04-10-2005, 03:01 PM
has anyone in Australia applied for that sampler dvd disc.

if not visit, should be on the frontpage. I really is worth the effort by the way. Over 20 trailers!!

04-11-2005, 11:20 AM
Yeah, I got it. It has episodes of Gundam SEED, Peacemaker Kurogane, Inuyasha, and Mezzo DSA on it, plus a ton of trailers, along with something extra; the ten minute documentary on anime in Australia which was broadcast on The Movie Show on SBS about a month ago. The documentary includes cosplay and con footage and interviews taken at Sydney's Animania convention last year.

It's quite good, although the documentary does tend to show anime fans as being social deviants (and I was annoyed by that comment about anime fans, especially cosplayers, being 'tarred with the same brush' so to speak, as obssessive Star Trek fans.. but that's just my ten and a half cents), but all in all, it was very good, and the DVD itself was good value for something that costed little more than filling out a form on Madman's website and subscribing to their mailing list (I've only recieved one email from them in the past three months since registering), so it was worth it.

Here's hoping they will release more sampler discs in the near future, as a way of promoting anime 'down under.'

04-16-2005, 03:01 PM
Yeah it was what inspired me to get the Paranoia Agent series i got disc 1 and 2 now :{D