12-26-2017, 02:12 AM
The show was a parody of 1980s TV horror (so take that into account, musically speaking). Has to be seen to be believed, though many find it too stupid to be funny. The parody extended to sundry bonus features on the UK dvd such as faux radio spots, more "cast" interviews, and this low-resolution soundtrack artwork with indicated music. The first two tracks are used in the show, not sure of "SIDE 2" cues. Imdb gives the real music credit to Andrew Hewitt. AC3 audio converted to wave, volume increased (although still abit low), uploaded in Flac.
PM for link.

S1.1. One Track Lover 3:24
S1.2. Darkplace Theme 0:56
S2.1. Darkplace Moodscape l 2:01
S2.2. Darkplace Moodscape ll 1:14
S2.3. Darkplace Moodscape lll 6:39
14 minutes

I've been told there's more music on the dvd not part of the fake album feature.

12-26-2017, 03:44 PM
Thank you, Sadsack.

Don Dino
12-28-2017, 09:02 AM
Link received. Reputation added. Thank you very much.