa:no way i'm stayin!!!
cloud to think you can beat me? *swings sword* THEN BRING IT ON!!!
*selphie appears with others*
selphie: we'll help!

04-29-2005, 11:22 PM
zell: yeah! we'll beat the shit out of cloud and release matron from ultimecia!
selphie: wait, wait, i forgot to call someone!*runs away*
quistis: who the hell's she gonna call!? almost everyone's not in here. tifa's in besaid beach with red xiii, tidus, yuna, rikku and yuffie.
irvine: tidus must have been having a good time*sigh* i should've went with him...
seifer: and everyone's on a mission. cid assigned them to different faraway places.
selphie: *catching her breath* here he is.....

(then all of a sudden, an evilish like laugh came from the man selphie had brought)

sephiroth: we meet again, cloud.........
cloud: sephiroth.........

04-29-2005, 11:28 PM
zell:*slaps head*awwww shit! she brought the bad dude!
quistis:*claps* woohoo! good one selphie!
selphie:*bows* tehee!!!
*cloud steps back*
cloud:i though you were dead?....

04-29-2005, 11:34 PM
cloud: no, no, i'm gonna get the fuck out of here!!! (runs towards the entrance and exits)
squall: what the hell?

04-29-2005, 11:37 PM
hey.. can I join in??

04-29-2005, 11:39 PM
*edea stares as cloud run into highwind*
edea:WHAT! CLOUD GET BACK HERE!!!....never mind....hehehee...TURKS!
*rude,reno,elena and tseng step out of highwind*

hey.. can I join in??sure! =)

04-29-2005, 11:49 PM
squall: what the...? there's still some more of them!?
rinoa: squall, what are we gonna do?
selphie: mr. sephiroth, what do we do now?
(sephiroth didn't answer)
irvine: looks like we're dead meat...

04-29-2005, 11:54 PM
*seifer shakes head*
quistis:hey seifer calm down.
*turks look at each other then at party*
reno: pathetic!
*elena giggles*
tseng:lets get this over with!
*rude nods*

04-30-2005, 12:00 AM
selphie: hey, mr. sephiroth! are you just gonna do nothing there!?
seifer: looks like i'll have to handle this myself.....
quistis: seifer, i said calm down.
sephiroth: ................................
zell: are you still thinking about cloud?
sephiroth: ...................................
rinoa: sephiroth...........................
squall: i've had enough of this silence! *runs toward reno with his gunblade*

04-30-2005, 12:55 PM
(this is gonna be long! =) )
*watches squall run*
*runs after squall*
zell:hey sephiroth do somethin man!!!
selphie:its no good....hes not gonna do anything...
irvine:*puts arm around selphie*.....hey its okay....
selphie*kicks irvine in the balls*....................
quistis:*folds arms* ivrine get a hold of yourself....
irvine:*snivels* it....
zell:no shit...but da ya think we can take them all....
quistis:zells got a point.....god knows who else shes got in there!
selphie:*to sephiroth*....if you ain't gonna help...maybe you shoud just leave...
sephiroth:..........................something is controlling this woman?
*rinoa runs off toward squall an seifer*
zell:great! just GREAT!!!
squall:*to reno* okay you bastard bring it on!
seifer:hehehehe... this is gonna be some hell of a fight!
reno:*flicks hair away from face* ours...
squall:you wish!
elena:*giggles*....tseng lets just finish this then we can go to wutai..
tseng:yeah i'm gonna be thirsty after this.
rude:why wutai? lets go to costa del sol!
reno:no no wutai is better!
seifer:what the fuck!?
voice in distance:SQUALL!
*squall an seifer turn around*
*reno looks at turks then nods*
*turks run toward squall an seifer*

04-30-2005, 03:20 PM
Rinoa: Look out squall behind you!!!!
Squall: WHAT!?!?! OH SHIT!!!!
*Reno is just about to attack squall when sephiroth jumps out of nowhere and stabs him in the stomach*
Reno: whole life flashing before my eyes......*he dies*
Elena: you'll pay for that!!
*Elena runs at sephiroth*
Tseng: nooooo!!!!

04-30-2005, 03:41 PM
*elena runs towards sephiroth but a hand grabs her arm pulling her back*
elena:what? let go!
rude:what you doin!? ya trying to get yourself killed!?
elena:but reno...
tseng:leave him...
rude:*shocked* WHAT!!
tseng:you heard...
*rinoa catches up with squall*
rinoa:i couln't let you got by your self..
squall:*nods* right....*to sephiroth* thanks.....
*edea steps forward*
edea:..........stop playing around turks and get rid of them!
elena:*screams* you bastards you ain't getting away with what you done to reno!!!
tseng:....elena be quite.....

fascist socialist
04-30-2005, 08:06 PM

04-30-2005, 08:06 PM
elena: i'm gonna make you pay, sephiroth!!!
tseng: ELENA!!!! NO!!!! *runs after elena*
(elena runs toward sephiroth, and sephiroth is getting ready to stab elena)
elena: i'm gonna kill you!
elena: (gasp!)
(tseng and elena both stopped running)

(something flashy appeared in front of sephiroth, then flower petals started falling off from nowhere. then a familiar someone appeared...........)

elena: *still shocked* .......AERIS!!???

04-30-2005, 09:00 PM
seifer:*confused* who the fuck is this!?
elena:*takes a step back*.......aeris....y-your dead!!!
rude:*rubs eyes*......i think i had to much to drink....
sephiroth:aeris? your alive?
rinoa:what? i'm confused!
squall:....ya don't say......
*everyone turns around to see selhie,quistis,zell and ivrine appear*
selphie:*catching breath*sephiroth just ran off.....*looks at aeris then rinoa* whos this?
rinoa:beats me!
quistis:this is interesting.....

the guy watching you
04-30-2005, 09:08 PM
(i guess ill join)
seph:you unholy bitch you dont when to die do you
seph:*stabs aeris again...then again..then starts slicing her up*DIE!!!...DIE!...DIE!!!!
(everyone looks at him doing this)
squall:holy shit! *to seifer*thank god we got him on our team
tseng: omg...
rude:*nods head*
*seph turn aeris's body into a piece of meat and blood*
reno somehow gets up and joins the turks again
reno:fuck this you guys lets leave and go to...huh........mideel(bet you didnt see that coming)
*turks run to the highwind*
edea:you pussies...thank god i manage to get ALOT of people into this.come out!!!!
*tranced kuja comes out of the highwind*

04-30-2005, 09:14 PM
(wow wasn't expecting that last post! =) )
zell:who the fuck is this?!
ivrine:*sigh* man i'm never gonna get to go to besaid at this rate....
selphie:*kicks ivrine in the balls again* grow up!
ivrine:*screams*WAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *snivels* gonna *sniff* stop doing that!
quistis:*pulls out whip* this ain't good!

04-30-2005, 10:11 PM
irvine: wow, sephiroth has lost his mind. he just killed a beautiful girl...............a beautiful GIRL!!!??? sephiroth's gonna pay for this!
selphie: he's on our side, irvine!
irvine: i don't care!
(irvine runs toward sephiroth)
selphie: NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the guy watching you
05-01-2005, 07:06 AM
*seph cuts irvines ding dong off*
irvine: OMG!!!!!!!!
*evry1 laughs* (even aeris's piece of meat body somehow...)
kuja:HAHAHAHAHA...i think im ready to do my ultimate move...ULTIMA!!!!
squall:wow....a ultima...i can only do that like 100 times in a row...
rinoa:me too....
kuja:*to himself*shit they out power me wut shuld i do?(to evry1)look a unicorn!!!!*points at the highwind then casts a ultima*

(all the blasts misses evry1 except for irvines leg)
irvine:HOLY SHIT!!!!first my dick and now my leg jesus christ why cant u guys just kill me?
*yuffie pops out from nowhere and lands on irvine's arm*
quistis:i thought you were on vacation?
yuffie: tifas damn boobs took my seat on the plane
cloud: she did have big boobs*gets a erection and pokes irvines eye with it*
irvine: omg my eye some1 for the love of god kill me!!!!
rinoa:hehe(to squall)whisper whisper...hehe...look his goes longer then yours!
squall:you sick whore(slaps her in the face0

EDIT:kirea's post came up while i was writing my first post so mine doesnt really mix in with the story.

05-01-2005, 02:12 PM
(ok im kinda confused....)

Selphie:what are we gonna do!?

Quistis: whip 'em *cracks whip* whip 'em good..

*Kuja runs at squall but before he managegs to slice him in half angelo runs over and bites him the leg*

Kuja: aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!

Rinoa: Good boy angelo *pats his head and gives him one of aeris bones*

*Tseng pulls out a gun (did he use a gun??) and sneaks up behind rinoa and grabs her and points gun at her head*

Tseng: ok!! one more move and she gets it!!!! dont push me!!! im on the edge!!!

Squall: Rinoa!!! *starts to walk forward*

Tseng: back!!! get back!!!! *slowly makes his way to the highwind*

Edea: excellent!

Rinoa: heeeeeeellllllppppp meeeeeee!!!!

*Rinoa is captured in the highwind and edea, the turks and kuja all fly away*

Seplhie: oh no we have to save rinoa!


05-01-2005, 06:32 PM
selphie: what do we do now, squall?
squall: ...i ......don't know.....
quistis: we should fly the ragnarok and follow them.
zell: good idea
cid*pops out of nowhere with tidus*: don't follow them, i have a better idea
zell: the hell!? don't just pop out like that! you scared me!!!
selphie: *giggle*
squall: i thought tidus was on vacation
tidus: nah... i got bored. anyways, i think i like to fight monsters than swim with girls
irvine: *managed to speak somehow* wanna trade places?
selphie: *kicks irvine in the chest* owwww!
tidus: so where are the beasts?
squall: in the highwind...

05-01-2005, 07:18 PM
*man, caped, walks out of a shadowy place*(im cloud)*holding the head of the other Cloud, throughs it to the ground* lets go, Rinoa is in trouble.......
Squall: I thought you ran away you coward!
Cloud: he was a doll, a clone if you will, I am the real Cloud.
Selphie:....yeah, you look better then that guy...
Cloud: we will talk about familiaralities(sp) later, we have to go now and catch up.

05-01-2005, 07:32 PM
tidus: hey, how do we catch up to them?
squall: by the ragnarok.
cid: i said i have a better idea!
zell: well, tell us old man.
cid: who you callin' old man!?
zell: someone standing next to me called cid. his name's spelled C-I-D. like yours.
cid: you bastard!!!
squall: enough! we gotta get going!
cloud: we should fly by the ragnarok... if cid here doesn't tell us his plan immediately.
zell: yeah, old man!
cid: tch! fine! okay here's the plan. i have a remote control that i made that activates a bomb in the highwind. if we press it right now, it'll go bang! and all of them are dead!
cid: oh...right...
cloud: then we don't have a plan after all, cid? i guess we have to get the ragnarok.
squall: i'll go for that.

the guy watching you
05-01-2005, 10:18 PM
*evry1 goes to where the ragnarok is at*
squall:hey wheres the ragnarok?
zell:yea...bout that...i accidentaly sold it to this dude i know
selphie:are you a retard!!???
zell:hey dont worry i know where hes at!
zell:huh he said something about "throwing rocks at a giant wall"
squall:thats all you got from him?
zell:well ya
selphie:why did you give it to him in the first place?
zell:cuz he said he could teach me how to dance
cloud: o sweet jesus your not talking you?
zell:yea thats his name!
cloud: ima kill you one of these days
zell:fine but can u do it after i mastered my trick!
selphie:wait so wut the fudge we do now?
squall:i dunno

05-01-2005, 10:47 PM
Cloud whistles and a gold chocobo comes: i can carry two ppl on here, Squall, Zell, lets go.
Zell: ok but i dunno if we will find him...
Cloud: I already know where he is.
Squall: ok then lets go!

05-01-2005, 11:11 PM
selphie: what about us?
quistis: yeah, we want to help too!
squall: if you wanna help, call everyone to go here at balamb garden
zell: but don't you dare call tifa!!!
selphie: why???
zell: because she's gonna keep bugging me again about how good she is at martial arts!
selphie: hmmmm...... okay, i won't call her.
zell: you better not!
squall: let's go zell
cloud: come on, we have to go now
squall: selphie, after everyone gets here, tell them what happened, and try to catch up to us.
selphie: got it!!! wait??? what about these???
(selphie points toward the bodies of aeris and irvine)
squall: do anything you want with it.
cloud: let's go
(squall, cloud, and zell gets on the chocobo and goes away)
selphie: where's the phone? i gotta call tifa

05-01-2005, 11:17 PM
(Emerald Weapon suddenly appears)
Selphie: What's that thing?
Cloud: We can take it!
Squall: But we're only level 1!
(Everyone dies horribly.)

