11-18-2017, 02:05 PM
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Luis Enriquez Bacalov* was the Oscar-winning composer behind some of Italy's finest soundtracks He passed away in Rome on November 15 2017. He and was 84. Bacalov was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and immigrated to Italy as a young man. A virtuoso pianist, he began his career writing and arranging songs for popular Italian artists. He broke into film scoring in the 1960s, and has written nearly 150 scores over his career. This programme pays tribute to his life and music by a special music mix I have made.

Luis Enr�quez Bacalov fue el compositor, ganador de un �scar, que cre� algunas de las mejores composiciones de Italia. Muri� en Roma el 15 de Noviembre del 2017 a los 84 a�os de edad. Bacalov naci� en Buenos Aires, Argentina, y emigr� hacia Italia cuando a�n era joven. Siendo un pianista virtuoso, empez� su carrera escribiendo y organizando canciones para artistas italianos populares. Debut� su puntuaci�n de pel�culas a mediados de 1960s y ha escrito casi m�s de 150 puntuaciones a lo largo de su carrera. Este programa en un tributo a su vida y su m�sica con una mezcla especial que he hecho.

1 Introduction & Fender With Anger
2 Drango - Instrumental version
3 We Still Kill The Old Way - (A Ciascuno il Suo)
4 L'Oro Dei Bravados
5 Summertime Killer
6 The Last Chance
7 La Polizia e al Servizio Del Cittadino
8 A Bullet For The General
9 The Man Called Noon
10 La Tregua
11 Si Puo Fare Amigo (It Can Be Done)
12 Coup De Foudre
13 Il Grand Duel
14 La Citta Delle Donne
15 Il Postino
16 Misa Tango - I - Kyrie

Mp3 at 320
PM Me for the link

11-18-2017, 05:39 PM
Hi, filmcollector16

Is this a comp of original soundtracks, or a tribute concert?


12-04-2017, 08:46 AM
Link received! Thank you very much, filmcollector16!

12-13-2017, 09:45 PM
Link received.
Thanks a lot, filmcollector16!
Wow, such a nice tribute to one of my all time favorite composers.

01-01-2018, 08:50 PM
Happy new year!

thank you very much for this tribute

Michael Jeffrey
01-03-2018, 04:15 PM
Thank you very much for the link.