09-06-2017, 09:56 AM
Greetings, lovely all! I hope you've been doing well! :)

Today I write in search of some fantastic scores I've been dying to hear again recently. They are Maurizio Malagnini's "The Paradise Season 2" and "Peter and Wendy." I used to have "The Paradise Season 2", but I lost my copy! If anyone is willing to share these, I'd be so grateful! (And I'm not picky about the file type, although mp3 is actually better for me.)

Thank you in advance to anyone who might be able to help! m(_ _)m

the marvin
09-07-2017, 05:32 AM
Here you go:

Peter & Wendy:!tkIkjQqZ!SpPGuVF2eZz3Rq2VBK-y_g

The Paradise Season 2:!FgAAVDhL!ZCQULbBSDdN30HwJbkOoaw

Enjoy! :)