05-01-2005, 11:19 PM
Ragnorok appears in the distance* Cloud: Their! *points at a bald guy*
Zell: yeah thats him!
Squall: Looks like and idiot.
Cloud: He is in some aspects.
*at the Ragnorok* Cloud: Brother, we need the ship and i have no time for arguing!
Brother says in Al Bhead: Ill just to pretend to not understand ahahahaha!
Cloud says in Al Bhead to Brothers suprise: best stop pretending and hand over the keys! *grabs sword*

the guy watching you
05-02-2005, 02:09 AM
cloud:*trys to hit brother*
brother:HAHA!!*evades all clouds strike's with dancing*
zell:see i wanna learn how to do that so i can call cloud a "raping monkey shit feeder"
and he wont do shit to me!!!
cloud yea?
*tifa and evry1 else at bersaid comes(i lost track of whos there)
zell:shit she came
tifa:shut up retard
brother*sees yuna and goes in a hyper dance berserk mode* OMG its yuna I....MUST....DANCE!!!!!!
cloud:stop it or else
brother*slaps cloud in a gay way*o just let me DANCE!!!!
cloud:chops brothers right leg off*i told you to stop
yuna: yea he nothing can happen between us cuz well...IM UR FUCKING COUSIN...WE AINT NO REDNECK!!!
evry1 leaves brother on the ground and jumps onboard of the ragnarok

05-02-2005, 04:26 AM
(inside the ragnarok...)
zell: selphie! i thought i told you not to call tifa!
tifa: why do you want me not to come!?
zell: because...
selphie: zell wants you not to come because he said you're gonna be bugging him about martial arts
tifa: really? is that so?
selphie: zell wants to duel with you
zell: no i don't, you retard!
tifa: well, let's get started!!!
zell: ahhhhhhhhhh!!!! *runs downstairs with tifa going after him*
yuna: what the...? i thought he's a brave young man, that zell guy
selphie: no he's....
seifer: .... a chicken-wuss
(selphie and yuna giggles)
cloud: where's squall?
yuna: in the driver's seat
cloud: i see (walks toward the door where squall is)
(cloud enters the bridge)
cloud: got any plan squall?
squall: i....really.... don't know....

05-02-2005, 05:05 PM
meanwhile......back in the highwind

Rinoa:let me go!!! squall and all my frineds will come and beat the crap out of ya!!

Tseng: ahahahaha!!, squall? he could'nt beat eggs with a whisk!

Elena: what will we do with her?

Edea: put her in that place where they keep the chocobs

Tseng:yes, your magesty *at the chocobo place* ok rinoa in you go *throws her in*

Rinoa: pls let me go!! wats ur problem?!?!?

Tseng: shut yer mouth!!! *slams door and locks it*

Rinoa: its so dark and cold *starts to cry and then suddenly hears a strange noise* wha?? whos there!?!?

????: wark! wark!

the guy watching you
05-02-2005, 10:08 PM
(in the highwind)
rinoa:who is it?
????: wark wark!!
rinoa:show yourself!!
????:WARK WARK!!!!
*noise comes closer then rinoa starts to cry*
????:wark wark!
*rinoa sees the object making noise*
wakka:ya brotha
OMG wut will hapen next?????

05-02-2005, 10:58 PM
wakka: rinoa heartilly!!!
rinoa: wakka?
wakka: whatcha doin' in a place like this!?
rinoa: edea... and the turks, and cloud took me here. *starts crying again*
wakka: i see...
rinoa: please help me!
wakka: well... i don't know what to do!
rinoa: why are you here anyway? aren't you with lulu?
wakka: nope, we got in a little fight, so i wandered off and ended up here
rinoa: can't you think of something that can get us out of here!?
wakka: ya.......nope

05-02-2005, 11:22 PM
suddenly wakka spontaniously combust and dies from massive eternal bleeding

05-03-2005, 12:48 AM
rinoa: ahhhhh!!!! wakka!
tseng*standing outside the door*: keep it down!!!
rinoa: but....
tseng: shut UP!!!

the guy watching you
05-03-2005, 01:14 AM
(back at the ragnarok)
squall:ok where are we headed?
cloud:to the highwind!!!!
squall: ok....wheres the highwind?
cloud:how the fuck shuld i know?
selphie:hey cid dont you have a traking device on the highwind
cid:nope i replaced it with a bomb
zell:i got a idea!!!
tifa:wut learn how to fight HAHAHA!!!
zell:no!(to himself)whore....(to others)why dont we blow up the bomb and see where the explosion comes from?
tifa:that wuld work if the bomb didnt kill evry1 onboard you retard!!!
zell:hehe o yea
squall:wait look theres the highwind!!!
*squall cloud and lulu jumps aboard*
cloud:lulu where the hell you come from?
lulu:i was with brother
*yells from the ragnarok...THAT FAG?
lulu:not wut you think
(trance kuja comes out of the door to the highwind)
trance kuja:hahaha we meet again

HOLY SHIT wut will happen next?

05-03-2005, 02:14 AM
squall: where's rinoa!?
trance kuja: i don't know...*then laughs*
cloud: we know that you know where rinoa is. tell us or....*cloud takes out his buster sword*
trance kuja: or what? you'll kill me, cloud? why don't you try?
cloud: if that's what you want. i'll be glad to do it.

the guy watching you
05-03-2005, 07:26 AM
*cloud runs toward kuja but then trips over a rock*
kuja:HAHAHA bet you didnt see that coming
cloud:shut up you didnt do crap
kuja:yea....well guess wut....IM THE ONE PUT THAT ROCK THERE!!!!!
cloud : o nooooo you got me ahhh i think i shuld die now!!!
lulu:wutever you say....*casts a flare on cloud and seriously hurts him

HOLY FUNDINKLE SHITZ wut will happen next?(i decided ima do that evry1 time i post in here)

05-05-2005, 05:13 AM
cloud: what the hell do you think you're doing!?
lulu: you were joking around...
squall: you shouldn't have done that, lulu.

the guy watching you
05-05-2005, 05:27 AM
(yay some1 is continuing it)

kuja:that is enough!!!*does a dramatic arm sweep pose*
squall:.....just tell us where rinoa is and well
kuja:shes in that room right there*points to emergency exit*
cloud:ill go first...
squall:no wait dont ......too late
cloud: OMG!!!*flies out of the highwind and somehow lives*
kuja: HAHAHA...fools...
(lulu doublecasts ultima on kuja)
kuja : noooooooooo*dies*
squall:ok lets look for rinoa now
zell : il come with you
squall: o yay a retard will up us

05-05-2005, 08:30 PM
(lol the guy watching you ur parts r so funny!)

( the chocobo place..)
Rinoa:*hears all the noise*huh?? whos out there??

Squall: ok now where could she be...?

Rinoa: *hears squalls voice* squall!!!!!!!!! im in here!!!!!!!!

Squall: whats that sound??

Rinoa: Squall!!!!!!!!!

Squall: huh??

*the turks appear*

Elena: thats just the.... uh.... new heating system we have....yea.....heating system..

Tseng: yea shes right...

Rinoa: squall!!!!!!! in here u dumass!!!!!!!

Sqaull:you stupid asls you think i dont know the sound of my own gf's voice!! Rinoa im coming!

Tseng: oh no ur not *takes out the gun and shots him in the leg*

Squall:aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh somebody do something!

Lulu: *shrugs*

Zell: OK

Squall: anyone but you...

Zell: hey shut! up im so fed up with people thinking im stupid!

Rinoa: stop talking and get me out already!!! *starts to cry the hears another strange noise* wtf!?

Cloud: *after jumbng out the emrgency exit he manages to hang on to the edge and climb in the highwind window into the chocobo area* oh! hello!

Rinoa:oh my god....

05-05-2005, 08:57 PM
this calls for genocide

05-05-2005, 10:58 PM
rinoa: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! cloud! *rans to the door and start knocking loud on the door* somebody help me!!!!!
cloud: hey, calm down!
rinoa: how the heck am i supposed to calm down!? you'll kill me!
cloud: no, i'm not going to kill you! i......
rinoa: no, i don't want to listen to you!
cloud: would you just shut up and let me explain!?
rinoa: *shuts up but still crying*
cloud: okay, i know you're thinking that i'll kill you. that i'm with edea, and all the bad guys. but that wasn't me that you saw!
rinoa: what?
cloud: the one that you saw was a fake one. i'm the real cloud strife.
rinoa: how can you prove it?
cloud: let's get out of this chocobo stable first. then ask you're boyfriend if i'm the real one. he knows. we're here to save you. kuja just threw me off in the emergency exit. luckily, i was able to live.
rinoa: so, how do we get out of here?

the guy watching you
05-06-2005, 02:16 AM
(thanks rinoa angel)(kinda long post too)

lulu: *overhears conversation between cloud and rinoa* NO!!!! rinoa dont believe him...kuja didnt throw any1 out he just pointed to the emergency exit and cloud just jumped his happy ass on out of it
cloud: shut up! help me get her out
lulu: no i gotta help squall....
cloud : i thought we were here for rinoa?
lulu:.....yea....*runs away*
cloud*stays next to chocobo place to save rinoa* how do i get you out
rinoa:try ur sword dumbass!!!
cloud : i GOT IT!!!! ill use my sword*pulls down pants* HERE I COME!!!!
*loud noises are heard from outside*
rinoa:wut r u doing?
cloud: saving you


squall: zell go call help
zell: HELP!!!! HELP!!!! HELP!!!!!
squall: god i hate you....
reno: shut up!
tseng : are you guys ready?
lulu : ready for wut?
tseng: THIS!!!!
(the turks does a dance routine)
elena:yes brother taught us the evil ways
rude: are you scared yet!?
squall: wut the FUCK are you guys doing?
zell: screw this * kicks evry1's ass* HA!!!
lulu: wow retard did something wait-something goo...wait-something!
zell:yea and i can do more if you play ur cards right!
squall: go get me something to cover this up
lulu: ill go check on rinoa*runs away*
zell: ill go get you something * runs*
squall: wait where is she?

30 min later.....
zell: squall i came back!!!!
squall: wow you didnt get lost retard
zell:.... hey im helping ur ass!!!
squall: whatever...just give me wut you brought
zell: OK!!!!*pullas out a band-aid
squall: is that wut u brought!!!!?
zell: yea...
squall: this is a gunshot wound i didnt fall of a bike like you did yesterday DUMBFUCK!!!
zell: ooo thats right you were shot....

wut will happen next?

05-06-2005, 04:18 AM
(lol. your post was very funny, the guy watching you! it made me fall of my chair from laughing so much!!!)

squall: you're such a retard, zell! i shouldn't have brought you here!
zell: hey, i'm trying my best!
zell: tch. fine. *runs away from squall*
squall: where the hell are you going!?
zell: somewhere out of your way!

rinoa: what...?
cloud: what "what"?
rinoa: what are you doing!?
cloud: i said "saving you"
rinoa: and how are you gonna save me?
cloud: i'll slice this door apart
rinoa: is your sword really that strong?
cloud: yes. get back now.
(rinoa backs off while cloud is preparing to strike the door)
cloud: here we go!
(rinoa ducks down, and cloud hits the door)
rinoa: is it done?
cloud: yes
(rinoa walks forward and sees squall)
squall: rinoa! cloud!
rinoa: squall!
(the two ran to each other and hugs each other)
squall: you're safe!
rinoa: i missed you so much!
squall: *looks at cloud* so you lived huh?
cloud: yes.
rinoa: is he the real cloud?
squall: yes.
(the two were still hugging each other)
cloud: enough PDA, please. where are the others?
(squall stops hugging rinoa)
squall: they all ran away
cloud: what?

the guy watching you
05-06-2005, 05:26 AM
(thanks for compliments..this one is Loooooooong)

squall:they all ran away...lulu i thoght was going after you...zell...well who needs his ass...o yea and...WHY DONT YOU HAVE PANTS ON????
rinoa: WHO CARES!!!!
squall:*slaps rinoa across her face*wut did i say about that?
rinoa: sorry master
cloud: (talks while pulling pants back up) look lets just go back to the ragnarok and plan something out
rinoa and squall: OK!

selphie: i wonder how evry1's doing?
yuna: they're doing good
yuffie:how wuld oyu know?
yuna: believe me i know
yuffie: wutever
selphie: look theres zell
zell: hey you guys
yuna: where is evry1 else?
zell: they're still there
selphie: you left them
zell: no i did a shitass job and squall made me cry and run away-(to himself) shit now i know i wont get ass from any of them
evry1 laughs
lulu: wow you just upgraded yourself from retard to DUMBASS!!! HAHAHAHAHA
zell : if i was such a retard then why was i smart enough to give squall a phone ifound(to himself)wait o shit i forgot to give him the phone....

