Tyler Bourbon
08-17-2017, 10:26 PM
A very specific request, but I'll post it anyway:
I am looking for the score of Bret Easton Ellis' TV series The Deleted.
The score was composed by Nick Bassett and Tamaryn Brown.

Can anyone help me with that?

08-18-2017, 01:07 AM
I never got to see this, it's on my watch list. How was it?

Tyler Bourbon
08-18-2017, 03:30 AM
I'm a fan of Bret Easton Ellis' novels, but this - in my opinion - was lousy. No, it was crap.
The only good thing about it was the fact that every episode was just 15 minutes long, so I ended up wasting only two hours on the entire series.
A lot of nude people, typical for Ellis.
Maybe you like it, but from the author who wrote classics like "Less Than Zero" and "American Psycho" I expected a little bit more.
He is no director and "The Deleted" proves this.

The music, nevertheless, was pretty good, although it was kind of repetitive.
You don't happen to have the score by any chance? :D