04-20-2005, 09:15 PM
Ok I have been reading these threads about how "game A is great game" and so on and so forth yet few of them actually address what makes a good game, so I just want to know what in your mind makes a good game?

My personal opinion is that a good game consists of a good storyline, good gameplay, good music, the emotional response from the game, its "fun factor", and to a certain extend graphics mostly becuase they can enhance the previous factors but I am not saying that good graphics make good games im just saying they can change your opinion of a game if they are good or bad. For example if a game has graphics so bad you can't tell whats going on then obviously its not gonna be as fun and lower some of the other factors in making a good game.

hb smokey
04-20-2005, 10:11 PM
and to a certain extend graphics mainly becuase they can enhance the previous factors but I am not saying that good graphics make good games im just saying they can change your opinion of a game if they are good or bad for example if a game has graphics so bad you can't tell whats going on then obviously its not gonna be as fun and lower the other factors in making a good game.
That sure is a pretty long sentence. And to talk about one of your points, graphics do not make a story better, period. If the story makes sense and doesn't have any plot holes, then it's going to stay like that no matter if the graphics are the greatest the world has ever seen.

One of the biggest factors that I think makes a game good or not is the replay value. If I go through a game in 10 or 15 hours and have no need or want to play the game again, I will usually not consider it a good game. But if I can replay it two or three times like an RPG, or multiplayer in a FPS for hours on end, then I'll think it's good and probably even great. A good game should be able to keep you interested in playing it after you finish it for the first time. I also want to be involved with a storyline that makes sense and is appealing to me. Splinter Cell has an excellent storyline as a series, and I consider the games to be great. Probably the next biggest thing for me would be the gameplay and how easy it is for me to control the character and have him/her do what I want to do. I love the Timesplitter series because I think it has awesome gameplay and it is really easy for me to control the character exactly how I want them too. Super Metroid, my favorite game, has great gameplay too and the controls are just perfect to me. I'm not a huge fan of graphics though; they are nothing more than eye candy.

04-21-2005, 12:43 AM
Hey I got an idea! Why don't all of you get a fucking life and stop talking about quier ass video games, especially Smokey. There is much more happening in the world right now besides video games, dumb asses.

Helen Gurley Brown
04-21-2005, 12:51 AM
Courtney, stop acting like an angry 10 year old. People who play video games don't necessarily spend every waking hour playing them. That's a mighty arrogant assumption of you. If you're having some sort of personal spat with a particular member, keep it between you, don't start acting childish in public. It just makes you look stupid.

04-21-2005, 01:02 AM
Maybe I am having some personal problems but I can act however the fuck I want because that is how pissed off I am. So you can go suck dick and stop acting like a smart ass. I know that in the thread I said for all of you to get a fucking life but I was really giving that message to a certain someone because he helped fuck up some parts in my life when iy wasn't necessary.

04-21-2005, 01:03 AM
Maybe you should stop posting on a final fantasy forum about your personal problems, when no one actually gives a shit about bitchy girls who are overly paranoid.

Rabid Monkey
04-21-2005, 01:04 AM
Some people think it's a good idea to kill people when they get pissed off really bad. Should they be able to act however they want, as well?

04-21-2005, 01:04 AM
Maybe I am having some personal problems but I can act however the fuck I want because that is how pissed off I am. So you can go suck dick and stop acting like a smart ass. I know that in the thread I said for all of you to get a fucking life but I was really giving that message to a certain someone because he helped fuck up some parts in my life when iy wasn't necessary.
stop posting you stupid whore

04-21-2005, 01:06 AM
Bravo. Seriously. Bravo.

I always love a good display of teen angst. Did it ever occur to you that he's probably the only person here who gives a shit about whether you're happy or not? Frankly, all i'm seeing is an obnoxious little girl who's acting out because she doesn't have the guts to face her problems head-on.

Of course, you're welcome to prove me wrong. And I mean that. I'd love for you to prove me wrong on that.

Helen Gurley Brown
04-21-2005, 01:08 AM
Name one (1) way that your post was justified. It was off-topic, a personal attack (not just to Smokey, but to a more general popuation who didn't do anything to you, might I add). Name one (1) reason why you shouldn't be banned right here. And while you're at it, name one (1) way that I'm being a "smart ass" by speaking to you rationally (which is more than I can say about how you're posting).

You sound like a damn child, or one of those teenagers from Maury Povich who come out half-dressed going "YOU DONT KNOoOOOoOoW ME". Leave Smokey alone, keep your personal problems exactly that (personal, just fyi), and stop being a giant cunt.

04-21-2005, 01:10 AM
If all of you fuckers are trying to hurt my feelings then you are doing a very job of it. None of you even know me, hell! I don't know any of ya'll, all I know is that almost all of you have to talk to people that you don't even know because people that do know you probably hate you and make you feel like shit and you believe that you have "friends" on this website. That is so fucking low.

04-21-2005, 01:13 AM

04-21-2005, 01:18 AM
If all of you fuckers are trying to hurt my feelings then you are doing a very job of it. None of you even know me, hell! I don't know any of ya'll, all I know is that almost all of you have to talk to people that you don't even know because people that do know you probably hate you and make you feel like shit and you believe that you have "friends" on this website. That is so fucking low.