squall: wut the hell are you doing cloud?
cloud:im not gonna make the same mistake as i did last time
squall: wut u mean runn out of a door that has in bright red letters"EMERGENCY EXIT"
cloud: ......he said that was the way so i trusted him
rinoa: you dont trust the bad guys
cloud: i guess so

*ring ring*
squall: look a phone*points to the same emergency door from earlier* go get it cloud
cloud: OK!* for the second jumps out of the door and somehow lives*
squall and rinoa laugh
squall:i got the phone in my pocket zell err i mean cloud
zell: hey you guys how you doing?
squall: bad...
zell: why bad?
squall: well you see this dumbass here jumped out of the same door TWICE!
zell: you mean cloud
squall: no YOU!
zell: i dont remember that?
squall: god....
zell: well forget it come to the ragnarok...
squall: yea well another thing is that the ragnarok is well...across the mountain...wait how the hell did you get there
zell:.... huh..... i jumped here
squall: you jumped?
zell: ...well ...yea
squall: omg wut are we gonna do?
(told ya it was gonna be long)


05-06-2005, 01:49 PM
*swears to himself*Cloud: damn it! *rubs head* (Calls Squall) Pick me up! i landed in nibelhiem Mt.!
Squall: ok ok, but you should have seen ur face before you fell out! you we like AAAHHHH!
Rinoa: yeah!
Cloud:oh really! *uses gravity to make the highwind crash but they survive*

the guy watching you
05-06-2005, 08:28 PM
squall: nice job shithead!
cloud: you were making fun of me!
rinoa: so wut dont take it like a little kid..we wuld of just picked you up!
lulu: well its too late we suppose to get to the highwind now?
cloud: ill use gravity on them too!
yuna: they're miles away how the hell you gonna get them?
cloud: shit ur right


edea: man did you see their ship go down?
????: was funny
edea: how bout that cloud dumbass,he fell out of the same dorr twice!
???? #2:hes a complette dumbass believe me
edea: no matter we'll br using him again shortly...
????: yes we will....are the repais done yet?
ff10CID: nope that dumbass you guys are talking about casted a gravity on us and wiped evrything off board even quina's fat ass!!!!
edea: we dont need her so no lost for us
????: we got a call from some1
edea: who?
????: his name is irvine
edea: o really....connect him!
irvine: YO you guys,how you doing, i just wanted to say that i wuld like to join you!!!



05-06-2005, 11:08 PM
edea: you are welcome to join us, irvine. we'll pick you up. where are you now?
irvine: 7th heaven.
edea: you mean the bar that that tifa girl owns?
irvine: yes
edea: what are you doing there?
irvine: talking to you on the phone
edea: never mind, irvine


rinoa: what do we do now?
squall: i don't know. where are we anyway?
cloud: mt. nibelhiem
rinoa: what is that? *points at a shadow figure that is emerging from one of the caves*
cloud: who's there?
squall: you forgot to say "knock, knock"
rinoa: shut the fuck up, squall
cloud: i'll go in.
rinoa: are you sure?
cloud: yes, and you guys wait here
(cloud goes in the cave, and after twenty minutes, cloud still hasn't come back)
squall: i wonder what happened to him...
rinoa: maybe he was attacked by something...?
lulu: check it out squall
squall: what?
lulu: i said "check it out squall"
squall: i'm not going in there. it looks dangerous.
rinoa: are you chickening out???
squall: no, just being cautious.
lulu: "cautious" is not the right word, squall.
squall: then what's the right word?
lulu: you should have said "no, just being a chicken"
squall: that's it, lulu! you forced me into this!
rinoa: what? what is she forcing you to?
squall: she made me mad!
rinoa: calm down.... SQUALL! LOOK! *points toward the cave*
squall: who's that?
lulu: i dunno..... chicken.
squall: LULU!
(the figure comes out slowly, and it appears to be a girl)
lulu: TERRA!!!???

the guy watching you
05-07-2005, 03:22 AM
terra: yea its me...
lulu: wuts happening in there?
terra: o...nothing just having a litlle fun...hehe...hehehehehe
lulu: with cloud!?
terra: yea
squall: wut were you two doing...hehehe
terra: not wut your thinking buddy
rinoa: ow squall quit poking my ass
squall: o oops hehe
*cloud walks out of the cave funny*
cloud: he he he hey you guys!
squall:wuts wrong with you?
cloud: wuts wrong with YOU!!!
terra and cloud both laugh their asses off
lulu: wuts that in ur pocket terra?
terra: hehehe some browines!
squall: oo can i get one?
rinoa: wait squall NO...shit too late!
(5 min later
squall: wow look at all the colors hehehe* swings hand* wut the fuck was that???
rinoa: ur hand!
squall: my...h-h-h-h-hand?
rinoa: yea retard
squall: o man!! its so fast i barely saw it!!
cloud: hey squall how it be you doing here wow really yea no way awesome lets throw rocks a wall!
squall and terra: OKAY!!!!
rinoa: man they are FUCKED!!
lulu: yea....* eats a browine
rinoa: lulu NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!


05-07-2005, 06:32 PM
(lol! :laugh: )

*at the ragnorok*

Selphie: zzzzzzzzzzzzz wha??? i didnt eat it!
Zell: wut the hell you talkin bout?
Selpie: i mustve ben asleep..where the hell are thosae guys!
Zell: i duuno ok ill phone squall *ring sqaull*
*bring bring*
Sqaull:*high* bring bring bring bring!!
Zell: where the hell are you guys!!
Squall:*really high* I AM THE MOUNTAIN KING!!!
Zell: uhhhh? wut?
Sqaull: *really really high* the higwind was no i dont got ur dam card! the that thing was it up in air 3000 gil! get lost!
Zell: alright then...*hangs up*
Selpie: so wats goin on..
Zell: yea there fine...

* a few hours go by..*

Yuna: this is really getin retarded
Barret: i pity the fool who has to wait in this dam plane!

*they all hear a loud bang*

Tifa: whos there!?
The Turks: *who did survive the higwind crash* its us!
Tseng: we have planted a bomb on the ragnorok you have 5 mins to live! quickly tie them up!
Zell: oh shit i dont wanna die!
Yuna: *crying*
Barret : i aint dying in no plane!
Tseng: *shots zell in the leg* beat the crap out a me will ya!
Tifa: enough of this! *punches tseng in the face and roundhouse kicks the gun out of his hand*
Zell:*who is lying in the floor in agony cathes the gun and shoots elena and reno in thier heads*
Barret: lets get the fuck out of here!!!
Selphie: or we'll be smitherins!!

*they run out of the ragnorok in slow motion style as the ragnorok explodes behind them*

the guy watching you
05-07-2005, 09:19 PM
(this is a long one)

squall: omg wut the fudge wus taht loud noise!?
rinoa: it sounded like a explosion
zell: yea it was,the ragnarok blew up
rinoa: WUT!!!
zell: yea,you see tifa got pissed off at ummmmmm...selphie so then she did all this karate stuff to the engines then BAM BOOM BOOBLE
rinoa: no i said "WUT!" becuz i wanted to know how the hell you got here so fast
zell: i ran
rinoa: but it blew up like a minute ago
zell: im magic
squall: OMG YOU GUYS!!!
cloud: nuh-huh
terra: YAY we found him or it
terra,squall,cloud all chant zell...zell...zell
rinoa: damn it look wut you did now dumbass
zell: sorry

(tifa and the rest come)

tifa: hey are you guys alright?
rinoa: no...YOU...BITCH
tifa: WUT?
rinoa: zell told me wut you did
tifa: wut?
rinoa: you unholy big-breasted whore you blew up the ragnarok!!
(rinoa slaps tifa across the face)
tifa: AW HELL NA
rinoa: lets go bitch
*both pulls out weapons*
tifa:*trys to do a combo but angelo comes to save rinoa and gets practicly molested by her*
rinoa:*throws her thingy and misses tifa but then hits barret*
tifa: you did not just do that?
rinoa: well guess wut i did!
tifa and rinoa gets into a girl fight both ripping eachothers cloths off so they're down to bra and panties
tifa:uh wut now bitch
rinoa: you bitch*slaps tifa in the face then rips her bra off*
tifa: GASP
squall,zell,cloud,barret, and lulu all look and chant something
tifa: dont look at me!!!!
rinoa: thats really gonna help u whore*knocks out tifa with a rock*
tifa: (laying on her back) owww
rinoa: you guys lets go(somehow puts her clothes on without any1 noticing)
zell: you guys go on ahead do....something...hehehe
squall:hehehe ...yea?

(evry1 but zell and tifa leaves)

zell: so look at you soft and sexy...and BIG-BREASTED!!!!

(10 min)

zell: hey guys wait up for me!!!(comes running while smoking a cigarette and zipper still down)
rinoa: wut did you do zell?
squall: hehehe
zell: (to himself)shit i have to think of something so that they dont think i did wut they're thinking)
(to others)i ummmm... pissed all over her body and uhhhhh...found this cigarette near her
rinoa: or in otherwords you practicly raped her?
zell: *to himself* shit!!


05-07-2005, 09:34 PM
selphie: oh dear! look at the ragnarok......
tifa: i feel sorry for zell, though....
selphie: don't be sad...
????: because i'm here!
zell: of course. i dunno how
tifa: i don't feel sorry for zell now.
zell: you! i thought you were being nice to me now!
tifa: no, i'm not
zell: tch. fine! so, you're nice to me when i'm dead huh???
tifa: no, not at all! you're still the worst martial artist here in the world!
zell: FINE!
tifa: FINE!
barret: ENOUGH, YOU TWO!
selphie: enough love quarrels!
zell: shut up!
barret: would you guys stop yelling at each other! it would be more better if we're thinking of a plan to get us out of here!
selphie: mr. wallace is right!
zell: so what do we do now?
barret: i don't know.......

the guy watching you
05-07-2005, 09:38 PM
wow i am really confused i dont know how to continue this

05-07-2005, 10:16 PM
oh dear, the posts got mixed up....

the guy watching you
05-07-2005, 10:46 PM
huh...pick a part to which we shuld continue yours or mine?

05-07-2005, 11:02 PM
you decide.

the guy watching you
05-07-2005, 11:12 PM
i cant im confused and is eating

05-08-2005, 12:04 AM
let someone else decide then.

05-08-2005, 08:32 AM
(well why dont you just play a singular part so it wont be so difficult to figure out what to say, example: I will be Cloud and you pick who you are! : agree or disagree)

05-08-2005, 12:43 PM
(that sounds like a good idea but i like playing do everyones parts, its funnier)

the guy watching you
05-08-2005, 08:53 PM
(yes it is but we need to figure who's story we are gonna continue since mine and rinoa heartilly's posts got mixed some1 pick which part of the stiry we continue

the guy watching you's or rinoa heartilly's

05-09-2005, 06:56 PM
(lets just say that rinoa heartillys happened before the guy watching you)

the guy watching you
05-09-2005, 10:22 PM
(*rinoa*angel* you are teh smartest person ive evr met!)

squall: ok since you know this place cloud, you tell us which way to go

cloud: ok...we go in that there cave

squall: k evry1 lets go WOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!

rinoa: wut the hell was that

squall: im excited....

zell: come on lets just go

lulu: wait!!!!

squall: wwut?

lulu: we need to split into partys of three to survive

squall: that sounds stupid...but lets do it anyways!!!!!

lulu,selphie,cloud leaves the party

squall,rinoa,zell,tifa leaves to find their way

squall: hey tifa how can you come with us if we can only get party's of three

tifa:becuz....WHO CARES!!!!.....just give me a piggy-back ride and ill disappear

squall: ok

*tifa hops on squalls back and kisses his neck*

rinoa: (to herself) whore....

*the party goes farther into the cave to find a former partner

rinoa: irvine?

irvine: yes it is me and im here to kill you!


05-10-2005, 06:09 PM
(lol, thx)

Rinoa: but....but you are on our side!!

Irvine: well this is for cutting of my legs earlier!! and poking me in the eye!!

Sqaull: wait...hang on a sec...where did you get them legs...

Irvine: uhh....enough talk *BANG!!*


Cloud: this cave just gos on and on and on and..

Selpie: shut up!

Lulu: I think we're lost...

*outside of the cave barret, yuna and terra are sittin on the ground*

Yuna: can you believe they forgot about us...

(i cant really think of anything..)

05-10-2005, 06:18 PM
(hey you guys have wrote alot...took me awhile to read it all!)

