04-24-2005, 08:02 PM
Sorry guys this is the poll

fascist socialist
04-24-2005, 08:08 PM
No, good luck jamming many hours of gameplay into a 2-3 hour movie.

04-24-2005, 08:11 PM
Many hours of gameplay, perhaps. But so little plot that it'd be pressed to reach 90 minutes.

Rabid Monkey
04-24-2005, 08:13 PM
Not to mention six of the actors would just stand around.

04-24-2005, 08:14 PM
And everyone would have to face the reality that Sephiroth was a whiny drama queen.

04-24-2005, 08:49 PM
Yeah, but they culd make it somthin like LOTR u know seperate into other parts to make the movie longer.

04-24-2005, 09:04 PM
Yeah it would make a good movie as long as they stuck to the story. I don't think seperating would make the movie any good. It would take them so long to release them all.

04-25-2005, 12:46 AM
yes it would but they would have to make it as an anime for it to be good well that is just my opion

04-25-2005, 08:15 AM
they could turn FF-VII into a movie, but they'd have to becareful with the scripting. Nanakigohan, I think an anime would be a great idea

04-25-2005, 08:47 PM
they could turn FF-VII into a movie, but they'd have to becareful with the scripting. Nanakigohan, I think an anime would be a great idea

yes thanks i though my anime idear was good too

white noize ff7
04-25-2005, 10:01 PM
it would make a decent movie, then at least my GF would understand why i like it so much. she doesn't do games, but is looking forward to AC for some reason...

oh yeah, surely the supercool CGI type imagrey is the only option? anime?

04-26-2005, 12:06 PM
They could use the same CGI style graphics that they did in the spirits within or whatever that movie was called that way they could make it look like realy actors but they would be able to do the crazy stunts that this movie would involve.

Kit Thespian
04-26-2005, 04:23 PM
They could use actors and CGI if they wanted to make this movie. However, they would have to make some major changes in the storyline. Not just the script, but the plot would have to be modified. American people (in general) would feel pretty uncomfortable with the whole new age-like mythology of the spirit energy. They would have to make it clear why exactly Sephiroth turns bad and leave little room for speculation. If you say there's no room for speculation in the video game, then go look at the fan fiction site. It's not even funny how many theories there are.

The whole "humans bad, nature good" mentality flies well in video games (as a matter of fact, it's extremely predominant), but the message gets lost in the cinema. People like the idea of one big bad guy against all the good guys, with a few minor villains on the side, not the whole "We're killing nature and we're our own enemies." type of plot. The reason why FF:TSW flopped was because people did not see a definite struggle of good and evil in the advertisements (there were other reasons as well, I'm sure; I'm an avid Final Fantasy fan up to IX, and I had no desire to see the movie). The very title "The Spirits Within" freaked out most of the conservatives and therefore killed most of the audience.

But I digress. FFVII would probably make a good trilogy of movies, but there would have to be a lot of changes. The writers once and for all would have to decide the exact reason why Sephiroth went nuts (and end the freaking speculation already), and fill a lot of other holes as well, probably in flashbacks.

Hey, who do you think would play who, I mean as far as movie actors go?

04-26-2005, 08:19 PM
Hey, all they have to do, if they do make Final Fantasy 7: The Movie, is make three films, First will be based on the first disc, second - second disc etc. And cut out all the stuff that has nothing to do with the actual story. So the way I see it, FF7 could make good films!

04-26-2005, 09:29 PM
If some dumb director didn't try to change it all.

white noize ff7
04-26-2005, 09:32 PM
yeah totally. if done right it would be awesome, but if not it would be a major disaster.

Kit Thespian
04-28-2005, 03:37 AM
Depends on what you mean by "done right." I still stand by what I said earlier.

04-28-2005, 03:48 AM
Not to mention six of the actors would just stand around.

actualy, in the game, the characters split up into groups, but you only control 1 group, so the other characters are fighting aswell.

if you had six of the characters standing around, then you should fire the directer...@_@

The reason why FF:TSW flopped was because people did not see a definite struggle of good and evil in the advertisements (there were other reasons as well, I'm sure; I'm an avid Final Fantasy fan up to IX, and I had no desire to see the movie). The very title "The Spirits Within" freaked out most of the conservatives and therefore killed most of the audience.

i hated the movie because it was more Scifi rather then fantasy ( i mean, come on, she had dreams of aliens coming down from outerspace!)

the whole movie did not have a Final Fantasy feel to it at all...

