08-16-2017, 03:35 PM
So uh, I dunno if I'm posting this in the right thread or anything, so move it if need be. But anyway, here's the thing.

I've been developing a ghost-themed detective visual novel game for the past two years now. Naturally, I have a composer who, y'know, composes music for the game. One of the tracks in question is this. granted it's still in an incomplete phase, according to them.


Sounded like a pretty dope song, I've never heard anything like it before, so naturally I had no reason to suspect anything.
One day, a few months later I see this video by PeanutButterGamer that uses the EXACT song for a character theme the composer sent me. (the song appears from 4:01-4:07)


Now, I asked my composer what was up, since it's the LITERAL exact same tune as what they sent me, and they insisted that they composed this track. I'm slightly inclined to believe them initially, considering the track was "composed" in September 2016 and this video by PBG was made 6 months later, and I've never heard the song before or since. I looked through EVERY comment on the video, no one can source the track. I've reached out to PBG questioning his source for the track, to obviously no avail.

I suspect that if the song was plagiarized in any way, it was probably taken from a SoundCloud account or something, and I don't really know how to "find" music on there or anything.

So I just wanna know if anyone can source this track for me. I'd feel really shitty if I hired a composer that stole someone else's work, because obviously I don't wanna put that in my game.

08-16-2017, 03:50 PM
I have never heard it anywhere else. I would not worry too much about it, but if you are ask the youtube person where they got the sound byte.



08-16-2017, 03:56 PM
I tried, but they were one of those "kind of a big deal' YouTubers with 1,000,000+ subscribers, so already it's pretty difficult to get a hold of them as is.

But yeah, I'm certainly hoping for the best. I really don't wanna go and find another composer and all that junk. �\_(ツ)_/