02-11-2002, 03:53 AM
i'm kinda a newbie to anime and i kinda/sorta know the basics (rurouni kenshin, tenchi, cowboy bebop, ninja scroll=YAY pokemon, digimon=run away in fear)
just askin........wat's an otaku???
:confused: STOP LAUGHING AT ME! hahaha j/k laugh at my all u want thx anyway!

02-11-2002, 05:03 AM
An Otaku is a person who is obsessed with anime. Some people find that offensive, while other think it is a compliment. I don't get offended when people call me an otaku, because I probably am.

02-11-2002, 06:57 AM
it's also a house. or home...or somethign around those lines.

like your sheltered. :p

02-11-2002, 01:30 PM
Originally posted by JollyOllyMan
i'm kinda a newbie to anime and i kinda/sorta know the basics (rurouni kenshin, tenchi, cowboy bebop, ninja scroll=YAY pokemon, digimon=run away in fear)

its a rule to not like pokemon/digimon? whys that? cuz alot of people dislike it? so that automatically means you have to dislike it as well or youll be breaking the rules? hmm.. interesting. didnt know liking anime was an elite club

02-11-2002, 02:56 PM

It is somewhat true that some Otakus always make clear that they are not into this mainstream anime like Pokemon or Sailor Moon or Dragonball. I think all they want is show the people that this is not all anime in this world, that there is more, etc.

However, others do like those shows and are not afraid to say so. I would not bother about anybody's opinion anyway...

IMHO a true Otaku is somebody who is fascinated by the whole thing. Somebody who is open to discover new drawing styles, new subjects or new narrative ways. Those people that are drawn by manga pictures or articles in magazines. Those that declare it their hobby, those who inform themselves about it, those who learn Japanese because of it or start drawing.

In my first year of contact with manga and anime, I did not consider myself an otaku. I did consider myself a Rurouni Kenshin fan, but that was all. It has kind of changed now. Now I do think that I am an otaku because I am not only interested in one or four animes or mangas anymore, but in the whole thing.
I search around the internet for interesting-looking series and try to convince some companies to release them, I am looking for new stuff everyday. I am addicted.

02-16-2002, 02:00 AM
hmmm...i see ur point. NeeWayz, actually, that waz just my opinion. i haf tried to get into pokemon and digimon but it just duzn't fit me, i guess. i do respect anybody and everybody who does like pokemon and digimon (whateva floats ur boat, hehe) ok thx fer ur answers! appreciate it!

11-28-2012, 09:07 AM
The next step in human evolution ;)

11-28-2012, 02:21 PM
An Otaku generaly refers to a person obsessed with anime, but can be applied to any obsession. Military otaku for example. It's obvious what they are obsessed about.

12-24-2012, 05:20 AM
Digimon you to make something of it, come on!