Anima Relic
02-11-2002, 06:14 AM
Any material here is mine, and created by me. If you wish to quote me, or use any of it, please ask permission. Thanks. Criticism, and commentation are welcomed and fine by me, but please be respectful about it. These are my feelings being shared by art.

Lessons Learned...

Blood spurts from my weary eyes
death becomes my heart as i die
i just got played the fool again
happiness is something i can't pretend
dirt on my desecrated bones
i lost my seat in the royal throne
i was blind, yet i could see
but i lived in a mass stupidity

burn me and throw me in the coffin
bury me, so my emotions harden
i just lost all remaining pride
you could have allowed me to step aside
maybe love is only meant for fools
where we are merely used as tools
but this game, it's timing, and it's luck
but most of you don't give a fuck...

chorus: i'm swallowed whole...
my credibility you stole...
and i didn't fuck up
fuck you, i've had enough

i'm a living legend of distress
i can't get this static off my chest
i am spawn from Satan's latent descent
a way to not be hurt i'll invent
blood spurts from my weary eyes
death becomes my heart as i die
i just got played the fool again
happiness is something i can't pretend

demolition through my inner parts
this hell is way beyond the charts
i'd love to take your life away
make you feel the way i do today
the dirt won't go from my desecrated bones
i've already lost my seat on the royal throne
i was blind, yet i could see in front of me
and i'm still living in a mass stupidity

repeat chorus

better learn to hurt or choke on it
because anything good, turns to shit
take a hint, look the other way
or you may feel how i do today

chorus out..

Dark Messenger
02-11-2002, 12:20 PM
Hey! That was pretty good, a bit evil but I really enjoyed reading it, you said you wanted some kind of advice to make the lyrics better but if you ask me they're fine as they are.

Anima Relic
02-11-2002, 09:47 PM
... I wish ...

I wish that i knew what the hell was going on
i wish i knew a lot more than i actually do
these days, i feel like a fucking pawn
no longer do i know what is true
i wish i knew what my feelings were
i wish i could decipher them all
i wonder what is next to occur
my brain capacity's in overhaul

my mind is wasted with these thoughts of mine
of losing love, but maybe there's hope for me
i can't explain what happened this time
i'm so confused to some degree
maybe i thought i was in love with someone wrong
for me, but i think i know what i have done
i tend to wonder where the hell do i belong?
but my search for love, it has now begun

chorus: i wish i looked at things correctly
but i was so unclear
someone else will have to resurrect me
so i do not die in fear
of losing it all
losing it all
losing it all...
i wish i knew it all...

it's always interesting the way these things go
maybe it was meant to be the way it is
at one time i felt trapped down below
but i guess sadness is part of the biz
the irony surrounding the situation
it's almost weird, but that's the way it ought to be
one girl failed my evaluation
but this other, she just may be good for me.

for once i'm not to blame for how this went
i'm glad i can have a clear conscience
i can now climb up to an ascent
instead of living in personal decadence
it's interesting the way these things go
maybe it was meant to be the way it is
at one time i felt trapped down below
but i guess sadness is part of hte biz

rpt. chorus


chorus out.


This one is particularly a little violent and crazy and very vulgar, so don't read below if you're offended by this...


Time to join the world my son
time to part our sanctity
just remember you are number one
have faith in your identity
remember to believe in yourself
don't let the negative consume
be who you are and no one else
and the happiness will bloom

Why do i say this?


Don't be like all those stupid motherfuckers
who wave their guns, wipe their mouths with our flag
don't believe the system like all the other suckers
They are the ones who make this place a drag
manipulative narcissistic homicidal cannibals
and the sick fuckers who contemplate suicide
and don't you dare believe this is inconceivable
Nazi-Axix motherfucking jew strangulation genocide...

