09-23-2017, 09:12 PM
Anybody know what happened to BOLT? I know that they sometimes just switch over to a new site, but I thought that they would send out notices to their users, and I have had nothing at all in my emails, but it says that the "DNS" address is not responding, so I thought I would check with you guys.

Please let me know.

09-25-2017, 03:06 PM
NOBODY knows anything??

09-26-2017, 05:58 AM
Notation has changed...

Connection to host fail.

The system returned: (110) Connection timed out

The remote host or network may be down. Please try the request again.

09-26-2017, 09:00 AM
....and now it's back!

09-26-2017, 11:16 PM
You are 1000000% correct!!! it is BACK!!! :D

10-06-2017, 12:08 PM
hi all, my name is Lena)) I am a new member here )) thanks for your post , nice to meet you all here, in this web site