*squall barely misses irvines bullet*
squall:aaaaaah...YOU BASTARD!!!
irvine:*laughs crazy like* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHAHAH!!!
?????:hey you!
*irvine turns around to mysterious figure*
irvine:who me?
????:yeah you! *does super kick and cracks irvine in the balls then punches him in the face,knocking him out*...hehehe take thats!
*just as irvine falls everyone sees who it is*
tifa:*jumps down from squall* RIKKU!
rikku:hey all!
squall:*walks over to rikku,big grin* hi there!

05-10-2005, 06:33 PM
(kireas back!!!!....i was wondering were you were..)

Squall: who the hell is this

Tifa: its rikku!!!


Irvine: *gets up and trips rikku*

Rikku: oooowwww

Sqaull: ok ive had enougn of you irvine cmon we'll setlle this here and now just me and you!!


Sqaull: wats wrong r u coward!!!

Irvine: would a coward do this!..............BYE!!!!!!...........*runs away*

05-10-2005, 06:41 PM
*rikku gets up*
rikku:ya big meanie!
*everyone turns around and its-*
paine:*to rikku* why'd you run off? tryin to play hero?
rikku:hey! they were in trouble!
paine:whatever lets go...
*turns to leave but tifa grabs her leg*
paine:*kicks tifa* get off!
squall:*staring at rikku,starts to drowl*.............
rinoa:hey squall!?
rinoa:SQUALL! *smacks him on head*

05-10-2005, 08:18 PM
*outside of cave*

Yuna: im so bored i wish i couldve went in the cave

Barret: yea whyd they leave us out anyway!

Terra: i have some more brownies...

Barret&Yuna: YAY!!!!!! *they all eat the brownies*

*back in cave*

Squall: rinoa pls talk to me i dont fancy rikku!

Rinoa: you were drooling!

Zell: NO! rikkus mine!

Tifa: huh??*puppy dog eyes*

Zell: wats ur problem!?

Tifa:nothing...i know..

Sqaull: ok evereyone just shut up and find a way to get out of this cave!

Rikku: me and paine know the way!! Follow me!!

Paine: shut up! i dont want them followin us!

Zell: who cares wat you think lets just go. show us the way rikku my dear

Tifa: hmph!

*they walk for like half an hour*

Rikku: whos breathing so loudly?

Zell: not me!


Zell: *turns round quickly, theres a big black dragon starin him in the face*

Zell: oh crap...

05-10-2005, 08:23 PM
(hahaha good one rinoa angel!)

rinoa:huh? whats that smell?
rikku:*sniff the air* yuk! it smells of pee!
paine:hehehehe...looks like the chicken wuss pee'd himself!
*everyone laughs*
zell:fuck up!
(sorry couldn't think of anything!)

05-10-2005, 08:43 PM
Zell: I'm tired of eveyone calling me Chicken-wuss! NEXT PERSON WHO SAYS THAT I'M GOING TO SMASH THERE FACE IN!!!!!!!!!!1
*everybody gets quiet*
Unknown: Whatever, Chicken-wuss!
Zell: Who's there?
*Sir Auron walks from the shadows*
*Zell runs towards Auron about to punch him......*

05-10-2005, 08:49 PM
(hi there cloud20747 welcome!)

squall:*grabs zell by the arm yanking him back*.....get a grip zell!
zell:*on his ass*........grrrrrr!
rikku:hey auron!
auron:well if it isn't rikku......
tifa:hi auron....*tries to act sexy*

05-10-2005, 09:02 PM
(nice to be here)

Auron: My don't you look nice Miss Tifa!
Tifa: You can just call me Tifa.
Auron:Ok. How's about me and you get some Chocobos and go on a midnight...
*Squall interrupts*
Squall: We're in the middle of something. But you can join along!
Auron: Sure! Anything to be by this angel...*Rinoa smiles*...Named Tifa! *Rinoa gets pissed*
Rinoa: (Thinking to herself) One this hoe-bag is going down and I know a way. (Laughs out loud) Mwhahahahahahahahahaha!!!
Tifa: Are you ok, Rinoa?
Rinoa: *Whispering* I will be soon!
Tifa: What was that?
Rinoa: Nothing!

05-10-2005, 09:18 PM
paine:*pulls out blade,staring at dragon* lets get rid of this thing!?
*everything is quite*
*turns around everyone is walkin away*
paine:HEEEEEEEEEEEY!!!!!! *runs after everyone*

05-11-2005, 09:11 PM
Sqaull:oh shit the dragon!

Zell: nah its cool ive got it covered

Sqaull: shitface! anyone but you!

Zell: *picks up a rock and hits the dragon square in the head. it falls to the ground with a crash* holy shit!! i fuckin killed it!! ha! whos da reatard now!

*the cave starts to shake*

Sqaull: SHIT!! the cave roof is in gunna fall on us!!

Rinoa: this is all ur fault zell!! ya jes had to show off didnt ya!!

Rikku: quick follow me and paine, we know where the entrance is!!!


*they run and rock falls down from the cave roof and hits tifa on the head*

Zell: Tifa!!!!!

Tifa: go on without me!!

Zell: no way *zelll carries tifa on his back*

Paine: theres the entrance!

*they all get out*

Tifa: thank you zell!

meanwhil.....selphie lulu and cloud...

Selphie: is it just me or is the ground shaking.....

Cloud: looks its the entrance!

*they run to the entrance but a huge big mass of rocks fall down and blocks it*

Lulu: we're trapped

Selphie: im scared of the dark...

the guy watching you
05-12-2005, 01:15 AM
(rinoa angel ur avatar creeps me out)

cloud: hahahahahhahahahahha(creepy laugh)
selphie: wut?
cloud: i just shitted myself!!HAHAHAHA!
lulu: hey wheres terra?

terra: where did evry1 go and why the hell am i naked

*back inside*

cloud: hey you guys look at wut i found* shows them a bra and panties*
lulu: is that terra's?
cloud: *sniffing bra*
selphie: horndog

*party 2*
squall: that was a close one!
zell: no it wasnt we had a good 5 minutes before the cave fell down
rikku: i wonder how the others are doing
????: they are fine as i can see fortunes!!!!
auron: fuck he caught up to me
cait sith: HEY!!!!
auron: shut up
cait sith: why shuld i?
auron: *slashes him in half*
cait sith i cant die..hehehe*blows up*

(cait sith #2 comes)

cait sith: HAHAHA you guys have to live with me!!!
auron: damn it!
tifa: forget him lets just go that way!*points to a town*
squall: wow how convienent(sp?) is that... a town right in front of a mountain
auron: we need to go to luca
tifa: how we gonna get there fast..its like 100 miles away
auron: i got a ride*whistles*

(something large and dark emerges from the sky)

rikku: is that...
auron: IT COMES!!!!!

( a purple striped pink bike comes down)

squall: is that ur ride?
auron: yes... well get there very fast
rinoa: well only one can get on it...
auron: some1 can hop on my lap...some1 can then go on the handlebars...but by doing that i wont see SHIT!!!
rikku: ILL GO!!!!!*hops on aurons lap excitely*
rinoa,paine,tifa mutter to themselves: whore....skank...slut
zell: (to himself)alright we finally get to see him naked
squall: ( to zell telepathicly) i can read ur mind queer
zell: ( to himself) SHIT!!!

( i forgot wut i was gonna say when i started to type)
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO wut is it be happening next?

05-12-2005, 07:01 PM
(lol! why does it creep you out?)

Auron: ok everyone on!

*they all get on but then rinoas shoelace gets stuck on the pedal and she falls on her face, everyone laughs inlcuding squall*

Rinoa:oowww that hurt!! squall i cant belive your laughing, you hate me!!

Sqaull: no i dont.....i love you

Rinoa: me...?

Sqaull: of course i do *walks over to rinoa and gets down on one knee, everyone gasps!*

Rinoa: oh squall!

Squall: here, let me tie your lace for you

Rinoa: hmph!

*back in the cave*

Selphie: wats that funny chipping noise

Lulu: cloud wat the fuck are you doin!?

Cloud: wat does it sould like im doin, im diggin a way out!

Selpie: lets just face it! were never gonna get ouuta here! never ever never ever never ever never ever never ever never...

Lulu: *Slaps selphie* snap outa it!!

Cloud: *rocking back and forth* gotta get out....gotta get out...gotta get out....

(really cant think of anything..)

05-12-2005, 08:52 PM
(*rinoa *angel* i think your avatar is really nice!)

lulu:*to cloud* hey pack that in*
*little while later*
*cloud stands up with back to the enterance*
cloud:man i'm pissed off! what the fuck do we do n-
*an explosive send cloud fly on his ass,everyone looks to see the enterance is now no blocked*
selphie:yay! *jumpin up an down*
*as the smoke clears away everyone looks to see a figure with a tail,and a woman with short black hair*

05-12-2005, 09:04 PM
(thx kirea!)

Sephie: its Zidane and Garnet theyll totally save our asses!!

Garnet: uhh hi!

Zidane: follow us (hehehehe...)

*outside of cave*

Auron: rite! everyone on the bike!

*they all jump on. Tifa sit on handlebars, auron sits on the seat with rikku on his knee, sqaull sits in the back seat, zell stands on one pedal and rinoa stands on the other*

Cait: heeeeeeeeeey wat a bout me?

Auron: quick! get outa here before he follows us

*rinoa and zell jumb up and down so the pedals move (lol!)*

Sqaull: and of we go!

05-12-2005, 10:27 PM
*lulu,selphie,cloud,garnet and zidane out side cave*
lulu:now what?
garnet:no sure....
*everyone turns around and its-*
quistis:*huff* u-use left m-me on my o-ow-n.
selphie:did we?
(couldn't think of anything and were did quistis end up? did use kill her off?)

05-12-2005, 10:59 PM

auron: hurry it up! rinoa and zell!
rinoa: we're trying okay!
zell: as if this was easy work!
auron: of course it is!
zell: no it's not!
*rinoa suddenly jumps out of the bicycle*
zell: what the hell you doin' rinoa???
*the bicycle stops*
squall: rinoa!
rinoa: i can't stand this anymore!!!
*rinoa runs the opposite way and disappears from the sight*
rikku: i think... you upset her, squall...
tifa: don't worry squall, you still got me.
rikku: shut the fuck up, you whore!
tifa: how dare you call me a whore
rikku: well you are!
zell: stop this now! we have to go after rinoa!
squall: no...
squall: you guys go ahead. i'll go after rinoa by myself.
zell: no way!
zell: no...
auron: let's go!
*the bicycle moves and disappears out of sight*
squall: okay, i gotta find rinoa now...

the guy watching you
05-13-2005, 03:01 AM
(rinoa angel i just get creep out by things that look like that)

*the party whichs the ocean thats between them and luca*

zell: damn it wut are we gonna do now?
auron: we swim
auron: fine ill get a ride*whistles*
rikku: o god plz let it be a bike that can ride on the ocean
zell: shut up you WHORE!!!
rikku: you bitch*slaps zell*
auron: enough!!!!

( something comes falling from the sky)

auron: ....we called it white sin...

( a white raft comes down from the sky)

zell: thats it?
auron: yes...white sin!
tifa: jesus its just gliding in the air...

(10 min later)
zell:any minute now.....
tifa:wuts that shadow?

( the repaired ragnarok runs into the raft making it pop)

tifa: omg....ITS THE RAGNAROK!!!!!!
zell: brother!!!! come get us
tifa,rikku,auron yells out:BROTHER!!!! BROTHER!!!!!!

(the ragnarok comes abgove them...then a shadowy member comes down)

tifa:....holy shit...RUN!!!!!!!!!!
*evry1 starts to run*
zell: who is it?
tifa: its cait sith!!!!!

*party starts to swim*

(once again i forgot wut to say when i started to type)

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW tahw lliw neppah txen????

05-13-2005, 06:23 PM
(lol, its from a show called the tribe)

*everyones swimming*

auron: c'mon bithches SWIM! SWIM!

rikku: *cough splatter cough* i think im drowning!

Zell: who gives a shit! *looks behind him and cait sith is bobbin in the water* fuck! hes gettin closer! *shouts at tifa whos laggin behind* tifa hurry your ass!!

Tifa: i cant!! he gonna get me!! *cait sith is gettin closer* *jaws music*

Tifa: aaaaaaaaahhhhhh! *she disappears under the water*


Sqaull: rinoa!! where are you?

*he wanders into a depp dark wood*

Sqaull: Rinoa....are you here *twig snaps behind him*

Sqaull: wah! whos there...........nothing........

Sqaull: gettin scared.....rinoa!!!