Satan's drawing nearer day after day watching over us, simply waiting to usurp the crown<BR>
Every day i'm pondering if things could be getting better, but those hopes just quickly fade away<br>
I am quite convinced going down this ridiculous path of self destruction we are going down<br>
as the oceans dry and we enter nuclear winter from bombing and narcissism, and we fucking decay<br>
stupid people, power tripping government specialists wanna drop the bomb because we are the law<br>
fucking dominatrix cower world put them in infamy, watch the famished, the diseased die with no hope<br>
history books may be full of lies, but iv'e seen the pictures of the bludgeoned bodies, pain i saw<br>
then all us greedy humans want our diamond rings, make ourselves immaculate just before we elope<br>
and then the terrorists flying eagles into scrapers, comic capers, disillusioned al Qaeda Deviants<br>
Bin laden, arafat, taliban, communism, fascist nations, nazism, we are dominant, well fuck you too<br>
stupidity, and the people, caring nothing but themselves, threatening arrogance, dangerous ignorance<br>
and everyone will fill your head with hopeless dreams and pointless lies, attempting taking over you<br><P>
So my son, watch your back
The world is such a dangerous place
Keep a look, to avoid attack
or it'll all come back right in your face
take your time, and live your life
don't forget to forfeit all the sadness
be in control of your life
ignore, but be aware of the madness...

02-25-2002, 06:10 AM
beautiful and deep as always, BQ :D

Dark dark dark, though... I hope that we can see the happier tones once again flow from your life.

02-25-2002, 07:20 PM
Yea that was pretty dark but I liked it alot. Well done. Keep them commin, they are great to read.

Anima Relic
02-25-2002, 11:37 PM
I just wrote one today... I call it... Falling

The way things seem to turn
And all the crap I learn
Nothing can explain
Why you're on my brain
It occurred so suddenly
And I'll approach it carefully
Because all it is... is time
Can't get you off my mind

I wonder how long it'll take me to fuck it up!
I wonder what I'll do to make me seem untrue
If I babble on too much just tell me to shut up!
But my dear... I'm falling into you

Chorus: I'd love to take you in my arms
And hold you tight, through the night
There's no explaining this feeling...
I'd like to touch those lips of yours
And all I feel will turn so real
There's no explaning this feeling...

Who knows if it's love
One sent from above
Maybe it's a sign
To leave troubles behind
Because it's different with you
I can turn my life anew
But the hindrance from precision
Is your decision...

rpt. bridge
rpt. chorus

I'd whisper in your ear
Tell you to have no fear
Because i won't be the rest
I won't do that i promise
I guess all there is... is time
And hopefully you'll be mine
Believe that this is true
I'm falling into you

chorus out.


I'll add to this... and write a poem instead of a "lyric" heh

Adoration has gotten me nowhere
I'm still sitting alone, stymied
But life has this malevolent glare
Laughing... believing... I won't succeed
I constrast with these whimsical people
And my conglomerate of mixed emotions
But this world it's so mystical
With its blue skies and its blue oceans
But I don't see that, it's all black
And its inhabitants, so fucking corrosive
Sadness? Trust me. I've got the knack
Why do you think I'm so explosive
To when this conglomerate is attacked
And to why this world is so repulsive
These beliefs, to me they're facts
But these feelings are all exclusive
To only me, so don't criticize
Do not scorn me for what I see
I say what I think, I don't tell lies
So fuck yourself, and leave me be

Why am I ostracized? Am I that strange?
Do I seem that fearful? I'm not deranged
But it's not my fault, it's what I've felt
Until they take my soul and there's nothing left
They keep digging and digging away at it
My skin they're pulling and pulling that shit
And they wrench through my head withering me
I can almost cry immediately
I'm feeling this pain right down in my heart
It all feels disease, it's eroding apart
That light disappeared, that I apparently had
At one point, I even felt glad
To be living in this fucking miserable world
I'd put my feet down, instantly i am hurled
through the air, oscillating at will
I begin to fall, i feel the frightening chill
Being smashed into the walls of decadence
So why does everyone else take precedence
When I hate everyone, and all that they do
Because they are false, denied and untrue
I'd like to accept it, and move on with it all
But I am sick of always having to fall...

02-26-2002, 06:07 AM
hmmmm.. :::depressed::: :sniff: great poem! wonderfull!! :wipes tears away: :P dont tell me you came up with ALLL of that!? dammn, hope you make a novel someday ;)

02-26-2002, 06:13 AM
Very bold poems. I guess some people don't hold back on what they are feeling or what they have in mind. They kind of depress me, though.-_- Maybe I'm just not in the mood?

