10-03-2017, 03:19 PM
The Legacy of Japanese Composers
Akira Senju

Akira Senju is another Japanese master romanticist and the familiar Japanese phenomenon of a composer writting concert works for media. If you see him in interviews he�s really a very gentle and soft-spoken fellow and his music certainly reflects that. He is also an enigma in the sense that no other Japanese composer has as many recordings with eastern European orchestras and worked with european conductors as he does. Senju was actively working to form lasting musical relations between countries on the other side of the world and was one of the main instigators we have to thank dearly that we�re hearing so much Warsaw scores today. To this day he still upholds that close relation.

But before I begin to delve into his body of work, let�s address the elephant in the room:
Yes, Senju very much likes to quote himself a lot, to unhealthy degrees and has a template of various tricks and moments he likes to repeat. Even among these �Best Selections� you will hear various pieces with the same underlying structure. But it�s by no means as bad as with someone like Horner, where it�s the same piece, note for note with minor alterations at best. Every score maybe has the same foundations but what is build upon those is most of the time (apart from Valvrave) unique enough to cause the illness known as �Horner fatigue� ;)

Romantic Selections

Part I � Symphonic Selections

Let�s begin with some of his very best symphonic works. THOUSAND NESTS is basically his Symphony No. 2 and a stunning concert arrangement of his TV score for Mobile Suit Victory Gundam, performed by the Cracow Radio Symphony Orchestra. The Gundam series really stands as a pinnacle of astonishing symphonic music for media products and he really outdid himself with this one. Not that the TV score isn�t already a masterpiece but here the music is more refined and focused, it�s very much Senju at his very best.

Walk�re Story for Orchestra, performed by the Slovak Philharmonic Orchestra is a symphonic arrangement of Hiroyuki Kawada�s score for the video game Valkyrie no Densetsu and a glorious romantic Fantasy score, Senju pretty much makes Kawada�s music his own with his unique trademarks and style. An essential album for anyone in love with symphonic game music.

Hikaru Genji is one of the most phenomenal pop arrangement albums I�ve heard, sounding more like a Golden Age film score than pop arrangement album, thanks to Senju�s brilliant orchestrations. It�s full of moments of romantic violin concerto and Hollywood grandeur.

Requiem for Showa Another is another brilliant symphonic work, essentially a concert work written for the Japanese film 226. Senju�s trademarks appear very strong here and his classical influences can be felt most prominently here. �Destiny� is definitely among my favorite Senju pieces.

Part II � The Warsaw Selections

Furin Kazan is a glorious collaboration between Senju and Warsaw� what a theme! That B section is to die for. The rest is some of the very best music Senju has ever written. I also think that it�s a blessing that there�s almost no �battle tracks� and mostly romantic or tension tracks, as it is no secret that I think this is Senju�s strongest field. Again, it is more concert work than TV score if you get down to it and definitely among my top ten NHK drama scores.

The Mystery of Rampo is another masterpiece by Senju, this time performed by the Czech Philharmonic. It�s Senju at his most romantic, intimate and introspective. The score is full of absolute beauty and grace and transports your mind to another plane of reality. The Main Theme is a real killer as well, a tragic waltz in style of Shostakovich.

Chinmoku (The Silent Fleet) is another case of Senju being at his best when there�s almost no action. It�s all delicious mystery and tension with introspective moments. A very unusual war score indeed, the music again being elevated by Warsaw.

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood is certainly among his most popular works. He has written over two hours of score but I think a more concise symphonic album with the essential theme would have been preferable to what we got. But what is there is still gold. Over an hour of Warsaw score with concert grade music. Senju has written some of the very best action tracks and marches for this project. Everything related to the B side of the Main Theme, most prominent in the Overture, and everything related to Amestris with that very Coplinesque tone, is my favorite. This time I�ve included every orchestral piece from the series as there are some very enjoyable concert pieces worth listening to.

Part III � TV Selections

Victory Gundam is a remarkable score for one of Japan�s most revered franchises, certainly among the very best Gundam scores and on many favorite�s lists. For good reason, Senju delievers on all front with a romantic war score with strong themes and classic action.

99 Years of Love is yet another great TV drama with a fantastic theme and plenty of the usual Senju romanticism, this time mixed with classic Hollywood grandeur and some divine moments like �Soldier�s Aria�.

Red Garden is in many ways a complementary work to Rampo and equally impressive. Introspective and reflective of the human soul and especially noteworthy because of Senju�s orchestral arrangement of KOKIA songs.

The Snow Queen is very much the usual Senju trademarks and style in full World Masterpiece Theater mode. The romantic Violin pieces appear with much more vigor and heart than usual. The songs are gorgeous as well.

Gensomaden Saiyuki Requiem is a very unique score from Senju with the use of E-Guitar and Erhu in addition to the usual symphonic score. Even with a small studio-sized ensemble he works the same magic.

Valvrave is even more unique but in the sense that Senju goes along with the general conventions of anime action, almost Sahashiesque in certain parts. You can also consider it a best of from his various concert pieces, this time performed with orchestral rock, modern percussion and Morricone/Sahashi vocals. I like it.

Part IV � Film Selections

The Dream of Africa is in best fashion another symphonic work full of romanticism. Senju�s answer to Barry�s Out of Africa.

GRAND ODYSSEY is a classic Hollywood SciFi adventure score they just don�t make no more. The only fault are the rather short tracks, but the theme is excellent and is has some great moments.

Concerto Nippon has many winks to classical composers , even direct references but Senju still puts in enough of his own to make a great score.

Magic Tree Househas another theme to die for but like GRAND ODYSSEY too much short tracks, for my liking. But the lengthy pieces and �THAT Theme� to paraphrase Tango more than make up for it�s shortcomings.

Walking my Life is a very romantic Senju, almost entirely focused on piano and a perfect relaxing afternoon listening. Very serene.

The last album are various Main Themes he composed over the course of his long and successful career.

Composer Profile: Akira Senju

Trademark: Concert Composer, Master of Melody, Notorious Copycat

Education: Tōkyō Geijutsu Daigaku

Style: Romantic Repertoire, Golden Age Film Score

Similar Western Composer: John Barry, James Horner

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11-24-2017, 05:31 AM
thank you for sharing!!!!