12-23-2017, 03:05 PM
Hi everybody !

I am a huge fan of Castlevania 's soundtracks.
I like to collect all the LOSSLESS (if possible ..) OSTs of Castlevania .

Regarding Castlevania Lords of Shadow , I know there are 3 CDS about this game.
( for purist like me, check here : http://castlevania.wikia.com/wiki/Castlevania:_Lords_of_Shadow_Original_Soundtrack )

- Castlevania Lords of Shadow (regular edition..)
- Castlevania Lords of Shadow The ultimate edition (22 tracks new track "Ascension" )
- Castlevania Lords of Shadow The Exclusive Director's Cut Soundtrack, which contains 42 tracks.

I'm searching for the track 22 ascension in lossless format...(and only this one..).

I downloaded Castlevania Lords of Shadow The Exclusive Director's Cut Soundtrack from Twinbee74 ( Thread 214635 ) but sadly this version is really suspicious regarding the first tracks (01 to track..22) .
If you check the spectrum with Spek, you have a nice cut at 16 kHz !. luckily we can download the "normal version" from rutracker, for example.

But I can't find a good ultimate edition or Exclusive Director's Cut Soundtrack with the right track 22 : Ascension (without the cut at 16kHz..).

I f anyone has the good lossless version of track 22 "Ascension" and if you can share it, ... please help !
thanks !