Anima Relic
02-27-2002, 12:36 AM
Well, here's the next one i came up with

Mind-Warped Civil War

I need to re-arrange, It's time for a change
I'm a slave to my brain, focused on the pain
I need to go and find, my stupid peace of mind
I need to wash the stain, so I can't complain
I need to find a place, where I can have my space
I cannot go insane, my life I must reclaim
Struggling with myself, elation on the shelf
Melancholy remains, I'm standing in the rain

I need to look deep inside...
My elusive paradoxical mind
Cease the emotional suicide
Survive this fucking grind
This vivid imagination
Illuminating my choices
But my moral contamination
Preventing any rejoices
But I want to see the light
But these eyes of mine are blind
Progressively in fright
Fearing the stains of time

Believe... Conceive, most definitely
I can be, can retrieve, morality
Self-induced, defined recluse, am i no use?
I wish someone would love me
So I can block these horrid thoughts
Slowly I am recovering
From my dilemmas and emotional distraught

Believe in me, and what I am
Let me know, send a telegram
Let me try, grant that to me
Show the love I've never seen
Put your faith in my consciousness
Give me a chance, end my restlessness
Perhaps then there'll be nothing wrong
Then my mind can become strong....

-I love you Shannon-

02-27-2002, 03:48 AM
It's got a bitter tone to it.. but that's the point, isn't it? Things are bitter and it's time to reclaim things...

Grand job of expressing this, Krelian. :) I hope this means that we're leading into a happy time for your poetry.

Anima Relic
02-28-2002, 02:24 AM
Parallel - 2/27/02

I see her meandering towards me
My face incinerates as i glance
Such a spectacle, a thing of beauty
I take my nervous stance
we stare into each other's eyes
And I see nothing else around
I get this strange feeling inside
Such is the love I might have found

She could illuminate the darkest caves
Just by keeping those beautiful eyes ajar
With her existence I feel so saved
But still I have those burning scars
I will not let this fear take control
Because I could be losing something great
If happiness is my ultimate goal
Then with her happiness is my fate

Her eyes are diamonds in the sky
And that loving smile.. I melt like butter
The tears of long ago, finally dried
Throwing that misery in the gutter
I'm staring at celeste from above
In her... Into... Love I fell
There is no other greater love
Than two passionate bodies standing parallel

02-28-2002, 05:04 AM
There we go.... the sun is starting to rise ^___^ Lovely.

Anima Relic
02-28-2002, 09:43 PM
The Intracacies of Dating - 2/28/02

The blood, the arteries
Freezing, because she just stopped squeezing
Taken advantage
Seething, because I just stopped breathing...

She just stopped caring
For emotions I am sharing
She couldn't stop staring
The other was just more daring
Relentlessly played the fool
Used like a broken tool
Because i was stubborn like a mule
Maybe she thought I wasn't cool

Severel lacerations
Shattered, I wasn't the one who mattered
the lies, artificial cries
Asphyxiated, suffocating clamor she demonstrated

She left me standing
Lacking understanding
Here she is reprimanding
Pointing and demanding
What is wrong with me?
She told me I'm completely
Worthless so discreetly
She lied she said she loved me

She's the devil, disheveled, like a high-pitched treble
It's ironic, like atomic, she hit me like the chronic
I met her, I let her, now I must forget her
Deceiver, non-reliever, like ibuprofin to a fever

I sit down with my hands pressed against my eyes
Small trickles of water, descending down my cheek
Trying to conceal, the dilation I despise
My search for love... It's looking rather meek
My confidence is spiraling downward
On an endless voyage, right toward the depths of hell
All those disenchanting voices I have heard
The possibilities of being hurt, I was never told
Perhaps I felt way too invincible
But love, like a coding error, always has its loopholes
Her voice, her concerns, all convincible
Please return this heart that you fucking stole
You know, the one you ripped from my chest
Don't you remember? Reboot your memory
And every day since then I've regressed
My soul is dismembered, from your treachery
Fatal injuries no doctor could cure
Stained memories no Alzheimer could forget
Fuck you for making me so impure
You were an addiction, like a cigarette
You took my generosity for granted
When I poured my whole heart out to you
This dismay you implanted
I probably should have said, fuck you too
But here I am lamenting like a lost child
Unknowing, no direction as to where to go
I was riding this train called denial
But it derailed leaving only my fractured ego
And these unforgettable tears
And these chains I was bounded by
And these irreplaceable fears
So all alone, I sit, and I cry.

Rabid Monkey
03-01-2002, 05:59 PM
Heh...I TOLD you I would get around to posting a reply in here...don't worry, I'll give you extra man love to make up for my tardiness...