*another twig snaps, sqaull turns round quickly and something whacks him full slap in the face, everything goes black*

05-13-2005, 06:47 PM
(oh! i've heard of that show!)

*rinoa by herself sittin in the woods....crying*

rinoa:*sniff* .....i hate this! *sniff* i wish everything was back to normal!....


????:hey mister you okay?
squall: (Aaaaaah! my head!)
????:hey mister?
squall: (god it hurts so much!)
????:mog what should we do?
squall: (rinoa? god where is she?!)
????:....dead maybe?....
squall: ( head it feels-)
????:....mister wake up!
squall: (huh? that voice who is it?)
????:....MISTER MOVE YER ASS!!!!
*squall feels someone kick him in the side*
squall:*opens his eyes* OOoOoOoh!
????:heheheheh....not dead after all....
*squall sits up rubing his head*
????:you okay mister?
*squall looked up it was a small girl she had purple hair and wings on her back which suprised him,clinging to her leg was a small moogle*
squall:um yeah...i'm fine...
????:ha thats good then!
squall:*stands up* so um who are you?
????:the names eiko!
squall:hi....i'm squall...
eiko:nice to meet ya! *points at moogle* this here is mog!
squall:um hi....hey you haven't seen a girl with black hair wearing blue come through here have you?
eiko:um no sorry.
squall:ah shit...*walks away* nice meeting ya eiko!
eiko:um...i can help you! i know these wood like the back of me hand!and mog could fly ahead to check for this girl your looking for...
squall:i don't know...
eiko:GREAT! its settled! lets go!*walks ahead pulling squall with her*
squall:hey w-wait! i didn't say anything!
eiko:MOVE! *evil eyes at squall*
squalll:awww brother....

05-13-2005, 06:56 PM
(ye im addicted to it)

*back at the ocean*

Zell: Tifa!!!

Cait sith: muwahahaha

Zell: shut up u stupid cat the only reason you can float is cuz ur full of air *sticks a pin in cait sith, he deflates*

Cait sith: you'll...........regret.......this.....

*zell swims under water and looks for tifa* (soz im gonna half to cut it short here i have to log off for a few minutes)

05-13-2005, 07:20 PM
*zell finds tifa and returns to the surface*
zell:fuck she knocked out! somebody help me carry her!
*auron helps zell*
rikku:holy mother of god! what is that!?
*rikku points to a huge thing floating in water*
Paine:*be keeping quite for a while* its a big fucker no?
zell:yay! its balamb garden! HEY OVER HERE!
*selphie,lulu,cloud,quistis,garnet and zidane appear hanging out of a balamb window*
quistis: GUYS YOU OKAY!?
auron:wow....*staring at tifas boobs*
zell:hey there no time for that!
auron:true but i can't see anything else...
zell:*looks down* fuck...ya got a point!
*everyone gets on balamb*


rinoa:why isn't anyone coming for me!? fuck this shit!
*goes to stand up but freezes hearing a growl*
rinoa: oh shit!.....i just know somethings behind me.... *small cry for help*

05-13-2005, 10:55 PM
rinoa: *trembling* who's.....there...?
*growling starts to grow louder*
rinoa: to.....get out
????: too late...
rinoa: huh?
(something comes to attack rinoa then everything fades to black)

the guy watching you
05-13-2005, 11:17 PM
( never heard of tribes the show,game yes)

????: hello my princess...
rinoa: who are you
????: i am seymour!!!
rinoa: aw shit yuna told me bout you

05-13-2005, 11:33 PM
seymour: don't worry, i mean no harm to you. don't you ever listen to that yuna girl. she's a bitch.
rinoa: i trust yuna! and i don't trust you!
*rinoa starts running away from seymour but seymour caught her*
rinoa: let me go!
seymour: hurry! prepare the vessel before that lion gets here!
*several guado appeared from the back*
rinoa: you mean s...*seymour casts sleep spell at rinoa*
seymour: that should keep her quiet! hurry! the vessel!
guado#1: sir! it's already prepared!
seymour: good! now take this sleeping girl into the vessel...
guado#1: yes sir!

05-14-2005, 08:39 PM
Guado#2: where we takin her?
Seymour: guadosalam
Guado#2: righty ho!

(back in the woods)
Eiko: here we can travel faster in this *shows sqaull a motorbike*
sqaull: wow thats pretty neat but uh can you drive that
eiko: nope but i was hopin you could
sqaull: ill give it a try

*they get on the motorbike and travel for a while....*
Sqaull: you know these woods pretty well
eiko: i lived here all my life...
sqaull: dont you have any parents
eiko: well you see...

*just then a vessel flys by*

sqaull: that girl in the vessel!! that was rinoa!!
eiko: quick try and catch up to them!!

*they catch up with the speeding vessel*
sqaull: hey you......freaky looking thing! hand over my girlfriend!
seymour: who the fudge are you! go faster!
guado#2: yes sir!
eiko: quick sqaull there gettin away! put the petal to the metal!!
*they catch up and sqaull takes out his gunblade and slashes the vessel*
seymour: shit!!! speed this thing up!!
*eiko jumps on to the vessel and on to guado#1's head and covers his eyes*
guado#1: aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh i cant see anything!!!
seymour: look out!!!
*they crash into a tree*
sqaull: Rinoa!!!

05-14-2005, 08:59 PM
*squall jumps on to vessel*
rinoa: over here....
*see rinoa by seymour,seymour is holding rinoa by the throat with staff at ready*
squall:hey you bastard let her go!
*squall takes a step forward towards rinoa*
*seymour does fancy move with staff to show off*
seymmour:hehehehhe....i mean it....if you value this girls life you'll do what i say.
*eiko jumps off guado1*
eiko:ya big meanie!
seymour:haha! right iam!
sqaull:what do you want?
seymour:give me the bike....NOW!
*seymour moves slowly but swifly toward the bike still holding rinoa*
eiko:NOW MOG!
seymour:huh? what?
*mog jumps up from behind the bike quickly grabing seymours staff *
seymour:aw shit.
*drops staff into eikos hands*
eiko:ha! what ya gonna do now?!
squall:*pulls out gunblade* hehehehe! let go of rinoa now prick!
squall:thats it! *charges towards seymour*
rinoa:lemmme go!!! *stands on seymours toes*
seymour:Aaaaaah! *grabs foot*
seymour:bitch! *sniff* that hurt!
rinoa:*runs to squalls side* what you expect!?
squall:YA PEICE OF SHIT! fight me now!
seymour:OMG! look its a flying pig! *points behind squall*
*everyone turns around*
rinoa:i don't see it...
seymour:hehehehhe dumb asses! *runs away*

05-14-2005, 09:12 PM
(ok, lets make it clear where everyone is cuz im gettin confused:
squall, rinoa, eiko: in the woods
zell,tifa,auron, rikku,selphie, cloud, quistis, yuna, barret, zidane, garnet: in the balamb
Edea, kuja, the turks: are they still in the airship?
sephiroth: lol, where did he go?)

sqaull: hey get back here!
rinoa: jes leave him at least were all ok..
eiko: shes rite! lets go back to my house and ill make everyone supper. cmon mog
rinoa: *whispers to sqaull* whos she?

(in balamb)

zell: hey this place is nice!! everyone ok!
tifa: i think so....
selphie: im worried about rinoa and sqaull can we go look for them?
barret: we have no clue where they are!

05-14-2005, 09:18 PM
(yeah everyone is where you said they where,where the fudge is cloud and lulu? confused now! oh and what happened to tidus?)

squall:her names eiko shes a kid who helped me find you.
eiko:I AM NOT A KID!
squall:wow....okay then...

05-14-2005, 09:20 PM
(cloud and lulu are in balamb....tidus he jes disappeared...i have to log out =(

05-14-2005, 09:21 PM
(cloud and lulu are in balamb....tidus he jes disappeared...i have to log out =(NOOOOOOOOOOOO!

meanwhile in balamb garden

selphie:heeeeeeeeeey! what about squall and rinoa!?
lulu:guess we look for them.
cloud:but where?
quistis:don't know but we-
*everyone falls to the ground as balamb shakes*
rikku:w-what was that!!?
quistis:*looking out of window* EVERYONE LOOK!
*everyone runs to window an looks out side*
zell:aah! shit!
*edea is outside on highwind attacking balamb!*
paine:what now?

05-15-2005, 03:26 PM
[QUOTE=the guy watching you]( never heard of tribes the show,game yes)

(yea its a t.v show, never heard of a game called the tribe??)

Piane: what now?

barret: we turn this thing round and start war!!

selphie: WAR!!!

Tifa: ill get the missiles ready!

*another bomb hits the balamb*

cloud: shit!

rikku: ok me and zell will go out to the 2nd floor balcony and see wats goin on

*out in balcony*

zell: look! whos that!

*a strange familiar looking girl comes out of the airship wearing black*

zell: ive seen her before

*back at the deck*

tifa: holy shit! is that who i think it is!!

cloud: AERIS!!

quistis: but she died!! sephiroth completly decapetated her.

yuna:she looks like some evil goddess women

barret: who gives a shit. tifa! fire those missiles!

tifa: ok!!

coud: no wait-

*tifa fires the missiles at the highwind but beofre they hit it aeris casts a big golden shield around the higwind and the missiles have no effect*

garnet: we're in deep shit....

(meanwhile...back in the woods)

Eiko: ok heres my house!

sqaull: so wat happened to your parents

eiko: well my mother left me here to protect me from an evil sorceress called ultimecia

*squall and rinoa look at each other*

rinoa: uh......wat was your mother's name

eiko: edea..

*squall gasps and rinoa faints*

(probably the wierdest part ive wrote...)

05-15-2005, 03:38 PM
(wow that was good!)

squall:rinoa you okay!?
squall:shit she knocked out!
eiko:you can lay her on my bed if you want?
squall:thanks! *carrys rinoa to bed then returns to eiko* listen i have to talk to you about your mother.

in balamb..........
*on deck*
cloud:barret what do you think your doing its aeris!
barret:that ain't aeris!
tifa:more missles?
yuna:this isn't good.
cloud:huh? aeris?
aeris:cloud come to me.........
cloud:aeris......*jumps out of balamb* i'm coming!
*on balcony,see cloud falling*
rikku:Aaaaaaaah hes crazy!
zell:fuck fuck fuck!

05-15-2005, 04:00 PM
eiko: wat about my mum....
sqaull: SHES CRAZY!!

(back in balamb...)

cloud: *flying thorugh the air* aeriiiiissss....

aeris: *who looks completly evil, her hairs loose and flying about her head in a strange way, her eyes are completly blank, shes levitating in the air* come here cloud....

*aeris magically brings cloud to the airship*

cloud: aeris is my master.....aeris is my master...

edea: !! your suppose to make him obey me!!

aeris: *evil giggle* too bad!! *aeris casts a dark spell on edea*

edea: aeris is my master.....aeris is my master...

aeris: *evil giggles again* I AM A GODDESS!!!! *the sky turns black and lightning flashes in a dark evil sort of way, aeris closes her eyes and a red glow starts to form around her*

yuna: wat is she doin!?

Tifa: i have no idea but we are so in for it!

*lightning flashes*

(on the balcony..)

rikku: wow...

zell: im scared i think i peed myself a little..

(lol, i like evil aeris try and keep her alive for a while...)

05-15-2005, 04:15 PM
*on deck*
barret:well fuck me! *looking at aeris wided eyed*
yuna:w-what?! *slaps barret*
barret:i didn't mean-ah never mind!
*on balcony*
zell:we're gonna die!!!!!
rikku:*slaps zell* get a grip!

*eikos house*

eiko:AAAAAAH! *starts hiting squall with wooden spoon*
squall: ooooh! WTF! where she get that from!

*on deck*
barret:tifa give them everything we got!

aeris:*chanting in centra*

rikku:come on lets go back to the deck!

*aeris shoots a lazer beam at the balcony making half of the balcony crumble to pieces,rikku trips falling off just grabing edge of balcony*
zell:*tries to grab rikku but is swept back by and amazing force of wind* fuck i can't get to you!

(lets not kill rikku please?)

05-15-2005, 04:32 PM
(lol omg kirea i was gonna write about rikku falling of the balcony lol, how weird is that? telepathic....)

Rikku: pls zell i dont wanna die
zell: here! *hold out hand* grab my hand!!
rikku: i cant!!
zell: shit wat am i gonna do!!

aeirs: *hold out hands, two balck flames form and shes throws them at the balamb* OBEY ME!!!

Barret: oh shit!!! incoming everyone on the floor!!!

*everone gets down the two falmes hit the balamb directly and the balamb starts to fall*

zidane: oh crap!! were gonna crash!!!

*the explosion makes rikku fall*
zell: rikku!!!!

rikku: aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!