04-28-2005, 03:56 AM
i hated the movie because it was more Scifi rather then fantasy ( i mean, come on, she had dreams of aliens coming down from outerspace!)

Final Fantasy VII and VIII had heavy doses of sci-fi. X had sci-fi elements. Are they bad games because of it? I doubt that you'd say that. Since the settings throughout the series have differed so greatly, I'd say it's the themes that define Final Fantasy.

the whole movie did not have a Final Fantasy feel to it at all...

I touched on this a second ago. What exactly would you call a Final Fantasy feel? Is it not Final Fantasy without swords? Does magic make Final fantasy?

I would say that Final Fantasy is defined by certain themes, usually involving the meaning of life and death, love, and a deeper exploration of the antagonist's motives. All of those were represented really well in the movie.

white noize ff7
04-28-2005, 08:02 PM
"done right"

well, it would be incredibly difficult. okay, the 1st part of the game (midgar) would probably be fairly simple to do. might in fact make a decent enough film in itself! but what about strolling around the world map? pointless fights? what the other characters are doing while the story revolves around two or three main guys? or are all the lot of them going to be doing everything in one big group? what do you leave out? how do you get soo much into a 2 hour film? even a trilogy of 2 hour films would be difficult!

take this example, could you imagine getting the party from midgar to kalm (when you start the chase for sephiroth) in film? then on to chocobo ranch, through mythril mine (then maybe fort condor) then to junon? i can't even imagine how i would tackle this! (but then i'm no movie director).

doing it right would be a mega challenge.

04-30-2005, 07:59 PM
Well id hav to agree wit Prak on this one anyone taken any directing classes

04-30-2005, 09:15 PM
Well, i think a movie would be cool. And an Anime would be great, to. That way, my life would make a sense ^_^

05-01-2005, 01:31 PM
FF7 would make a better seires of TV programmes then a trilogy, now that I think about it!

Kit Thespian
05-03-2005, 04:06 PM
Like adapting a great book into a movie, you just have to cut some things out. Even "Gone With The Wind", one of the longest movies (and greatest) ever made, had to cut a lot of things out from the book.

If FFVII were to be made into a series of movies, this might be what the first one would look like:

In all likelihood, the Don Corneo sequence (AVALANCHE could find out about the plate falling from another source written for the movie, or learn the hard way and barely get out in time) would get cut out. The HQ building sequence would be cut considerably, probably consisting only of the party overhearing the executive meeting and then going to get Aeris and Red XIII out of the lab (forget the whole access card deal, unless the party steals them all from a dead security guard)

The Chocobo Ranch, the Mithryl Mine, Fort Condor, and the swamp (however cool Sephy killing the Midgar Zolom is) would get cut out. In a movie, they would probably be able to "manage" the vehicle and motorcycle they stole from HQ out of Midgar and use that to get to Kalm or Junon. You may cut out Kalm, and just have Cloud tell everyone the Sephiroth flashback while on the road to Junon.

On the way to Junon, the party would meet with Yuffie, and then go to Junon, then to Costa Del Sol. Do a short stop at Corel, a short stop at Gold Saucer (cut out the prison sequence) and meet up with Cait Sith (done neatly and sweetly in CGI).

Since the whole "spirit energy" mythology would probably but cut out of the deal, it would be debatable whether or not Cosmo Canyon would be placed in the movie, even though it gives Red's history. But, I'm only trying to think like a movie director here, so bear with me.

Nibelheim would be next, and there the party will meet Vincent. Then on to Rocket Town to see Cid.

Wutai would probably get stuck in the mix, but only showing a devastating effect of war with Shinra on it. In the movie, Yuffie would probably remember Sephiroth quite well from when she was a girl. In about a eight minute sequence (if that long) the party would hide from the Shinra (who followed them) there, and then move on, Yuffie staying with the party because it is no longer safe for her to remain in Wutai.

Forward ho to the date at the Gold Saucer (probably Aeris in the movie) and the Temple of Ancients. Get the Black Materia in a very short span of time, and then Sephiroth takes it. Go to the Forgotten City, and Aeris dies. Cloud does his speech in the city, and the movie ends with the party following Sephiroth to the mountains (kind of like Fellowship of the Ring almost).