You're exactly right when you say none of us know you. However, unless you act completely differently when you type on a keyboard, then we can get a pretty good impression. That impression is angsty teen acting out against the one person who's guaranteed to listen to it, due to the fact that he cares.

Am I wrong? No? I thought not.

Rabid Monkey
04-21-2005, 01:18 AM
You sound like a damn child, or one of those teenagers from Maury Povich who come out half-dressed going "YOU DONT KNOoOOOoOoW ME".

None of you even know me, hell!

Mastercard commercial here.

04-21-2005, 01:19 AM
I smell bacon and I think it is Berry.

04-21-2005, 01:24 AM

Alice Wonderbra
04-21-2005, 01:30 AM
Hey I got an idea! Why don't all of you get a fucking life and stop talking about quier ass video games, especially Smokey. There is much more happening in the world right now besides video games, dumb asses.

Right. Let's just stop for a second and look at that. Hmm. The first thing you post in a very long while and it is to bash the members of the site that you are yourself posting on. This is a red flash going off, mir? If you are in pain or whatever, talk to someone. This behaviour isnt beneficial for anyone.

Helen Gurley Brown
04-21-2005, 01:31 AM
Why don't all of you get a fucking life and stop talking about quier ass video games [...] There is much more happening in the world right now besides video games, dumb asses.
None of you even know me, hell!

So, let me get this straight. You're saying, "I can make all sorts of nasty generalizations about a bunch of people I don't know, but they have no right to be upset and say anything to me because they don't know me."

Makes sense.

edit: Alice beat me to it. :-(

Alice Wonderbra
04-21-2005, 01:33 AM
Reiterations are always okay!

Well, not always. But in this case they are. =P

04-21-2005, 01:40 AM
OMG Im A Quier Ass Cos I Play Video Games?

Howsabout Oh No Your A Stupid Dumb Tramp Who Should get Over herself Before She gets Stabbed in the Eyes With A Knitting needle MIR?

04-21-2005, 02:11 AM

The Joker
04-21-2005, 02:17 AM
Well, on the topic. I do think graphics can enhance the impact of story, but it doesn't neccesarily make the writing/story alone better. Consider a horror movie taking place in daylight out in the open. Now, consider it in a cramped, shadowy room with mysterious background noise.

The story itself is no different, but the atmosphere has certainly increased.

04-21-2005, 02:50 AM
Hi Berry.

04-21-2005, 03:38 AM
Aren't there rules here against spamming?

hb smokey
04-21-2005, 03:40 AM
Aren't there rules here against spamming?
I already told you, just continue on with the thread and the real topic.

04-21-2005, 12:41 PM
Hi Trekkies.
A good game is something that feels both fun and "right" to play - that you have full control over. God of War's a good example of it - you feel like you have full control over the character. Yes, I realise in some games this is a different definition but I think it stands.

PS: Trekkies, you suck.

04-21-2005, 01:48 PM
A good game must feel 'right'. When you play it, the T.V and the room you are in must 'disappear' and therefore draw you in. The game must be consistant in action, and have outstanding moments (one's that you will remember forever). It must make you feel a certain emotion, and it must have a unique and absorbing soundtrack.

04-21-2005, 11:48 PM
Who's Trekkies? Why was I banned?

04-22-2005, 02:07 AM
Who's Trekkies? Why was I banned?

You're so full of shit. Go away nobody likes you.

04-22-2005, 03:43 AM
Who's Trekkies? Why was I banned?

Since you'll undoubtedly read this, you must undertand - your user name and email aren't the only ways we identify posters. You have a 6 month ban. We will find you, no matter what you reregister as.

If you can't deal without talking about Final Fantasy for that long, I suggest you find a forum called OWA. I'm sure you'd fit right in there.

Sephiroth's son
04-28-2005, 10:49 PM
a good game is one that will make u loos track of everything but the game. its story and game play should be amazing. the story should be in depth wit some unexpect twist, thought they should make sense. the game play should be seemless and natural. the game should look good as well. bad graphics can take away from the illusion tho if the story and gameplay are good enough it shouldnt matter to much but if it beautiful as well then were talking an A+ game

04-29-2005, 06:56 AM
As to what exactly makaes a great game I think that's comparably subjective to other mediums such as film and print. Tastes vary over a wide spectrum. I think films and books do a much better job of filling in all the gaps in taste, though, and I think demand for certain types of games (that simply won't get developed in the current industry climate) is very high. Films have a very wide band of artistic depth. There are abstract and surrealist indie films down to total assembly-line + hype hollywood cash cows, but games seem to end up on the hollywood cash cow thinking most of the time. Unlike independent film which has legitmate channels for releasing their product (most big cities have several theaters where you can go see high quality indie film), the channels for releasing independent games are still in their infancy (in fact retail as a distribution channel is shit-we should be supporting things like steam). If independent games played a larger role in the industry I think games could be pushed to far, far greater heights in artistic depth and creativity. I think the demand for more mature games for older players is also very high and this forum is a testament to that. If a more adult rpg type game were developed and targeted at the older teens to young twenty soemthings I think that gaming as a whole could open a new and unique avenue. The reality of business seems to be the largest obstacle to games as art.

05-01-2005, 04:19 AM
a good game is a game that can get you hooked with its graphics, game play and most importantly a good story line why? because i cant play a game that has a story line about something stupid