Anyway, they are all very good...better than any of the ones I'm writing at the moment, that's for sure... I always find it so amusing how you can tell how someone is feeling just by the words they choose in the pomes that person writes...

03-02-2002, 07:34 AM
aaand as usual, its best poetry ive read in these forums, knowing you came up with every word........ keep it up!

Anima Relic
03-02-2002, 09:23 AM
A Lost Spirit - 3/2/02

My spirits hath delinquence
My soul debates in consequence
Do I endure Self-Termination
Or just a jubilent emulation
The synthesis of these smiles
Concealed in deep denial
Detrimental to this head
Darkness prevails instead

All is simply trivial
All lost irreplaceable
Eternal frowns of emptiness
Cease the beats in my chest
Bludgeoned all my empathy
Engorged in all my self-pity
Into my skin tears seep
These days I only weep.

03-03-2002, 01:33 AM
Even though it's all dark and sad most of it's good.

I may be thinking you have too much time on your hands or your just a little tad Gothic.

Kool Ranch
03-03-2002, 04:23 AM
Damn, if I had a band, I'd want you in it even if it was just to write lyrics! Your words are better than most of what I listen to!! Impressive.

Anima Relic
03-05-2002, 01:03 AM
Why do tragedies exist
And why do we insist
To fight fire with fire
Kill for what we desire

Why does greed consume our soul?
Then some lack of glory takes a toll
Wash the blood off of our hands
Then kick back in the sands

Why can our hearts be broken
And get judged for being outspoken
To weak souls the truth will hurt
Lack of conscience they exert

One falls, one will capitalize
Just to keep themselves alive
Then walk on the crippled back
Of the one who brought you on track

And to this I can only say
Morality is left to decay
The weak will deny it too
What the hell's the world to do?

03-05-2002, 03:45 AM
i think i might use a part in one of your lyrics to put beneath my sig ^^ when you were making those lyrics up in the chat the other day, were you making them up right there? or do you have these written down somewhere from when you have time off?

Anima Relic
03-07-2002, 04:16 PM
Portrait of a Dibilitated Soul - 3/5/02

Anarchy infiltrating my inner skull
Deteriorating sharpness made it dull
Deception erodes what was once so solid
Desecrating what was once so much knowledge
Incarcerated by strong melancholy
Nobody cares if I say I am sorry
Penetrating through me bullets of distress
From a gun who is her, kicked with nothing left

I am salivating
Like a hungry nation
I am validating
Like a police station
The worth that I don't have
Like a homeless mutant
NO one keeps me on track
Teacher to a student

I wish that someone out there could save me
Where the hell is my angel from above?
I wish that someone out there could help me
Direct me to the one I am to love
My patience is wearing extremely thin
Forceful reminiscence of a dark past
And as much as it is to my chagrin
I feel this hell will eternally last

Anima Relic
03-07-2002, 11:18 PM
Since nobody wants to post in here or comment here, i want to post another one, so i'm gonna do a no-no and double post.

Beauty Covers Lies - 3/7/02

Check out the flow, watch out below
This bitch is all for show you gotta let her go
It's all going down the drain, it is insane
HOw you go with the grain, and take all the pain
LIke a bitch in heat, feeling incomplete
She be stepping on your feet, so i gotta be discreet
Drop her like a bad habit, to hell with the 24 karat
She holds no merit, your life, she'll just impair it
Her admonishing astonishing, her soul needs polishing
Affecting what you're accomplishing, this all needs abolishing
Look at what you're missing, just wish you would listen
it's you she be dissing, but look who you're kissing
Watch out for the nonsense, watch out for the violence
She'll kill if you lack silence, pain is a consequence

She'll rape you, and tape your mouth shut
She'll make you, and take you to a rut
She'll burn you, turn you away from your goals
She'll steal you, deal out all the shit she stole

This bitch is evil
no resonance inside
dissonance it resides
her retrieval
decadence in her eyes
beauty covers lies

Conscience she'll forfeit yours, like in shakespere folklore
she'll become a chore, no clue of what's in store
fooled by artificial charm, secretly causing harm
you will feel disarmed, should be an alarm
that she is only trouble, you're just a mere bubble
to pop cuz you're humble, all over you she'll stumble
look at this false elation, you and your mind have no relation
inside an implantation, of a hell of her creation
realize your demise will be a surprise
all that you despise, will flash before your eyes
it is all so misconstrued, you'll become unglued
you're the one who's used, and getting abused
do what you gotta do, it is all up to you
peel off all the glue, and find somoene who's true


