04-24-2005, 01:36 AM
I am writing this for a school assignment. It's also a piece from a story I'm working on with two friends of mine. I haven't finished it yet, though. I have to write at least 8 pages.. but I plan on writing more than that.

Blood. The taste of metal in his mouth as his
pale eyes begin to close. He is crushed by the heavy
weight of one of his fallen comrades who stood no
chance against the burly demon. He is free of pain.
No wounds are inflicted on his body as he drifts off
into sleep, the screams of blood-thirsty monsters
and desperate warriors being the last sounds to fill
his ears. Then there is darkness...

Teo�s eyes shot open. The nightmare was just
as vivid as it was before. It was the fourth time he
had dreamt it without waking up. He tried to move
his body but that only resulted in bringing him
unbearable pain. He gritted his teeth, trying to hold
back the scream. Tears blurred his eyes as he stared
up at the burning sun that scorched his light-colored
skin. He ran his tongue over his dried lips, tasting
blood. It triggered a recent memory in his mind,
suddenly bringing him to the present.

The first thing Teo saw when he looked out of
the corner of his eyes was the round face of a mans
coated with a crusty red. His lifeless eyes were
rolled back into his head, mouth hanging open,
showing that he had half of a missing tongue. Teo
furrowed his brows at the sight, and shifted his gaze
back to the bright sky, squinting at the sun. The
sudden realization came to him that he was laying
on a wooden surface that felt hollow. It was moving,
rocking his heavy body back and forth. He tried to
lift his head so he could look around, but the wagon
hit another rock, knocking him back to the floor. The
dead body next to him hit his side, its arm landing
outstretched across his chest. He snorted in
annoyance, wanting desperately off this foreign

Three hours later, the wagon came to a brief
stop. The sound of braying donkeys could be heard
up ahead as Teo stilled his breathing in order to
listen. Several pairs of boots crunching against
gravel stepped closer and closer, male voices
speaking low and ragged. Teo closed his eyes as
they came to a stop in front of the wagon, staring
down at the pile of dead bodies. �I guess we can just
dig up one big hole and dump these corpses in it.�
�Wouldn�t it be more respectful to bury them
separately?� �It�s not like anyone cares about them
enough to visit their graves...� �Strinkin� corpses... I
hate having to pick them up all the time...�
�Yeah...but someone�s gotta do it.� The voices were
a bit muffled to Teo�s hearing, but the one word that
kept jumping out at him was �corpses�.

He opened his eyes to see their faces. The two
men were dressed in dark cloaks, hoods hiding half
their faces. They didn�t notice that he was alive
because the big body of the dead man had rolled in
the way. The sound of clinking metal came from the
shovels they equipped themselves with as they
started digging. Teo closed his eyes. He
transformed the sound of shovels into the sound of
swords hitting flesh and tusks. He was on the battle
field again, broadsword in left hand. Somewhere up
ahead he saw the faint glimmer of his father�s
beige-colored cape. He was on his horse, impaling
large bear-like demons with a javelin.
Teo gripped the hilt of his sword and swung the
blade into the flesh of a nearby demon. He glanced
up looking for his father, but everything was moving
so fast that he didn�t have the time to find him. He
hacked into another Nevra. Its eyes flickered red as
it let out a snarl, baring its ugly fangs. Nevras were
fearsome creatures of great size and intellect.
Normally they spent their time in forests, away from
humans and other species. Why were they all
gathered together on the battlefield? Teo had no
idea but he knew it had something to do with the
Nevras� lord, Chronus. He was the one who started
this war; A selfish desire to claim all lands under his
name. It was in his power to control the Nevras who
feared him so. If he could create them, he could
dispose of them just as easily.

Just up ahead, Teo caught sight of his father�s
horse. There was the steed, but where was its rider?
Teo panicked. Nevra claws struck his back, causing
him to stumble forward. He tried to fight the beasts
off while he ran in his father�s direction. Right before
the battle, Reeve had told his son not to save him if
his life were at stake. He wanted his grave to be on
the grounds where the war had taken place. But
now, right there in the action, Teo refused to follow
Reeve�s orders. It was instinct that made him run to
his father, hoping to save his life.

The ground crunched beneath his boots.
Mutilated humans and demons covered every inch of
land, their blood coating the dirt. It seemed that the
only ones standing were the Amnis and the nevras.
The Amnis were male warriors who lived only for
war. Their lifespans were longer lasting than that of
a human�s, their bodies much more durable.Teo�s father was the leader of
the Amnis. He made sure that all his warriors� spirits
were at maximum on the battlefield. Before, Teo
would hate to admit it, but now he realized that
without his father, he was nothing.

He scanned the field, only seeing Amnis and
Nevra violently lashing out at eachother. Seeing no
sight of Reeve, Teo screamed at the top of his lungs
in fury. He caught a nevra from behind, sticking his
blade through its neck. When he pulled his weapon
from the creatures body, he saw something up
ahead that caught his eye.

Surrounded by at least five nevras was the body
of his father�s. Reeve was laying on his back in a
pool of blood, his cape wrapped around his neck.
One of the nevras let out a screech and lowered to
the ground. It sunk its teeth into Reeve�s forearm
and thrashed its head, trying to rip it apart. The
other four nevras followed the beasts� example, and
went to claim themselves a chunk of the meat. Teo�s
face turned pale. He tightened his grip on the
swordhilt, his eyes blazing with rage. He took a few
quick steps forward before something paralyzed his
movement. He tried to move his legs and arms, but
no matter how much strength he put in, he couldn�t
move. �Is this some kinda of sick joke!?� He tried to
move once more. Suddenly, his head seared with
pain and his vision began to blur. Then, his body
went numb and he fell to the ground.