*some one cathces rikku*

rikku: wtf! where am i? who caught me?

????: your on the highwind, dont panic

rikku: tseng!!! your evil!!

elena: correction! we were evil, but that was until aeris showed up. you think im gonna work for that bitch!

tseng: reno!! bring the highwind to the balamb and well try and save the others!

*back in balamb*

yuna: *praying* help us yevon pls yevon!!

lulu: *slaps yuna* there is no yevon to save our asses

garnet: look!!

*aeris is starting to glow a deep blue all over*

zidane: well this is it....

(back in balcony...)

zell: *crying* noooooooo rikku im so sorry!!


zell: YOUR ALIVE!!

rikku: dont worry about that tell everyone to jump onto the highwind, dont worry the turks are on our side!

zell: ok! *goes to the deck* everyone out into the balcony now!!

*they all go to the balcony and jump across to the highwind*

tseng: get this thing away from here as fast as possible!!!

05-15-2005, 04:49 PM
(lol! maybe )

*on highwind*

tyseng:everyone okay? *still holding rikku*
rikku:hey you can put me down now!
tyseng:hehehehhee...just a little longer?
rikku:*slaps tyseng* NO!
tyseng : ouch! *smirks* i like a tough girl!
rikku:whatever.....*jumps of tyseng*
*zell runs up to rikku giving her big hug*
rikku:....i'am fine...
zell:thats good..*smiles*
tifa:HEY! we haven't got time for that!
zell:*lets go of rikku* your right.
elena:tyseng what now?
selphie:squall and rinoa.....hello we have to get them!
quistis:your right squall will know what to do.
paine: pathetic.....
paine:you can't always rely on others for help...
paine:but nothing squall isn't some kind of god you know! use are all just as equal as him remember that....
auron:shes got a point.....
selphie:so if we aren't going after squall an rinoa then what do we do?
tyseng:we do what we can to kill that son of a bitch called aeris!

*eikos house*
eiko:*hitting squall with wooden spoon*AAAAAAAAAAhhhhhh! my mom isn't bad!

*eikos bedroom*
*rinoa dreams*
rinoa:uuh? were am i?........every things so dark...i can't see...
rinoa:w-whos there?
?????:my sweet child....i miss you so much....

the guy watching you
05-15-2005, 07:45 PM
(you guys wrote alot...btw rinoa angel tribes is a game on xbox)
(kinda long but most of my posts are so you shuld be use to it)

*on highwind*
barret: we need to take that bitch out!
tifa: well no shit sherlock
barret: hey at least im thinking of something
zell: i got it we'll use that bomb cid planted on this ship to blow it up then she'll DIE!!!
paine: no more talking for you...
quistis: we got to think of something quick!
zidane: ill go into trance mode and we'll attack head on!
paine: good plan....but first we are gonna have to hurt you so bad to get into trance right?
zidane: ....shit....
paine: *punches zidane in the balls*
yuna: kicks his shin*
zell: *hops on top of him and starts to beat him in his face*
yuna: HAHAHAHA this is FUN!!!*kicks his head*
zidane: i think im ready
tifa: tifa no your trance meter is only half full...

*eiko's house*
squall: if you listen to me ill tell you something good
eiko: *stops* fine then so wuts good about her?
squall: she had an affair with zell
eiko: WHAT!!!*starts to hit squall again*

*rinoas dream*
rinoa: MOM!?
julia: yes it is i... ur mother...
rinoa: why you talking like that?
julia: DEAD!!!
rinoa: well no shit sherlock
julia: shuddup.... i ned to talk about you and zell
rinoa: wut i did nothing wtih him!*blushes*
rinoa: how did you know?
julia: im dead i can see evrything!!! which brings to the point why didnt you go to squall? hes obviusly TWICE the man as zell is HAHAHAHA!!!
rinoa: jesus mom squall is my man!
julia: then why did you cheat on him wwith ur brother!!!!?
rinoa: my brother?
rinoa: .....fuck..(to herself) and he got me knocked up im truly FUCKED!!!

05-15-2005, 07:53 PM
(lol, the guy watching you how do you make them so funny!)

*on highwind*
auron: *chokes zidane*
selphie: ok i think hes done
tifa: no hold on! *kicks him the balls* now we're finished!
trance zidane: I AM READY
barret: ok i hope you know how to fly *throws zidane out of the highwind*

*eikos house*
eiko: dont kil my mama!
sqaull: i have to shes an evil ho
eiko: AAAAAAHHHH! *moves from wooden spoon to butcher knife, chasin sqaull around the house*
squall: shit! *manges to trip eiko, the butcher knife goes flying*
eiko: uh-oh....
squall: crap...

the guy watching you
05-15-2005, 10:02 PM
*knife lands on rinoa's hand*

05-16-2005, 09:03 PM
(yeah he does make them funny! =) )

*rinoa wakes up from dream*

rinoa:AaaaaaaaaaaaaH MY HAND!
squall:its okay i got it! *pulls knife out of rinoa's hand,blood shoots out*
rinoa:aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH SQUALL!
squall:shit! *puts knife back in rinoas hand* there the bloods stoped! *smiles*
rinoa:*screams* SQUALL YOU BASTARD! *pulls knife out and chases squall*

the guy watching you
05-16-2005, 10:26 PM
(this one isnt as funny as others its a bit more serius i guess)
*on highwind*
*zidane lands by the chocobo chamber*
zidane: phew,made it
????: who there?
zidane:*hides behind a corner*who is that?
????: show urself or else....
zidane: if you dont know where im at then why shuld i be scared?
????:i can sense you...your behind a corner....plsying with your tail...thats not right dude...
zidane: fine here i come*runs around corner only to stop next to the figure whos there*holy shit your alive?
????: you thought you guys could get rid of me?
zidane: but why...irvine?
irvine: *with a red glare in his eyes as if he was in his own trance*hahaha...i found all the power i need to expose all of you!!!
zidane: come and get some *pulls out swords*
irvine: come and get some

(irvine fires some normal ammo at zidane but zidane reflects all of them)

irvine: good...but not good enough*fires a pulse ammo but misses zidanes hea just barel*
zidane: holy SHIT!!!!
irvine: you know wut these are*holds up pulse bullet*its the strongest ammo known to mankind...*fires one at zidane*
zidane: *gets hit* ahhhhhhhh....

*over by aeris*
aeris: soon theyll all be dead HAHHAHAHHA(evil laugh)
edea: spell effects rears off*oww my head....where am i?
aeris: silence!*casts spell on edea again*
( out of nowhere a sword slash is heard)
aeris: wut was that?*looks at edeas DEAD corspe*omg wut just happened?
????: this!!!*slashes a sword at aeris but is deflected by a magic shield*
aeris: you again?
seph: like i said at the beginning"you dont know when to die do you?" now im here to finish your whore ass off and rule mankind!!HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAH!!(evil laugh)


05-17-2005, 07:13 PM
*on highwind*
quistis:so what now?
tyseng:elena prepare to attack soon!
elena:got it!
tyseng:we head back to face aeris and kick the shit out of that bitch!

*reach the spot where balamb and aeris was*

rikku:hey isn't that!?-
selphie:holy shit its seph!!!!

*everyone looks out of highwind and see aeris and seph*

aeris: really want to die this much?
seph:don't encourage me.... take care of this waste of space....
cloud:hehehehehehe....we fight again...
seph:yeah...but this time you can't gonna make it!
*seph and cloud strike*

zell: oh shit this ain't good!
tyseng:elena we all set!?
tyseng:well what we waiting for!? FIRE!!!!!!!!!

*eikos house*
squall:aaah rinoa stop!
*the house shakes due to masive explosion from turks*
eiko:aaaaaaaaaaah what was that!?
squall:don't know but it didn't sound to far! COME ON!!!!!!
*eiko,squall and rinoa run outside away in the distance everyone see the highwind and balamb in aeris has now landed on the balamb roof with edea and watches cloud and seph fight*
rinoa:squall we have to do something!
squall:your right....eiko you coming?
eiko:really i can!?
squall:*smiles* sure lets go!
*squall,rinoa and eiko head towards the fight*

*chocobo chamber*
zidane:*falls to knees* shit! i'm hit....
irvine:hehehehehe *points gun at zidanes head* now you die!
*ivrine begins to shoot at zidane but gun it struck out of his hands by a moving object*
*zidane turns round to see where it came from*
zidane*shocked* FUJIN!?

the guy watching you
05-19-2005, 03:17 AM

Cid Highwind
05-19-2005, 03:26 AM
(hope I'm can join)
Cid: What the hell is going on in the corgo bay!!
Worker: Sir there was pulse fire and..currently in combat orders?
Cid: Do what everone need you to do!!!
Woker:Yes sir.
Cid: Damn what a fucking day!!

(sorry if it is too short I couldn't read all the posts so I have to wing it)

05-19-2005, 11:25 AM
(lol, yea cid highwind you can join)

Elena: fire!! *the missile is fired at aeris but again she casts a shiled and turns it into dust*
Tifa: BITCH!!!
tseng: i guess we're just gonna have to go down there
yuna: what are you crazy!? well im not going..
rikku: me neither..
tseng: ....uh...ok...then...zell,tifa,barret,garnet,lulu, elena,reno,reeve,selphie, lets go!
garnet: um....where is zidane...

squall: is that sephiroth and cloud?
eiko: daddy!!
rinoa: oh no...dont tell me seph is your dad too

sephiroth: *to himself* (oh shit i dont want eiko to see me kill a man) uh...*puts his arm around cloud*
cloud: what the..??!?
sephiroth: nothing to see here eiko! just having a friendly chat!
aeris: wat are you doing!?

zell: *looking down from the highwind* and seph makin out...?
selphie: wats that! *points to a red aeroplane*
tifa: its the Tiny Bronco! its cid!!

05-19-2005, 01:34 PM
( welcome cid!!!! ^_^ )

selphie: yeah cid!
tyseng:wait what the-!?

*tiny bronco crashes into balmab*

seph:RUN! FOR COVER!!!!

Cid Highwind
05-19-2005, 09:12 PM
Cid: Shitttttttttt!!!!!!!
*gets thrown from tiny bronco*
Cid:Ah shit my plane!!!
*looks around*
Cid: where fuck am I?
*walks around*
Cid: Aeris? Cloud? Seph? hello ah shit I killed them!
Cloud: No you asshole you didn't
Aeris: Cid what took you so long?
Seph: Umm yeah whatever....
Cid: yeah whats the hell is this thing again?

05-19-2005, 11:34 PM
(wow, you guys wrote lots of stuff ^_^ took me a long time to read all of them... and i'm confused ^_^ what happened to them?)

05-20-2005, 12:04 PM
(lol, ok heres what happened so far...( i hope it doesnt confuse you even more but anway...) squall and rinoa find out that eiko (the girl who lives in the woods) is the daughter of edea and sephiroth.
Aeris is alive but shes evil...very, and the turks have joined up with the rest cuz they dont want to serve aeris...or something like that...
On the balamb: aeris, sephiroth, cloud, edea and cid (cloud and seph are fighting)(aeris has edea under her control and cid has just crash landed on the balamb)
On the highwind: zell,tifa,selphie,zidane,garnet,barret,auron,yuna, rikku,lulu,the turks
In the woods: eiko, sqaull, rinoa)

(the highwind lands next to the balamb)
barret: ok everyone onto the balamb!

tifa: cid! dont tell me your workin for aeris!

cid: what!? i just got here!! i thought she died! look at my plane!! *starts to cry*

aeris: who cares!! edea! give me your powers!! *she puts a spell on edea so that her poweres are drawn out*

tifa: nooooooooooooo *tifa runs in between aeris and edea and the powers land on her*

aeris: holy shit...

tifa:*twitches* hehehehehe.....*twitches*

cloud: oh my god...whats hapening to tifa!!

*tifas eyes and hair turn bright red and she flys up into the hair*

tifa: *to aeris* c'mon bitch!! me and you end this rite now!!!

aeris: prepare to die slag!!

*they fly up into the air tifa speeds towards aeris and pulls her hair*

aeris: oooowww *bites tifas arm*

tifa: *kicks aeris in the shin*

aeris: *slaps tifa*

tifa: *pulls a lock of aeris hair out of her head* ahahahaha whos so pretty now!!

aeris: you bitch! my hair! *slaps tifa across the face again and pokes her in the eye*

sephiroth: *to cloud* how long do you think this will last..

(meanwhile in the woods..)

*eiko squall and rinoa are all lookin at the sky*

eiko: what can you see?

sqaull: i dont know....but it looks like two gigantic birds are tryin to kill each other..