Under your skin
the needle within
veins getting thin
experiencing sin
push the plunger in
watching her grin
an evil specimen
of bacterial vermin
eat you up inside
chomp your flesh alive
why do you confide
please just step aside
aren't my bad vibes
always fucking right?
slowly you will glide
your damned soul has died

You're a weak puppet
A marionette
She's pulling the strings
Sharply as she sings
I have you in control
You're my slave!
I'll beat you down!
i'll beat you down!

bridge/chorus - out

03-08-2002, 03:50 AM
hey, here's the poem my brother did that was in that one poetry book:


spores in the air,
nowhere to go but away.
Bird gets pushed out of its nest,
before it can fly.
People work hard their whole lives,
to catch an unreachable dream.
A dog chases its tail.
A worm crawls on its belly longing for the clouds so infinitely
high above, to receive its wish day in the beak of a robin.
Climbing over one obstacle just gives a better view of the mine
field ahead.
A moth flutters frantically in a spider web,
Escape will tear off its wings, and maim it for life.
Remaining will put it in the spider's gullet.
Everyone falls down,
knowing they'll have to stand up to fall down again.
Coins at the water's bottom collect dirt and amounted scum,
the moral of wishes.
The sun rises upon another day.

to tell you the truth, i didn't really like my brother's too much. it was kinda dry. i like the one's that have a little rhyme going on in it.... i almost snoozed off typing this.. at least your poems dont make me do that krelian :P

03-09-2002, 09:23 AM
Krelian, o_O Somehow,... your poem makes me hate women... which is an extremely odd feeling for me to be feeling as a woman. O_O

Great job on the wording and the rhyme play :D

Anima Relic
03-22-2002, 06:11 PM
Here'a new one...

My blood pressure is rising
my veins are about to pop
i'm done with compromising
my patience is beyond the top
the anger is hypnotizing
self-control is beginning to drop
the world is mesmerizing
wish the insanity would stop

violence is my instinct
when i'm pushed over the edge
your kind will be extinct
when i push you off the ledge
you and my anger are linked
you are the alleged
it all changed when I blinked
the next move i dread

i cannot see why they're with me
if they're gonna be fucking me completely
to mistreat me, and beat me discreetly
to delete me, disagree when you cheat me
trying not to hate my given fate
the inundated state i must alleviate
to deviate from this great debate
desecrating any chance to penetrate

you threw me to the ground
but i'll get off my ass
and you pushed me around
but i wiped off the grass
check the bliss i have found
when my screams broke glass
but now you don't hear a sound
you change me for being crass

i wanted to lash out
but i held myself back
i wanted to end self doubt
but you threw me off track
i wanted to give you a rout
last minute i cracked
what are you all about
a killer in black?

my eyes they cry
my mouth it sighs
my mind it fried
and you wonder why?
my legs they break
my soul you take
throw in the lake
this was a mistake

03-22-2002, 07:25 PM
I can relate a lot... it just boils to that level, doesn't it?... good job.

04-18-2002, 03:44 AM
You write very well. I like to be able to feel the emotion in poetry- to me, that is what it is all about. Poetry, that is. I am sorry that you had to go through all that in your poetry though.

Anima Relic
06-19-2002, 05:27 AM
It's simply been a while since i've even added anything ot this... thus here i go...

I seem to fall into these stupid syndicates
Of the unfaithful, the sinning untruthful
I seem to fall into my own self-loathing
This pathetic mindset, the stupid syndicate
Affiliated with an infrastructure
Silicone attraction, a fucked up reaction
And now it seems at this juncture
I'm losing my mind, can't put the shit behind

The brides of the lost, sunk into holocaust
They reaped what they sewed, dereliction of moral code
Millions of years have died, in the back of who cried
The games that they play, it'll blow you away

But all i see is a plastic queen
i couldn't heed all the warnings foreseen
the one who i thought woudl be clean
ended up to be only obscene

