04-19-2005, 11:40 AM
Right... I parked my garden outside winhill when i was looking for the SeeD ship. I was bored. While running to winhill, i entered a battle screen. THERE WAS NOTHING THERE! No monsters, nothing. So my characters are just bobbing about and all of a sudden, this UFO flies across the enemy side of the battle screen CARRYING A COW...! I'm not even joking. Made me laugh, but i also got a little concerned. Is my console screwing up? Or has anybody else seen it? What the heck is it?

04-19-2005, 11:42 AM
If i remember correctly, theres a few of them and you have to do something with them... destroy them maybe. I honestly cant remember, but no, your console isnt fucking up

Siren's Song
04-19-2005, 02:57 PM - Look at the Pupu FAQ for FFVIII, and all should become clear!

04-19-2005, 03:27 PM
No, your game istn glitched, this is the Pupu sidequest, there are 3 different ufo citings around the world, you need to see them all, then you actually battle the UFO on some north western, forest covered, island, once you beat it, go back to the site on blamb garden, when it was in the ground and you will come across pupu, he has a lot of good spells you can draw, and I cant remember if your suppose to kill him or give him elixers. Either way, its worth it, because he gives you the pupu card, the only card that isnt a gf or character card that has an A on it.

04-19-2005, 09:44 PM
and I cant remember if your suppose to kill him or give him elixers. Either way, its worth it, because he gives you the pupu card,
If you kill him, you get an item, I forget what. Generally, most people go for Elixirs, which gets you the Pupu card. If you use the right refinement abilities on this, I believe you eventually end with a Rosetta Stone, which teaches Ability X 4 - very valuable. Or you could just keep the card if you have to have all of them. This is all off the top of my head, but the FAQ mentioned earlier should help.