10-12-2017, 04:19 AM
Heya, I'm wondering if any of the collectors here know where one could get a bead on the licensed soundtrack from Contents Under Pressure, specifically, the full version with the licensed tracks like seen here:
http://vgost.wikia.com/wiki/Marc_Eck%C5%8D%27s_Getting_Up:_Contents_Under_Pres sure

Basically, I've searched a while trying to find a version of the soundtrack including them, but so far, every single one I've found, even the ones on this forum from years ago, have just been the game score and instrumental stuff, rather than the actual licensed tracks, save for one that was linked on this forum years ago, but it was hosted on the old megaupload that's long since extinct. There are a couple playlists on Youtube that claim to have a couple of the songs, but they're either low quality or incomplete at best...