Cid Highwind
05-20-2005, 02:40 PM
Cid: Holy Shit!!! PMS TAKE COVER!!!!
Cloud: aww fuck
Seph: umm that not good
Tifa: AWWW my fucking eye *Aeris laughs evily*
*Cid grabs Cloud and Seph by the collor to the floor*
Cloud: what fuck Cid?
Seph: Yeah wanna watch!
Cid: An get killed They are in PMS man I member my mother tellin me never be in the same place a women with PMS.
*barret sees them on the floor*
Barret: What the hell ?
*they pull barret to the floor*
Barret: Why the hell did ya do that?
Seph: Cid thinks thinks that Tifa an Aeris have PMS.
*looks at the fight*
Barret: Yep that be PMS.
*as everyone else walks in the room are pulled to the floor*
Everybody else: WTF?
*Cid explans the fight near them*

05-21-2005, 01:47 AM
(thanks for explanation, *rinoa*angel*)
meanwhile at the woods...

rinoa: what should we do, squall?
squall: i don't know. got any ideas, eiko?
eiko: what about... we shoot those two flying birds you saw? what say you?
squall: well, i'm not really sure...

the guy watching you
05-21-2005, 02:27 AM
eko: well then...uhhh..look! a unicorn!!!
squall: where*looks*
eiko;*pulls out a gun and shoots aeris

aeris: ow

(goddamnit i just got one and i got to go)

05-21-2005, 11:26 PM
tifa: aeris!
aeris: who the fuck did that!?
*aeris falls*
tifa: hey! don't you run away from me you blasted coward!
*tifa jumps after aeris*
rikku: wow, tifa's not only a whore but a person who's dumberer than tidus!
zell: and why is tidus dumb?
rikku: because he keeps saying that his zanarkand exist...
lulu: when it doesn't.
(can't think of anything right now ^_^)

the guy watching you
05-23-2005, 12:45 AM
tifa: get back here you bitch
aeris: your gonna have to get me!
tifa: fine!!! *throws a glove at her*
aeris: OW!!!(sounds like a dying llama)
tifa: HAHA*does final heaven to aeris*
aeris: *dying* you b-b-bitch...*dies*
tifa: HAHA look whos dead now you whore!!!!

*meanwhile at chocobo chamber*

zidane:fujin help me PLZ!!!!
fujin: RAGE!!!!
irvine: WOO WOO i get to kill a women then rape her!!!!
fujin: RAGE!!!!!!!!!
zidane: *thinks of something*(i got it maybe i can reflect irvines shot back at him with this sppon!)
irvine: *fires at fujin*
fujin: *evades shot then attacks back*RAGE!!!!
zidane: haha i got teh spoon
irvine: shoots once at fujin then once at zidane*
zidane: eat this!!!!*puts up spoon*
(bullet gets reflected by spoon but is reflected to fujins arm)
irvine: damn it! fine...ill play with both of you*brings out another gun*DUELY TIME NIGGAZ!!!!*starts to shoot evrywhere*

fujin: RUN!!!!!!!!!
(a gun shot is heard,then irvine falls to the ground dead)

????: a complete horndog cannot be a true gunman
fujin: VINCENT!!!?

*back at woods*
eiko: we have to get up there!
squall:i cant believe you shot her....
rinoa: o quit being a little bitch squall!
squall: ok
eiko: i got it!
rinoa: WUT!?
eiko: ill summon somethin so we can fly up there
rinoa: ok then go!
eiko: *summons a valefor*
rinoa: i didnt know you can summon that
eiko: shit i didnt know either to be honest...

(hmmm i cant think of anything)

05-23-2005, 04:46 AM
rinoa: isn't valefor one of yuna's aeons? she might get mad when she found out you summoned one of her aeons.
eiko: oh well... who gives a shit about yuna anyways?
squall: tidus
eiko: that stupid guy who always dreams?
squall: i guess so. if that's what you would think he is.
rinoa: enough about this. let's just go on.


zidane: what a big idiot.
fujin: let's go
zidane: wow! i didn't know you could speak clear! i thought you always spoke like a stupid baby!
*fujin attacks zidane with her pinwheel*
zidane: ahhhhhhhhhh!
fujin: MONKEY!
zidane: hey, that's way uncool!

(can't think of anything^_^)

Cid Highwind
05-23-2005, 04:32 PM
*Cid gets up*
Cid: See fokes nuthin to worry about.
Barret: What hell you talking about we could've died!
Cloud: Barret is right man
Seph: *grabs Cloud* Umm Cid excuse me an Cloud for a moment.
Cid: Don't get blood everywhere
*Looks around*
Cid: where is everyone else?

05-23-2005, 07:31 PM

Tifa: haha aeris is dead...everyones gunna luv me ^^

aeris: guess what! *punches tifa* i aint dead!!

tifa: *dazed* dammit!

aeris: you think im gunna die and let you have cloud all to yerself....ha! *pulls tifas hair* think again!

tifa: oh yea well do you remember that time wen you were captured by and cloud did it in the lift - twice!

aeris: you whore! well do you remeber that time wen we all went to nibelheim.. me and cloud did it in your bed - 4 times!!

tifa: *pokes aeris in the eye again* well! wen you died me and cloud threw a party and did it all night long - in the lake where we buried you!!

aeris: aaaaahhhhhh!!! *chokes aeris*

tifa: *kicks aeris repeatedly*

cloud: ....good ole memories...

*everyone looks at cloud*


seph: *takes out sword* let just get this over wi..-

cid: what the fuck is that!?!? *points at rinoa, sqaull and eiko ridin on the valefor*

the guy watching you
05-23-2005, 09:57 PM
(hooray rinoa angels avatar doesnt creep me out!!!)

cloud: round 2 bitch!
seph: lets go !!!
(the two stare eachother down..then out of nowhere seph's music is heard)
seph: YES!!! i can the power!!!!
cloud: nuh-huh SUPER SPECIAL STRONG ATTACK!!!!*performs a omnislash*
seph: HAHAHA*stabs cloud before getting hit*
tifa: you did not just do that!!!
aeris: YOU BITCH *grabs sephs hair*
tifa: AHHHHHHH!!!!*kicks him in the stomach*
aeris: ima take you out!!!*starts to perform a ultima*
tifa: holy shit evry1 ruN!!!!!!
seph:tifa come this way!!!
tifa: wait!*casts a reflect spell on seph*(HAHAHA now aeris will kill herself)
aeris: *casts ultima without know about reflect* oh shit.....
(all the blasts of ultima hits her)
tifa: holy shit that had to hurt....
seph: yea.. it said 9999 above her head...THAT HAD TO KILL HER!!!!
tifa: yea....speaking of killing...*performs final heaven on seph in which he dies*
HAHAHHAHAHHAHA 2 killls in 1 day!!!

(squall,rinoa,eiko come on valefor)

yuna: wtf is that?
eiko: MY bird
yuna; you ungrateful 6 yr old whore!!!
eiko: wut?
yuna: check this shit out!!!*summons anima*ANIMA ATTACK!!!!

(zidane and fujin joins tifa and the rest of the guys)
zidane: hey you guys!
zell: hey zidane
fujin: DUMBFUCK!!!!!

(mmmm forgot wut i was gonna say)

05-23-2005, 10:41 PM
(hey rinoa angel, nice ava and user title :) )

eiko: valefor! do your overdrive energy ray!
yuna: that's not enough to defeat my anima!
eiko: oh yeah!? eat this!
*eiko summons braska's final aeon*
yuna: oh shit...

05-25-2005, 08:13 PM
*edea wakes from sleep cause aeris is dead*

edea: huh? were am i? *looks around at everyone* WAHAHAHAHAHAAH! *summons alexander* EAT THIS BITCH!!!
*alexander attacks tifa*
tifa: AaAaAaaAaAaaHH!!!!!! *falls to the ground*
zell: tifa!
edea: WAHAHAHAHAHAAH!!!!!!!!! SEEDS WILL DIE! *summons the magus sisters*
cloud:*bleeding badly*....fuck how'd she do that?
yuna: HEY THATS MY AEON! *flys towards edea on anima's back*
squall:HEY EVERYONE!!!!!!!!
selphie:look its squall and rinoa!
rikku:*to paine* what the fuck is yunie doing!?
paine: minus a 1000 points....
rikku: wha! me!!!!
paine: no yuna...

05-25-2005, 10:38 PM
yuna: *summons shiva* EAT THIS YOU BITCH!!!
edea: attack magus sisters! mindy, use your passado attack!!!!
*mindy refuses and relaxes*
edea: what the hell!?
yuna: heh heh, this is now my chance! shiva, do your overdrive! anima! unleash your pain attack!
*shiva does her overdrive and anima does her pain attack*
edea: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*edea falls in slow motion*

05-26-2005, 01:02 PM
(thx rinoa heartilly and the, btw wen is everyone getting their awesone kick ass group of the shrine sig? am i the only person who has one? i feel

Squall: edeas last...
eiko: mama....*starts to cry*
rinoa: sorry eiko but we has to do it *to squall* i feel so sorry for her...oh! i know!! lets take her home and pretend shes our child!!
Sqaull: wha!?! slow down!?!

zell: uh guys....i think we have a problem..*puts at edea's dead body*
cid: holy moly...

*ultimecia comes out of edeas body*

the turks: RUN!!!
cid: quick everyone on the tiny bronco!!
selphie: wasnt it broken??
cid: yea but i fixed it! ^^
zell: the tiny bronco will never be able to hold all of us!!
cid: *punches zell* never!! never!!!!!! underestimate the power of the Tiny Bronco!!!

The turks: um... we still have control over the highwind
yuna: no we dont biacth!!
*points at highwind everyone sees sephiroth waving out the window*
sephiroth: BYE! LOSERS!! *he flys away*
cloud: bitch he stole it!
rinoa: wheres aeris body?
tifa: there!! *points at highwind*
*everyone looks at the highwind flying away and see aeris body tied to the back of the the distance they hear sephiroth laugh evily..*

cid: shit bitches get on the plane already ultimecia looks like she aint takin no crap!

05-26-2005, 11:03 PM
*everyone gets on board in the tiny bronco*
rinoa: eiko!!!
*eiko was crying beside edea's body*
squall: eiko, get in here now!!!
rinoa: eiko!!!(gets off tiny bronco and ran towards eiko)
cid: rinoa! get back here now!!!!
squall: rinoa!
rinoa: c'mon eiko!(rinoa grabs eiko and runs toward tiny bronco)
squall: you okay?
eiko: no!
rinoa: yeah...
cid: hey folks! i'm running this plane now!
zell: fuck! hurry it up cid! tifa's boobs are killing me!
tifa: shut the fuck up!(slaps zell)
*tiny bronco runs, and flies but then it broke*
cid: what the hell!? it broke!
tifa: what!?
*tiny bronco falls down and crashes into a hill*
zell: damn you, cid...
*after the crash, everyone survived but got knocked out, and after a few moments, they wake up*

05-27-2005, 12:55 AM
squall: Let's have a brothel!!
zell: Sure!!, I bags selphie!!
selphie: Not you Zell, the behind isn't for that!
edea: Hey look at this music I found on the floor!
*Funky 80's porn music comes on*
*2 hours and a tub of lube later*

squall: Oh shit! We were having a fight!1
*leads back to main story*

Cid Highwind
05-28-2005, 01:19 AM
Cid: Who fuck with my plane I had it fixed *looks angrily at Zell* I'll Kill you!
Zell: Get away from me!!! *runs as Cid chases him with his spear*
Cid: I'm gonna give you a sapasitory ya never forget!
Cloud: Cid calm down
Tifa: Get him Cid
Eiko: mommy *sniff*
Squall: ummm it will be ok kid
Eiko: You ass! *kicks Squall in the shin*
Zell: Somebody help!!!! *screams as Cid rams him in the ass with the spear*
Cid: got ya!!!

05-28-2005, 05:17 AM
AHAHAHAHh Cid "got ya!!!!!"

the guy watching you
05-30-2005, 06:34 AM
(fine then i guess ill continue it)
(REALLY LONG!!! my longest yet)

squall:you guys where are we?
cid: lemme just pull out this map.....we are in uhhh......d-d-d...u-u-u-u
rinoa: *to squall*i forgot he cant read
zell: lemme help you cid
cid: no FUCK YOU zell! i can do it myself....b-b-b-b...
vincent: we are at chocobo ranch
cid: yea we are chicken-shit!
squall: what are fighting now?
rinoa: ultimecia retard!
squall: o yea...
rinoa:how we suppose to get her...
cloud: i got a gold chocobo in that ranch
tifa: LETS GO!!!!!!