My gullability is becoming overwhelming
Induced by confusion, produced by delusion
I wanted to believe all the good thing i've heard
But they were unfaithful, they were untruthful
self-realization is a bitter pill to swallow
Like sulfuric acid, a broken prophylactic
how can i live in a mind so hollow?
in a bitter fury, in front of a hangman jury

i'm burning bridges with these hands of mine
cuz people keep bothering this broken mind
and this broken soul, and this gaping hole
and the mass content of mine you stole
and the smiles once natural are just a halloween spectacle
to see the light again would be nothing short of a miracle
but i'm still covering my face, screaming hysterical
screaming in a horrible dischord, not so melodical
so i retract, i can't get back, to intact to be exact
a heart attack would in fact be what i lack stuck in the crack
of a shack when i see black, i lost track i can't get back
To my trail i've failed i'm unable my life's a fable, holy grail on my table, but it's on sale, and i'm on the wall and nailed like a tail
pinned on the donkey, it's gone... see? To be me, must be
and inevitable decree, and i believe if you could see what it's like to be me, then maybe you can conceive, you can't believe all you see.

06-22-2002, 10:59 PM
Ah, your works are so inspirational, Chris! Great job!


Anima Relic
06-25-2002, 05:38 AM
I just want to hide from the world today
To escape this suffering, I'd fade away
And keep my heart in platen glass
Hidden from all so it can last
But here I stand face down in sorrow
And here I'll be standing tomorrow
Engorged in immense dissatisfaction
Sinking into societal retraction

So I stare at my ceiling tiles imploring for an answer
But the words are mixed in these enigmatic riddles
Which the most prodigious minds couldn't decipher
But here's my soul, trapped in the middle
But I must wonder, what's the point of all of this
What's the point of loving it's some uncontrollable mirage
These people put up, this facade of bliss
Only to see these wondrous visions victims of sabotage

And you wonder why I don't give a fuck
Caring is worthless if you only get stuck
And loving is pointless if it's not given back
I can't figure out why the world is all black
But it's so damn funny, this artificiality
But you come to learn that none of it's reality
And it's a hell of a bitter pill to swallow
When all thought worth just proves so hollow

So I look deep in the clouds, and squint in the sun
The arrays of light shine in my eyes, creating blindness
To what love is, this irreversible poorly used pun
This eternal voyage, this hopeless quest to find rest
And i'm caught in this chamber, locked up nowhere to go
Slamming my fists to the walls, wailing for help
But these wails go unnoticed, and I begin to die slow
Because nobody can see all this pain I have felt

So my blood keeps breaking my veins
Covering my face, I feel so inane
I can't help these repulsive views
When all lines and angles are all skewed
The atmosphere in my eyes in distortion
The horizons off and out of proportion
Because the world I see is a labyrinth of deception
A puzzling jigsaw conquering all perception

So I'll sit and cry bawl my eyes, keep wondering why
I have some grotesque evasion of a horrible truth
Love will never meet me, it'll always just fly by
I'm in a million pieces, so far too unable to regroup
So where the hell is this place so deep in peace and harmony
Because i'm a prisoner in this atrocious malevolence
Where I am alone, and I am my own worst enemy
Where my self-mutilation is the only violence....

My eyes are inundated by dilation
To life, i lack all relation
I'm decaying by day, so i'm fading away
I'd like to hide from the world today
I'd say goodbye, but nobody will care
If i was alive, or if I wasn't there
Because all I am is used and abused
So i'll stand alone, and drown in my blues.

06-25-2002, 05:52 AM
<Merl> Chris. . .
<Merl> FUCKIN' A!
<Merl> you took it all and put it down
<Merl> I mean shit
* Merl fucking gives a standing ovation

yeah, I know I said this in chat, but that was fucking right on the damn money

06-25-2002, 05:53 AM
Originally posted by Fusion

And you wonder why I don't give a fuck
Caring is worthless if you only get stuck
And loving is pointless if it's not given back
I can't figure out why the world is all black
But it's so damn funny, this artificiality
But you come to learn that none of it's reality
And it's a hell of a bitter pill to swallow
When all thought worth just proves so hollow

Fus, that stanza right there...that was the one that
enjoyed the most...i meanit kinda reminds me...of me in a way
i'mma leave it at that...good job tho i'll need ta check up on ya shit more often now

07-04-2002, 01:23 AM
you see? thats the dark stuff Vampyre Man's into. I love your peotry, but now I want to kill myself. :P