04-22-2005, 06:08 PM
Does anyone remember this classic PC game series? Feels like only yesturday I first played it! Wow! When my nana bought me my PS2 (thanks Nancy!) she had to get a free game and chose Escape From Monkey Island!

I hadnt been able to play the game in years and I finally found the latest one! I completed it within 3 hours and still have it! Cant remember how many times Ive completed it, but its so much fun!

I love the theme music and the characers are all amazing! The script is so well written and some of the quests are daft! The game has followed Guybrush Treepwood, a wannabe priate who gets washed up onto Melee Island and tries to win the effections of Governor Elaine Marley, whilst trying to destory any plan of the evil dead ghost pirate LeChuck!

There have been 4 games released in the Monkey Island series and Ive hear rumours of a Monkey Island 5! Woot! Maybe mini little Guybrush and Elaines running around! Lets hope so!

04-23-2005, 01:02 AM
I loved the older games in the series. Escape from Monkey Island disappointed me a bit though. It could have been such a great game, but the awful perspectives made it unnecessarily frustrating.

If you can find anything about a new one, be sure to post some reliable info on it.

Darth Revan
04-24-2005, 05:15 PM
I've got all four of the Monkey Island games, the first three on PC and the fourth on PS2. Personally, I liked Monkey Island 3 better, but that's just my choice.

I've heard rumours of Monkey Island 5, but that was awhile ago, when one of the greatest Lucasarts games (No, not Star Wars games, though some are good.), Sam & Max Hit the Road, the sequel to this was announced.

But Lucasarts cancelled the Sam & Max 2 game, as well as many others, including Monkey Island 5. However, all hope is not lost, as some of the game designers for these great games (Yes, I love the old Point and Click games. Anyone remember Sierra's 'Quest for Glory' series?), are currently trying to purchase the rights of these games (Sam & Max 2, Monkey Island 5, etc) from Lucasarts, yet at this stage no word has been confirmed if the purchase has been successful or not.

03-22-2008, 04:12 AM
Handmade Vs. Coveyer = all great quest in past!

03-22-2008, 01:05 PM

Neo Xzhan
03-22-2008, 07:16 PM
I do not get the facination with the shitstorm of newbies that keep reviving old threads.