(pokemon battle music plays as they all run to the ranch)
*at the ranch*

cloud: this is my bird!
tifa: yea it is
fujin: HUMONGUS!!!
squall: cover that up dude
cloud: hehe oops*zips up pants*
squall: how we all suppose to fit on that
cloud: uhhh...ill drive it,tifa can sit my lap,rikku, can sit on hers,then rinoa can sit behind me and hold onto me*gets a hard one*
zell: wut about us?
cloud: you can have my BLACK chocobo
zell: why did you yell out BLACK?
cloud: i just do
squall: ok that doesnt cloud,tifa,rikku,rinoa on the gold one...and me,zell,vincent,auron on the BLACK one
fujin: wut about us?
squall: split into teams of 3 so that you guys will be more fucked--errr i mean more safe
fujin: FUCKED!!!
*evry1 but tifa,cloud,rikku,rinoa,zell,squall,vincent,auron leaves into the darkness*

zell: ok here we go uhhhh...yo cloud wuts this BLACK chocobos name?
cloud: i didnt bther giving the BLACK chocob a name,it doesnt seem important,plus it keeps on steaing from the arcade machines
zell: o ok...LETS GO BLACK CHOCOBO!!
*zell,squall,vincent,auron goes*

rinoa:wuts this gold chocbos name?
cloud: gold thunder!
rinoa: lets go GOLD THUNDER!!!

(70's porno music plays)

zell:man am i bored...
vincent: yo zell you can quit poking my ass now
zell: hmmmm?
vincent:I SAID STOP!!!
zell: is it just me or are you getting taller?
vincent: wut wood?
zell: o nothing!
vicent: *looks down* OMG!!!!*starts to twitch*that did not just happen!*jumps off the BLACK chocobo*i did not awaken for this!!&pulls out his gun and shoots himself in the head*farewell cruel world, and!*dies*
squall: aww nice one retard!
zell: im sorry i was thinking about my girlfriend!!!
auron: you mean boyfriend!!!
zell: shut up!
zell: i said shut up!

zell: shut up or else!!!
auron *laughing* we called those kinds "fags" HAHAHAHHAHAHHA

zell: fine then have it your way!!!!* jumps of BLACK chocobo*

zell: here i go!!!

squall and auron: *jumps off of BLACK chocobo*
zell: *does final heaven to BLACK chocobo*
BLACK chocobo: wark......wark.....WARKKKKK....(in chocobo language that sorry for stealing all those guns and sorry for being BLACK!...i wark....*dies*

squall: nice shithead now how we suppose to get to ultimecia?
zell: aw shit!!

(hopefully someone will continue this!!!!!)

Cid Highwind
05-30-2005, 10:56 PM
Cid: Where everybody go? *zips up pants*
Old man: They split up...
Cid: umm any chocobos left?
Ols man: yes sir this blue one
Cid: it's painted blue
Ol' man: you want it or not
Cid: ass....yea I'll take it
*rides off*
Ol' man: finally I can sell this dump
Cid: That fucker *presses a button and the ranch exploeds* BWhahahahehehe

05-30-2005, 11:08 PM
squall: oh great zell. now how the hell are we supposed to go after ultimecia now!?
zell: i don't know
auron: you really are a retard zell.
zell: shut up!
squall: so now, we have to walk
zell: right
auron: oh man
*they start walking*
squall: so who's this girlfriend of yours, zell?
auron: maybe the reason zell's being a retard is because of this girl
zell: NO! that's not true!
auron: oh really?
zell: shut up! you old man!
auron: bastard!
squall: so who's the girl?
zell: i'm not telling!
squall: is it tifa?
*zell twitches and his face turns red*

Cid Highwind
05-31-2005, 01:16 AM
Cid: who the fuck is up there?
Squall: oh and what are you gonna do if I don't?
Auron: Bwhahahahahahahahaha
Cid: hey oh it only you guys
Zell: where the hell you come from
Squall: ya momma
Auron: hahahahahahhahahahahaha
Cid: *flips Squall off* Shut up what the hell you dumbass sons of bitchs doin out here wheres your chocobo?
Squall: hey we're not the one who can't read
Auron: Oh my god I think I'm gonna die hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Cid: *kicks Auron in the balls* Shut up!!!
Squall: Dude take it easy
Zell: yeah man
Cid: *Cracks neck*

after a few minets
Cid: There now see what ya made me do.

the guy watching you
06-01-2005, 01:54 AM
(is it just me,or are we making cid seem a little gay?)

zell: ass
squall: god i could barely feel it
auron:we called these times "shit" times
cid: if ya guys werent to piss me off evrything wuld be ok!
squall: just forget about it
zell: yea lets all get on this chocobo

(evry1 gets on the chocobo)

auron: hopefully wutever happened to vincent wont happen again zell
zell: fuck you...

*they ride into the sunset*

cloud: wooo what a blast!
rinoa: cant you go any faster!
tifa: yea my boobs are really starting to hurt
rikku: how your on top
tifa: i have breast cancer
all: WUT!?
tifa: wut i never said anything?
cloud: not to me shit
rikku: is breast cancer contagius?
cloud: uhhhh...ya..ya it is
rikku: damn

they continue to teh sunset

(i obviusly made this post just to kept this alive)

06-17-2005, 10:00 PM
(dont let this thread die... :-( this post is gunna be kinda long so you better continue try and add some twists..)

(rinoa, tifa rikku and cloud on the chocobo)

rinoa: whats that smell?
tifa: i think cloud passed wind
cloud:no i didnt *blushes*
rikku: yea u did
rinoa: omg that is sooooo bad you should really take it up with a doctor! wtf did you eat!!
tifa: cmon its not THAT bad
rinoa: are you kiddin stop the chocobo i think im gonna be sick!
*the chocobo and rinoa throws up in a nearby hedge*
rikku: are you ok?
rinoa: shut your face rikku!!
rikku: i was only askin!! wats your problem!!

*they continue on the chocobo a few seconds later ...ding a ling ding a ling!!*

Rinoa; what was that?
tifa:it looked like an ice cream van just flew past
rinoa: turn the chocobo round..
cloud: what! rinoa, i really dont think we have the time to..
cloud: ok....geez..
*they catch the ice cream van and cloud orders an ice cream*
cloud: id like a smal..
rinoa: large!!
cloud: i mean uh id like a large chocolate ice cream
ice cream man: here you go *hands him the ice cream*
*rinoa digs into the ice cream*
tifa: hey that looks kinda tasty can i have a...
rinoa: grrrrr!!
tifa: ok....sorry...

(squall, auron and zell)
*they all hear a strange noise in the bushes*
squall: whos there!
*seymour pops out of the bushes*
seymour: its me!! and nows its time to die!! *points staff at them all*
zell: oh shit were doomed!
*suddenly something flies past and hits seymour in the head*
squall: it looked like aeris body!
*they all look up to see the highwind and sephiroth wavin out*
sephiroth: hey bitches cmon in!!

*they all climb abaord the highwind and find sephiroth in a hot tub surronded by beatiful women*
sephiroth: wanna join the party!
zell: do i ever!!
squall: sorry but we have to find ultimecia i really dont think we...
*everyone looks at sqaull like hes a crazy man*

(7 mins later...)
*zell is lying in a corner completly wasted out of his head, auron is drunk and dancing topless to crazy 70s music, sephiroth is drunk and tryin to fly the highwind, sqaull is sittin the corner, cid is in the hot tub with all the ladies*
cid: yea i gots my own roacket and everything..
girl#1: wow...cid can you take me for a ride on ur rocket
cid: sure i will
girl#2: no! hes takin me!!
girl#3: no way!!
cid: now now i can all you girls for a ride in my spaceship
*all the girls giggle stupidly*

squall: seph are you sure you should be driven this
seph: of course im sure! ok whats this button do
*presses the button a squisshy choppin noise is heard a few seconds l8er aeris head flys past the window*
seph: whoopsie...

auron: wooooo-hooooo cmon and dance with me zell!
zell: uuuugggghhhh aaaaaaaaaahhhh
auron: wats that smell? omg zell just wet his pants!!! ahahaha!! look squall! look what the retard did!!
squall: yea...thats great..
auron:ur no pooper..
squall: whatever...
*squalls fone rings*
Sqaull: hello?
Rinoa: squall its me rinoa i have something i need to tell you. uhh... remeber that night we um.. experienced each others love...
Sqaull: uh oh...
Rinoa: squall...your going to be a daddy...
*sqaull drops the phone and faints*
auron: ahahahaha! sqaull just fainted in zells piss! ahahaha!!

*they all laugh*

the guy watching you
06-18-2005, 04:37 AM
(i have nothing to say yet,so ima just post in this,so that some1 will see it on the top and decide to post in it)

06-18-2005, 08:21 PM
post goddamit post!!

the guy watching you
06-18-2005, 10:16 PM
(no ones gunna post,cuz they are all MEAN!!!)

06-19-2005, 02:31 AM
Wow, this thread's old... but then it got revived...

06-19-2005, 03:16 PM
BIG MEANIES (hey has anyone seen kirea l8ly)

Cid Highwind
06-19-2005, 04:55 PM
I would put something but I can't find my idea just yet

06-19-2005, 10:46 PM

CID YOU STOLE MY POST. That's what I was gonna say but then you posted it first.

Sorry, guys, I really can't think of anything =/

lord braska
06-20-2005, 03:38 AM
let him do what ever he want. you big meanie

06-20-2005, 03:57 AM
I wasn't being mean to Cid, lord braska. Seriously, anyone here knows what I meant.

lord braska
06-20-2005, 04:11 AM
i don't thing o, since i'm the only one who reply to your post. so nobody ever read it yet. so there will be no"seriously, ANYONE' THERE WILL BE NO ANYONE

06-20-2005, 04:14 AM
When they read it, of course. You know, you shouldn't reply to threads, if you don't even know what you're saying. That's why people flame you. You don't think before posting.

lord braska
06-20-2005, 04:26 AM
so they better stop flaming me, and in case you wandering that avatar of yours, its really '''''' , but i'm sure many people didn't like it.

06-20-2005, 04:35 AM
When have we been talking about my avatar here? We're talking about how you post without thinking!

the guy watching you
06-20-2005, 05:06 AM
dont bother with lord braska,he'll get banned eventually

(btw just becuz you read posts doesnt mean you have to post back)

lord braska
06-20-2005, 01:33 PM
so sorry, i'm so mad with you. and why this the guy watching you wanted me to be banned so badly. and again to miss cutie pie rinoa heartily , i'm so sorry.

forgive me if i have to call you in this word " MISS CUTIE PIE" coz not every women like to be call in this word

06-20-2005, 02:48 PM
For the love of pete what is goin on??
To rinoa: why did she leave!!! (kirea i mean)

lord braska
06-20-2005, 04:55 PM
nothing, i was talking to rinoa heartilly. nothing is wrong around here. so, keep cool and take a deep breath and smile always.

06-21-2005, 12:14 AM
8-) 8-)

06-21-2005, 03:55 AM
*Rinoa*Angel* I'm not really sure if she left. I hope not though...

Lord braska... don't worry, I forgive you. Just stay cool, and post more reasonable.

Please. :)

06-21-2005, 01:35 PM
(the thread is gunna get closed if we dont stop the chit chat so if you want ill add another part to the story but ill wiat for your reply in case you guys have come up with anything)

the guy watching you
06-21-2005, 11:35 PM

06-21-2005, 11:39 PM
One day...
Squall: What happened?
Quistis: I don't know.
Rinoa: What happened to everyone?
Selphie: Why are we all outside Balamb Garden?
Cid(FFVIII): You guys are all sleepwalking. Jerks.
Squall: What?
Cid(FFVIII): I said, "You guys are all sleepwalking. Jerks."
Squall: So all that have happened... it's just a dream...?

Cid Highwind
06-25-2005, 10:30 AM
Cid(FFVII): SHut the fuck up ol time don't make me unmake you!@
Cid(VIII): Bring it asshole!

Cids fight for awhile but they get board and start makeing stuff somewhere with stuff or what ever

06-26-2005, 06:54 PM
Rinoa and Squall cuts the fight.
Squall: Yeah, stop this fight of yours now! You guys are old enough to know what's wrong and what's right.
Cid(FFVIII): What the hell? Did you just say I'm old!?
Squall: Uhh... no.
Cid(FFVIII): Squall Leonhart--- Gender: Male--- SeeD Ranking: 2
Squall: WHAT?

(Should we really continue this...thread?)

06-26-2005, 07:07 PM
(the thread is gunna get closed if we dont stop the chit chat ...)

You got that right.

It's gone on far too long with only spam. I apologize to the creator, but it is unsalvageable at the current time.
Perhaps check out this ( section if you want to do something like this again?