04-11-2005, 12:06 PM
I know there are simular threads but this is just for the ultimute character in FFVII, not based on who you love, but who has the best lines, who has the best clothes, who has the best ultimute weapon, whos the funniest? ect ect. based on this sort of questions post who you think is the ultimute character and why?

i belive that yuffie is the ultimute character, i love aeris to bits but yuffie has a great great outfit, it looks really good, her weapons are great and her attitude to life is wicked lol, do you see how this differs to other best characters threads? well tell me what you think. and please explain why... there is no point posting if you can not back up your opinion.

Sephiroth vs. Cloud
04-11-2005, 01:23 PM
Aeris. its the personality. :D

04-11-2005, 02:09 PM
Cloud, he has something ov everything, he is cool, his weapons too and some of his phrases too. he learned to be a bit more sensible and to help others

04-11-2005, 05:27 PM
her personality? you gotta think of something more than that, also things to keep in mind, who made the funniest comments, who allways got things wrong and who helped the most.

04-11-2005, 07:50 PM
I definetly love Aerith because of her personality. She has a beautiful personality and she's a sensible person. I love her as a person. She's got the best personality of all the characters (whether in Anime or other games) I ever saw. She's just plainly amazing. The loveliest character of all time, if you ask me. I don't understand people who hate her. You just have to love her. ^_^

The next is Clud. He's a leader character, and he's got some of the best lines in the game that I personaly like. Besides, he's got a totally cool sword (the Buster Sword). He's always there for his friends, and although he says that he's only helping out because they hired him in the start, he starts to think differently very fast, and in the end, he cares about all of them and doesn't want to leave anyone behind. He doesn't show it very much, perhaps, but he's a great character, and a born leader.

The next is Tifa. She would do anything for Cloud, but she's afraid of her feelings towards him and she doesn't want to confess her love to him. Besides, she wanted to make things easier for Cloud by not telling him the truth about what happened 5 years ago in Nibelheim (she has another reason for not telling him, because sometimes she thinks that it's her memories that got messes up, and not Cloud's, but she also knew that she needed to wait to tell him the truth, because that would be a shock for Cloud, and an even bigger shock for his, already frail, mind). So Tifa is very caring and gentle, she can take care of Cloud, and she always loved him, although Cloud doesn't know this. Indeed, this is why I believe that Tifa is the prefect Girl for Cloud.

And now the next on the list. Barret. This guy amazes me. He looks so tough that children who don't know him are afraid of him (they probably would be). But behind all that brawn is a very gentle personality and a lot of feelings and caring for all people on the planet, and for the panet itself. I guess it's really touching to see such a tough-looking guy care and feel so much for all people on the planet. And he's a person that's not afraid to expres his feelings towards saving the planet and all the people that live on it. He's probably the second most caring character in the game (after Aerith, because giving up one's own life for the lives of others means a great sacrifice that only someone who cares the most can make, and one with indefinite love in her heart).

Well, that would be all. ^_^

white noize ff7
04-11-2005, 11:03 PM
sephiroth. he's just a mean barstard. nice sword. cool clothes. witty(ish) before he went mad.

04-11-2005, 11:16 PM
also bear in mind it doesnt have to be a playable character, or even a main one, if you think that low life in the hole in the slums is your favourite, tell us! and yea your right monk, (not sarcastic)

Sephiroth vs. Cloud
04-12-2005, 01:32 AM
Monk is right. :) Also, Aeris has good limit breaks for defending or healing the ur party. btw i ONLY like people for thier personality. its the only thing i care about in people

04-12-2005, 10:50 AM
I like Vincent. He's calm, logical, and somewhat emotional, though he keeps it very well hidden. I think he has a great costume, and he has some great lines too. eg "I was wrong, the one who should have slept...Was you!"

I also like Clouds gear and Sword, I like the way he developes over the game, but I think some of his lines let him down a bit. "Lets mosey" for example

Of the females, Aeris was fantastic, she had a sweet, kind and caring personality, and despite everything she could always smile. I love the way she can relax and have fun, even in the middle of the game "I'm going to go play".

04-12-2005, 11:34 AM
some good ideas people, i can understand all your points, does anyone think a non-main character is the ultimute ff7 one?

Sephiroth vs. Cloud
04-12-2005, 01:19 PM
hell no.

i agree with ur sig.

Neo Xzhan
04-12-2005, 04:39 PM
Thread 16412

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