As you can see, this is probably already a three hour movie, with the cuts. Sheesh. Sorry if that was a little technical, but I plan to be a screenwriter and director someday.

05-03-2005, 04:24 PM
It would make a gud film but kinda boring as it would be just going from one town to another and back again and there are some irrelevant things that happen in ff7.

Also how about the weapons and magic system will they have all the 3s in the magic.

Will they have there best weapons and will they have there uktimate limits.

there is so much change in an ff7 game it would be to hard to place in a film.

white noize ff7
05-03-2005, 06:37 PM
hey kit, i think the prison sequence is quite important really as it explains how barrett ends up hating shinra and how corel ends up like that. it also explains why barrett's a black guy and his daughter is white!!!

also the cosmo canyon bit is pivotal as it explains the whole lifestream concept, so i'd say leave that in too for definate. it's a toughie...

05-03-2005, 07:21 PM
Yes, but quite a lot would have to be cut out to avoid it being stupidly long, but cutting bits out would not be good as some points are vital for the story, so in my opinion...NO.

white noize ff7
05-03-2005, 07:35 PM
well, if you are going to make a trilogy, you don't nessassarily need to split the 'episodes' into the original discs. i mean the other two are way shorter than disc one in terms of story progression. in fact, i'll bet the only reason there is a disc 3 is because they couldn't fit the end sequence on the end of disc 2... so if you look at it that way you can get a helluva lot more into 3 films... so yes, a life changing movie it would be.

05-03-2005, 07:37 PM
Yes I suppose, like Lord of the Rings.

05-04-2005, 12:42 AM
i agree with cl0udstrife2005, they should make a ff7 television series, that way they can cover the whole story over multiple seasons instead of getting rid of some important parts in the movies. and people wouldnt have to wait as long for a new one to come out.

Kit Thespian
05-04-2005, 03:14 PM
I still think the prison sequence is unnecessary. You could easily explain the reason Barrett hates Shinra and why he has Marlene all in a flashback, instead of just bits and pieces. They all don't need to get thrown into prison and fight a boss to explain it.

This is probably going to make a lot of you angry, but you don't seem to get what I'm saying on the Lifestream, at all: The Lifestream business is essentially New Age, with a little Buddhism. Now, I'm not bashing those who believe in New Age or Buddhism, but the last time I checked, movies with New Age or Buddhist themes really don't do so well in the US. It weirds people out. Correct me if I'm wrong. I don't know about other countries, but that's my experience.

In a movie, they would probably focus the entire conflict on trying to save the world from Sephiroth and Jenova. The Mako energy issue would probably be boiled down to an unnecessary use of resource (like over-draining natural reserves) rather than sucking life spirits out of the earth. It would be easier for audiences to understand and accept. I'm just trying to think on a bigger scale here, not just FFVII fans. FFVII fans would go with the Lifestream mythology because it's FFVII, but other people in all likelihood would not. In other words, TAKE IT OUT!

I know it's something I've been railing on since I first posted in this thread, but no one's ever seemed to pay attention to it. You probably still won't. Ah well.

A television series, I could go with, except I would have to set a time aside and remember to watch it every week and the acting, directing, and graphics would (not definitely but very likely) be second-grade compared to a silver screen movie.

05-04-2005, 08:04 PM
it would make a great movie, with nothing cut out...but that might create 2 or 3 films...but still it would be a good movie...of course there are a few things that would have to be changed to make it a bit more realistic...but i can see it now, and it looks great.

05-04-2005, 08:15 PM
I think an anime movie would be a GREAT idea xD but I'm thinking maybe a series or something? I think they would have an easier time putting in all the good stuff like summons and different magic:D not to mention it would be way easier than to prack everything into a movie =) but that's just my opinion.

05-04-2005, 08:19 PM
I think an anime movie would be a GREAT idea xD but I'm thinking maybe a series or something? I think they would have an easier time putting in all the good stuff like summons and different magic:D not to mention it would be way easier than to prack everything into a movie=) but that's just my opinion.

sorry about that:p slow connection for a moment;)

05-06-2005, 09:32 PM
Yeah ur right dats why there wuld be millions of people needed in makin the movie if it wus ever goin to be made and all of them at the top of their class to make the movie a sell out.

Kit Thespian
05-09-2005, 02:51 AM
...Say what?