into the storm
12-26-2017, 05:26 AM!MRxQnb5K

Key: !Dq2Kir8XtrFh9WRc1L2541dzQUiBPkY6N_TjRsn9yI0

12-26-2017, 08:06 AM
Tlohtzin "Tlohtzin123" Espinosa, presumably under username tlohtzin360 ( around here, previously came by to personally deliver Music of the Spheres: Definitive Edition that he & Owen "OS_Epsilon" Spencer prepared with in-game music, available streams & other scraps of availability before they were provided the genuine collection to leak. And Martin O'Donnell himself has acknowledged & even celebrated this in numerous Twitter posts ( rp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor) and even this response to a Kotaku article (

I’m quite relieved and happy. This was the way it was supposed to have been heard 5 years ago. My wife and I spent the afternoon with my now 93 year old father and we showed him that people were finally able to hear this work. It made our Christmas even better. My mother, his wife of over 60 years died a couple years ago and although she loved listening and shared it with some of her friends (she was a musician) she never understood why it wasn’t released. I don’t know who actually did it but they have my blessing. I honestly don’t know how anyone could begrudge this any longer.

Hopefully, Tlohtzin will find time to do so again after the festivities have passed by. Nonetheless, I share in your desire to broadcast what is perhaps some of the best news I've received in a long time and music I will personally treasure deeply, maybe even until the day I die!

If anyone has issues with the link being provided, here is the origin:
In addition, here is Tlohtzin123's Soundcloud where it can be listened to (There was a Google Drive link but now there's a link back to the Reddit page):
And it also has arrived on Tlohtzin123's YouTube:

And sidenote, these are MP3 320kbps files. No idea if lossless was even a possibility for them or the source, but from merely listening and looking at the Spectogram in Audacity, quality sure doesn't appear an issue! Let's hope this finally gives Bungie that push to release it officially at long last.

12-26-2017, 12:00 PM
Many thanks!!! + 1 rep added :).

into the storm
12-26-2017, 02:09 PM
Tlohtzin "Tlohtzin123" Espinosa, presumably under username tlohtzin360 ( around here, previously came by to personally deliver Music of the Spheres: Definitive Edition that he & Owen "OS_Epsilon" Spencer prepared with in-game music, available streams & other scraps of availability before they were provided the genuine collection to leak. And Martin O'Donnell himself has acknowledged & even celebrated this in numerous Twitter posts ( rp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor) and even this response to a Kotaku article (

Hopefully, Tlohtzin will find time to do so again after the festivities have passed by. Nonetheless, I share in your desire to broadcast what is perhaps some of the best news I've received in a long time and music I will personally treasure deeply, maybe even until the day I die!

If anyone has issues with the link being provided, here is the origin:
In addition, here is Tlohtzin123's Soundcloud where it can be listened to (There was a Google Drive link but now there's a link back to the Reddit page):
And it also has arrived on Tlohtzin123's YouTube:

The hard work has been done. All you need do now is enjoy it and be thankful this has at long last happened.

And sidenote, these are MP3 320kbps files. No idea if lossless was even a possibility for them or the source, but from merely listening and looking at the Spectogram in Audacity, quality sure doesn't appear an issue! Let's hope this finally gives Bungie that push to release it officially at long last.

I didn't see it really necessary to promote the source of the leak. The important part is the music and Marty finally being appreciated for his work. This is about Marty not some anonymous person(s) on the internet.

They might as well release it officially - as this source is a promo and could be better mastered. It seems to me they kept this release from the public has a big FU to Marty for suing them and winning. You know you have too much money when you hold back a release to make easy money.

12-28-2017, 10:52 AM
Thanks for this share.

01-01-2018, 07:31 AM
I just want to say thank you so much for sharing this (I hadn't heard about the leak). The best parts of Destiny's score were the excerpts from this album, so it's great that we finally get to hear the whole thing. It's a shame this was discarded and that the game didn't live up to the promise of this music.

What a great Christmas/New Year gift.

02-03-2018, 10:41 AM
Fine share. Thanks for your work.

02-07-2018, 09:06 PM
Thanks mate!

02-15-2018, 08:00 AM
Thanks for this. Had no idea O'Donnell's score wasn't even in the fucking game. WTF. And still no official release. Definately an FU to Marty Bungie. Bungie will never get my money again.

04-30-2018, 05:58 PM
Link is dead...

05-02-2018, 12:12 AM
Here's a replacement: Thread 224323

And some news regarding that: