04-22-2005, 03:16 AM
Did anyone find any relationship between the crystals found in the previous Final Fantasies and their relation in FF9? I think I found it. There are 4 jewels correct? One in each of the cities.

Fire leads to Industrial Progression: Lindbulm and their crystal

Wind would be Cleyra: The kingdom with the huge sandstorm No wind crystal means no sandstorm

Water would be Burmecia because of the eternal rain. The crystal there was wrought away to Cleyra.

Earth would be ALexandria which I dont know (recieved blessing from Gaia cause ALexander resides there?)

Alright now I think that the four crystals from the previous Final Fantasies have something to do here. I don't think it is directly stated but I think there should be a conncetion. I myself have never played anything before Final Fantasy 7, save FF4, so I can't see the connecton. Ima go out and get FF Anthology but anyone see any connections?

04-23-2005, 07:03 AM
Firstly, Burmecia doesn't have a crystal of it's own, because Burmecia and Cleyra are part of the same country (or at least they were, until Cleyra took the Desert Star and hid themselves away from the outside world after a disagreement with the residents of Burmecia)

Also, I assumed the Royal Pendant (Garnet's crystal) to actually be water elemental, due to the water and lakes which permate the city of Alexandria, such as the water-powered elevator that ascends betweent the castle and Alexandria Harbour (plus, they also have a superior navy), and Eiko's Memory Earring to be earth elemental, as the the town of Madian Sari has a real earth feel to it.

But you were right in regards to the elements for the Falcon Claw and Desert Star.

But that was just my interpretation.

The Sage
04-24-2005, 01:43 PM
So... at various points in the game you have three of these crystals or is it two of them that protect Gaia. And i'm sure that it's jsut a freak metiorological phenoninon that means that Burmencia has all that rain

04-24-2005, 04:51 PM
Damnit. Thought I had something there lol. Oh well